Martin Luther King Day

Here's one to start
Yep, the abusedbecame the abuserinjustunder 70 years.

They perfected the Nazis plan tho, if they commit their holocaust slowly maybe less will notice and it's working for most too!
And what happened to this duke character? Did you tell on him too? I dont know about Ireland but here we call that a snitch.
Here's one to start
Yep, the abusedbecame the abuserinjustunder 70 years.

They perfected the Nazis plan tho, if they commit their holocaust slowly maybe less will notice and it's working for most too!
And what happened to this duke character? Did you tell on him too? I dont know about Ireland but here we call that a snitch.
How is that anti-semetic? It's regarding the foreign policy of a nation I would've thought may have been a little bit more sensitive to the plight of a downtrodden people, and used an example from that nations history to reinforce the point.

Sorry if it butt-hurt you, but as I said Iv nothing against the Jewish people alot of whom agree with me on this point.
Butt hurt has nothing to do with it. You compare a Jew to a Nazi, you buy your anti-semetic title. You might not like it but you don't matter. That's just the first I found to shut you up. I really don't care if you report me you snitch. I could keep looking virus just don't care what someone who hates me thinks. If you dont get it that's your problem. And let's not forget who came out of left field and came after who first. You can be innocent in your mind just like your beloved palestinians.
You know how you fix this? Leave me alone. Don't come at me and then threaten to tell like a child. Are you ever wrong in your head? Maybe just quit stalking me. Because I do not troll you yet your gonna tell on me. Man you guys were supposed to be an honorable people.
The only people in the Western World in 2012 who are "victims" nowadays are the people who refuse to rise about that tag and allow themselves to be. As FDD said earlier, it must be nice having excuses.

Strange that MLK didn't allow racism to effect him, and he was around in one of the most racially charged times of the last few hundred years.

As long as the us/them mentality stays then nothing will change. I'm sure Obama must feel real handicapped by race and decided he couldn't make anything of himself cos he's black?

So you think if you grow up in the ghetto with parents that never finished school, a school that doesn't teach anything useful in the real world, and no economic opportunities, then you pretty much have the same chances of success as a white upper middle class kid in the suburbs and saying otherwise is just a bull shit excuse?

That's right up there with Marie Antoinette saying "let them eat cake". Well done man.
I feel like I'm a sophomore in a cultural studies course or something

You kind of sound like one too. No offence, but you sound like every 19 year old at Berkeley. That's not a bad thing, just saying...

, and two out of the only three white guys in the room can't get past the first tenet.

Or at the very least, be honest about how by admitting your white privilege, you stand to lose a significant advantage over others.

You do realize racism isn't exclusively something that extends only to white males right?

Some of the most racist people I've ever met have been minorities.

I'm not missing your point though. Racism towards white people isn't a serious problem like racism towards minorities though. It might be just as wrong, but it doesn't have the same effect. Racism towards minorities has a serious negative and obvious effect. The fact that we have ghettos and barrios all over the country should be a national embarrassment.

It's just the way you made that post makes it sound like people should feel guilty for being white. If that's you're intent, you've very misguided. If that's not your intent you might want to phrase things differently if you want people to seriously consider what you're saying. If you're just trolling, then well done.

PS: I'm not white, I gave that shit up a while ago. Was not worth all the bullshit I kept getting from non-whites all the time!!!

Whats a good solution though, education would be good, but teachers ate scared to teach in ghettos, how do you propose getting around the violence? And this crazy kind of violence is nobodys fault imo but those perpetrating it.
Butt hurt has nothing to do with it. You compare a Jew to a Nazi, you buy your anti-semetic title. You might not like it but you don't matter. That's just the first I found to shut you up. I really don't care if you report me you snitch. I could keep looking virus just don't care what someone who hates me thinks. If you dont get it that's your problem. And let's not forget who came out of left field and came after who first. You can be innocent in your mind just like your beloved palestinians.
As has been said, keep the Israel-Palestine situation debate on the thread it belongs and I already explained the context in which that post was written and as stated before, many Israeli Jews agree with me on that point. (I read the analogy first written by an Israeli Jew author, is he anti-semetic?)

As for this thread, you called me a racist and an anti-Semite then I called you out on it cos I havnt made a single racist post or comment and I avoided even commenting where people were discussing stereotypes (except to take a few humorous digs at my own people).

