Club 600


Well-Known Member
anyone using the newer lumatek bulb?
Iv run them in 1k and 600, they did well.
All I am saying is fuelly, earthy goodness.........I love my OG kush already and it's only been in a jar 2 days. First day I wasn't very happy, but closed the lid earlier today and came back for a whiff and it was getting real good in there. When you break a bud the fuel and earth smell hit you. I am actually quite excited, these are the seeds I picked up in a bag of weed quite a few years back, and one of the other seeds that I had running was actually the Mom of the DOG....I am sure I have told you all a million times, anyway, I is a happy chappy. Off to smell the tub. brb. DST
Stoked for ya D :-) and yes youv told us a million times but a reminder doesnt hurt lol ;-)
Merry Xmas six hundies:-P
A little late but it'll do hehe. nice bud.


Active Member
Mornin 6ers Lots of sticky pages of prOn to gaze at today.

So check this out. My wife works for an Estate Liquidator and she is constantly digging through peoples crap looking for things to buy. She calls me yesterday and says she is at some old doctors house and they found a bottle of liquid lsd25 from back in the day. Not sure how big yet or if it is even still potent. It's been 25+ years since i have been anywhere near that stuff but for some reason i want it bad. She thinks i might be able to get it for 500 bux. They find strange stuff all the time.
hey worm... i'll test it for ya...

fo sho... twice


Well-Known Member
Drop a tab or cube, kick back, and enjoy!
*an old LSD scare movie (in three parts)





a little bit of info from the man himself:


Well-Known Member
mmmmm spicy noodles with hot sausage, and a cold one of course ;-)



Well-Known Member
master kush seeds germinated...check
party cups...check
drainage holes in party cups...check
pro-mix medium/perlite...check
healthy H2O...check
sticky saran wrap over cup...check
in the veg room 75f/50%rh...check
any ideas? i suck with seeds. cloning went from 100% to 50% and back up to 90% thank Jah but i want some master kush :peace:
hey hey it's almost :hump: day


Active Member
master kush seeds germinated...check
party cups...check
drainage holes in party cups...check
pro-mix medium/perlite...check
healthy H2O...check
sticky saran wrap over cup...check
in the veg room 75f/50%rh...check
any ideas? i suck with seeds. cloning went from 100% to 50% and back up to 90% thank Jah but i want some master kush :peace:
hey hey it's almost :hump: day
Have you tried just soaking a paper towel in water and putting in a warm dark place. That was works good for me.


Well-Known Member
master kush seeds germinated...check
party cups...check
drainage holes in party cups...check
pro-mix medium/perlite...check
healthy H2O...check
sticky saran wrap over cup...check
in the veg room 75f/50%rh...check
any ideas? i suck with seeds. cloning went from 100% to 50% and back up to 90% thank Jah but i want some master kush :peace:
hey hey it's almost :hump: day
sorry to hear.. How long has it been?


Well-Known Member
75f is a smidge cool for the soil when growing your seeds, and can cause it to be a slower process than if kept at about 80f.
And how deep did you plant the seeds?


Well-Known Member
I like to soak my seeds in a cup of water overnight, sometimes even longer cause i forget about, then i place them in the rapid rooters, in a humidome, on a heating pad set on medium. Seems to work great for me :)


Well-Known Member
well i did the paper towel method for germination this time, sometimes i do the water in the shot glass germ. i put 'em bout half an inch deep, just flick the medium over it. i drizzled some water and covered, got a nice amount of condensation, soil not too wet/dry. i took the wrap off and put in the dome with the clones tonight. this makes 4 days in the dirt after crackn :-( i know it could take longer but i have the feeling i will be flicking some dead beans out in the morning.
i am leaning toward the low temp as well for being the culprit. last seeds i popped was in the late fall i think, and it was a warm one here in s fla. i tried some sour diesel about 2 months ago that didn't pop either. thanks for the tips and showing me your methods in the birthing center lol wish us luck. oh yeah i almost forgot, i put another bean, kc haze in germ mode tonight. praying to Jah :peace:


Well-Known Member
Whats up fella's?? Here's a few new pics my little smorgy board of my last grow & thats not all of it. Last pic is my new ladies vegging had to even out the canopy alittle so bent a few. Be transplanting them in 2gallon bags in the next few days.



Active Member
Iv run them in 1k and 600, they did well.

Stoked for ya D :-) and yes youv told us a million times but a reminder doesnt hurt lol ;-)

A little late but it'll do hehe. nice bud.
Did your bulbs make a rattle noise? i js got mine and i wont have my reflecor for a while....and mines making a rattle sound when the bulb is moved. idk if im being paranoid or js to blazed lol


Well-Known Member
I love the effects of a good up-canning!
Only 2 days since the plants in the back row were transplanted, and they are recovering nicely!
Will be transplanting the small ones in the front row later tonight after I eat and do the dishes.

It's getting to be a jungle out there...
... and there's a Dog playing in the bushes...


A couple of C4/Casey's...



Well-Known Member
DOG in the bushes, lets hope it's not waiting for the postman!!!! Possibly be chopping some DOGS today, we shall see how they look.

Looking great in there Doobster and jhod!!! healthyness abounds.

It's getting bloody cold over these parts....stay frosty.



Well-Known Member
We've had snow here for the last few days, so it's going to be coming your way through the magick of the handy dandy Jet Stream!
The good news is that it will pick up a bit more cold air between here & there, so time to bust out the scarves & kerchiefs!
And slide your hands inside a nice & warm, furry muff!

​You flippin' pervs!
This is a family website!


Well-Known Member
Humidity:75 %
Visibility:10 mi
Dewpoint:14 °F
Sunrise:7:20 AM
Sunset:5:09 PM


High: 53° Low: 31°

cold as brass nuts over here.


Well-Known Member
Toasty warm in my stinky room. Hey Doobs, I have a dressing gown like that, lol. Kind of like the stupid stoner dog/man on that show, in fact the very same thing without the silly head.