What makes you proud of America?


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it. You right wing-nuts say if we institute universal health care, we are automatically a communist state. There is ample proof that many democracies have universal health care and aren't anything like a communist state. I think you righties are brainwashed and paranoid, take a chill pill, we'll still be a democracy, even more so if we get the claws of corporations away from around our medical. Corporate medical for profit has priced itself out of the market. Too many people can't afford it, even those with the sham insurance the corporations sell, greed has ruined it.
i am always very careful to differentiate between socialist and communist philosophies. the former places the people under the thumb of government, the later allows the people to decide their own fate. i am and always have been against depending on government to control business, education, retirement funds or anything. forming massive bureaucracies to foul up what the private sector can do better just makes no sense and allows the political thieves to confound us with smoke and mirrors, all with no recourse once they have frittered away the funds they wrung from us at gunpoint in the first place.

the paranoia is justified. only through government protection have the insurance companies gotten so out of control in the first place and then, when the people finally say enough is enough, they charge in on their ivory steeds and offer to take control of what they helped screw up. how noble of them. how gullible of us to believe that this time they'll get it right. how blind must one be not to see the shadow of totalitarianism creep a little farther across the land each time we give government a bit more power.

america is like few other places on earth. our freedoms are more far reaching, our wealth is greater and more wide spread and our fall has the capacity to be more precipitous than most any other society. only a fool would risk that fall.


Well-Known Member
Who owns the corporations?
i have several friends that are corporations, anyone that owns anything worth protecting, especially those in business for themselves, has at one time or another considered forming a corporation if they have more than two brain cells to rub together. but the title alone makes a handy bogeyman to frighten the kiddies with.


New Member
i have several friends that are corporations, anyone that owns anything worth protecting, especially those in business for themselves, has at one time or another considered forming a corporation if they have more than two brain cells to rub together. but the title alone makes a handy bogeyman to frighten the kiddies with.
I was once a corporation too. :)

The large corporations that the Left likes to rant and rave about are owned by the little guys too. Med tries to foist off the idea that all corporations are evil. That's with one hand. With the other, he collects a nice monthly union pension check, the value of which, comes from investments in ... in ... in ... CORPORATIONS! Yeppers, nothing like flexable principals. ~lol~



New Member
america is like few other places on earth. our freedoms are more far reaching, our wealth is greater and more wide spread and our fall has the capacity to be more precipitous than most any other society. only a fool would risk that fall.

How far do you fall if you live in inner city Detroit, L.A. ,any large city. The only ones worried about the long fall, are those on the top.


Well-Known Member
If you are proud to be an American.

Go watch




Come back and tell us how proud you are to be an American.:spew:


Well-Known Member
How far do you fall if you live in inner city Detroit, L.A. ,any large city. The only ones worried about the long fall, are those on the top.
how about the society as a whole? instead of considering only the poor, try thinking about those who have worked to gain some measure of success. should their liberty be degraded so that failure can be rewarded and corruption justified?


Well-Known Member
Did you hear Warren Buffet talking about how his secretary pays a higher tax percentage than himself.
He has a standing 1 million dollar offer to any boss that can show he/she pays a higher percentage.

I think we need some opinions from our friends to the north about universal heath care.


New Member
Did you hear that Warren Buffet donated 30 BILLON dollars to charity a couple of years ago? Did you hear that WalMart is the second largest donor to charity on the planet? Did you hear that Bill Gates donated 30 BILLION dollars to charity right before Warren Buffet did? Have you heard about the millions of jobs Buffet, Gates and WalMart have created?

FORTUNE Magazine: Warren Buffett gives away his fortune - Jun. 25, 2006

Bill Gates and his contributions to charities

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Charitable Giving



Well-Known Member
I'm talking about the government here, and their backwards tax schedule. The less you make, the higher the percentage of your income they take.