If you're gonna try wrongly make me out to be a fucking skin-head just cos you cant find a good debate point other than "Muslims are dogs" or "Youre a racist" I'm gonna call you out on it.
Are you kidding me. No you know what your right. Your always right. And I guess I don't understand how you starting it is my fault but your right. SNITCH.
But why then are there more whites on food stamps and welfare? In todays age one can be what one wants. To say oh I can't do this because of my skin is a cop out.

While that's a correct statistic, it's very misleading.

While there are more white people on welfare, black people are statistically more likely to be on welfare per capita. But there is a really good reason for that. Welfare has nothing to do with race. There is no race of people who are born more likely to want to be on welfare.

The reason black people are more likely to be on welfare is because they are more likely to be born into low income homes. People born into low income homes are more likely to make less money as adults. The reason black people are more likely to be born into low income homes is because their parents/grandparents were denied equal access to economic opportunity and education. And their parents/grandparents were likely 20th+ generation slaves who could be killed if they attempted to even learn to read.

Yes, those things have a long lasting effect that takes generations to correct. The problem we are having right now is that people must actually want to correct it and for the most part, no one who has the power to correct that problem gives a shit, nor are there many particularly good ideas out there to fix the problem.

So the fact that black people are more likely per capita to be on welfare than white people has nothing to do with them being less capable because they are black. Nor does it have a lot to do with white people being racist today (that does happen, and in some places that is the problem, but over all it's not the core issue IMO). Black people are more likely to be on welfare because of the hundreds of years they were denied equal rights and access to opportunity.

And no, that's not an excuse, it's a fact. People born into families where their parents are uneducated and poor are more likely to grow up to be uneducated and poor. That statistic holds up regardless of race. And you only have to go back a couple generations and pretty much every single black person in American with very few exceptions were both uneducated and poor through no fault of their own. That's not a problem that's going to fix itself overnight.
So you think if you grow up in the ghetto with parents that never finished school, a school that doesn't teach anything useful in the real world, and no economic opportunities, then you pretty much have the same chances of success as a white upper middle class kid in the suburbs and saying otherwise is just a bull shit excuse?

That's right up there with Marie Antoinette saying "let them eat cake". Well done man.
I think each person living in the Western World in the 21st Century has to take responsibility for their own lives and destiny, and not use a race/religion as an excuse not to amount to something.

So what's the solution to the situation? More investment in "ghetto" areas? By whom? Is it impossible for someone living there to get a job they have to commute to? After getting said job could they not potentially move to a different area or get educated at night?

Are these things really impossible due to skin colour? Is joining a gang honestly a more viable option than the above? Noone is "given" opportunities, it's up to the individual to carve out their own destiny...or the Democrats could just keep saying race is keeping minorities from being successful, all the while the serving Democrat President is a black man.

Are you all really so compelled to think within "party lines"?
It's been a lot longer than overnight though. I think they got a raw deal, but it has been a long time. And this new age thuggery, is not how black communities were a hundred years ago, why is that? More freedoms, more opportunity, more violence. I just don't get it.
Whats a good solution though, education would be good, but teachers ate scared to teach in ghettos, how do you propose getting around the violence? And this crazy kind of violence is nobodys fault imo but those perpetrating it.

IMO it's less about violence and a whole lot about kids growing up in families where education is not important. If you teach a child that school doesn't matter, it's likely he'll think that too and not care about learning. Teachers will do the job if they feel like they are getting through to the kids and making a difference. But why would a teacher want to go through the trouble if the kids don't give a shit and their parents don't care?

I went to a highschool that had a large population of gang members. I took mostly AP classes, but in normal classes, it was impossible for a teacher to do anything more than babysit. There was no learning going on, the work that we did get was years below grade level. It wasn't really a school at all, it was training for prison.

And it really wasn't the teacher's fault either. Can't really blame the kids either. Their parents didn't give a shit for the most part.

I don't know how you fix that problem.

Maybe busing these kids into classrooms where learning does happen might help. But that's equally likely to just screw up the schools you bus them to. So IDK.
Whats a good solution though, education would be good, but teachers ate scared to teach in ghettos, how do you propose getting around the violence? And this crazy kind of violence is nobodys fault imo but those perpetrating it.

my brother in law used to teach english at a community college in compton. except for his boss, he loved it.