"You use 27% more electricity than your neighbors"


Well-Known Member
So, I got my electric bill today, and on the bill I see the statement "You use 27% more electricity than your neighbors".
I'm sure everyone's had the same thing, with a different %, but should I be worried at all?

All I use is a 250 at 12/12



Well-Known Member
dman dude check your wiring/ballast make sure everything is proper

might not even be the light

some other things in your house might be pulling more wattage over the years IE old fridges are notorious for doing so

edit ps

my buddy got one of those before and they didnt act on it and he was running 4k 24 hours a day lol

he had 54% more power usage then the neighbors

but he had tons of ac's in the wall and a jacuuzi and a pool told the power company that

they said oh okay thank you for using our services


Active Member
Never had anything like that, the only notice I have ever had on my bill is current use vs use same time a year ago.


Active Member
I wouldnt be worried, especially if you have a large entertainment center (stereo, tv, gaming, movie player) or multiple setups and computers in the house, you (and any family) can just claim you are always watching movies or TVs in various rooms as you move throughout the house.

if its just you, with only one TV, a simple comp, and your fridge...you might wanna cut back a lil if possible....neighbors always recognize habits like "how many people", "what time lights come on/go off", etc, and even that little info combined with a high bill would give cops a reason to do a "sniff-by"


Well-Known Member
Well, I think everyone got a similar notice. I don't think they just sent it out to me as a warning.

It shows the graph with all the months, and mine follows the others, it's just a little higher than the others.


Well-Known Member
I have gotten it. I believe many ppl get it, it is a push to get Smart meters & bs. I contacted the elec. compant & informed them I am aware of the usage & it's fine.


Well-Known Member
They aren't keeping tabs...I would say it is just for comparison...like you see it and say hey..turn off that light...i wanna use 2% less power than our neighbors this month


Well-Known Member
on a second note

your neighbors might be some sort of amish folk so your the only sonabitch really using it
