Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick


Well-Known Member
hey dont listen to the guy who is very well known on this site for helping so go ahead take his info if ya want check threads hes responded to

and as quite the noob why are you giving any kind of opinion when ya know nothing

i just read this whole thread. i hope you get your issue situated man i wish i could help but im quite the noob.. and btw cowby definitely wasnt telling you to heat it up and pour it on your plants.. like the dude calli was making it out to be.. the whole argument situation is kind of funny. but i would listen to cowboy he seems to know what hes talking about... good luck bro i hope it all works out for you


Well-Known Member
i deff got more than you why dont you go around and ask about him see what ya get
If you would have listened to this man in the beginning instead of arguing with him your problem would have been solved.
No wonder some experienced growers become frustrated trying to help on these forums.


Well-Known Member
well i tried to tell ya u need a lil while to see any change and the leaves that are affected arent going to change back but try the epsom salt just want you guys to know who your taking advice from

peace hope ya figure it out im not here to argue with noobs who have no place giving advice to you at all ,,,,,mientool lol keep me posted if ya like and like i stated in the first pages get a hard water filter in order to fix your water situation bring them ppms down buddy goodluck

if any you noobs wana get at me dont do it on his thread man up vist my page and post your thoughts there not dudes thread


Well-Known Member
well i tried to tell ya u need a lil while to see any change and the leaves that are affected arent going to change back but try the epsom salt just want you guys to know who your taking advice from

peace hope ya figure it out im not here to argue with noobs who have no place giving advice to you at all ,,,,,mientool lol keep me posted if ya like and like i stated in the first pages get a hard water filter in order to fix your water situation bring them ppms down buddy goodluck

if any you noobs wana get at me dont do it on his thread man up vist my page and post your thoughts there not dudes thread
Ill take some more pics today, but its still spreading to other leaves, and the plant is beginning to look pretty bad. But light doesnt come back on till 8 hours from now D:

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I hate to bring bad news...but this looks like classic early root aphid infestation. Maf def is the first sign. This is because mag needs to be very available, and is likely to be the foist nute un available with a root aphid attack. I am going through the process of getting rid of them right now. It always looks like a mag def (which, by the way, is exactly what's happening in the pics), yet is not fixed by increasing mag. Do a search on root aphids to see some other peoples infected crops. These are far worse than mites and need to be dealt with pronto. If there was any chance that 1 plant was infected I would throw that thing away SOOOO fast. If you check out my thread you' can read of my fight with the bastards.


Well-Known Member
There are two other plants and they are within a foot of each other and none of them are demonstrating this, cant I pull the plant out of the pot to see this?


New Member
I hate to bring bad news...but this looks like classic early root aphid infestation. Maf def is the first sign. This is because mag needs to be very available, and is likely to be the foist nute un available with a root aphid attack. I am going through the process of getting rid of them right now. It always looks like a mag def (which, by the way, is exactly what's happening in the pics), yet is not fixed by increasing mag. Do a search on root aphids to see some other peoples infected crops. These are far worse than mites and need to be dealt with pronto. If there was any chance that 1 plant was infected I would throw that thing away SOOOO fast. If you check out my thread you' can read of my fight with the bastards.
Your freaking me out man!


Well-Known Member
Also its been a week since the flush, waited 3 days then fed, now its been 4 days and still really no improvement

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
First off, Even if you're doing everything right, it may never "recover". What you're looking for is cessation of any new chlorosis and/or new necrosis. Detailed observation of individual leaves is needed to know if your actions have had any positive effect. That being said, I suspect insect and/or pathogen whenever a single plant is effected. Furthermore, my actions in your shoes would always be to remove the affected plant right away. Call the cost of that loss "insurance" against the rest of the crop becoming afflicted. This is greenhouse gardening 101.

When the entire crop is equally affected, THEN suspect soil PH, nute probs, ect...Bottom line is quality commercial bagged soil almost never developes PH problems. If your feeding solution is PH'd you should be fine. Most folks tend to think PH and overcomplicate things. Over/under watering is far more often the cause of ugly plants.


Well-Known Member
First off, Even if you're doing everything right, it may never "recover". What you're looking for is cessation of any new chlorosis and/or new necrosis. Detailed observation of individual leaves is needed to know if your actions have had any positive effect. That being said, I suspect insect and/or pathogen whenever a single plant is effected. Furthermore, my actions in your shoes would always be to remove the affected plant right away. Call the cost of that loss "insurance" against the rest of the crop becoming afflicted. This is greenhouse gardening 101.

When the entire crop is equally affected, THEN suspect soil PH, nute probs, ect...Bottom line is quality commercial bagged soil almost never developes PH problems. If your feeding solution is PH'd you should be fine. Most folks tend to think PH and overcomplicate things. Over/under watering is far more often the cause of ugly plants.
Indeed, its something for to this one single plant, I mix the solution in one large container then feed each one with it, the soil is all from the same bag etc etc. The new growth looks fine, but the old growth is still getting worse, but these leaves could have already been damaged and just slowly dying I guess.
