DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

Yo wow dweezey,yo' seeds selection looks so fly. Those is some killer choices. yo' poetry iz really powerful. you gots uh real way wif werdz. ah admire yo' spirit. da new trichoscope iz able ta make some really clear crisp imags dat ah truely enjoy looking at. Thanks fo' sharing Jus' like Orenthawl James.
i take clean urine from a friend in. never failed me. they can't come in the bathroom with you, unless it's government. good luck dr dr :peace:
i take clean urine from a friend in. never failed me. they can't come in the bathroom with you, unless it's government. good luck dr dr :peace:
Hi sunshine, i hope your well. yeah , ive heard of doing that. do you just use a foley catheter bag and stap it to your leg? lol . how do you keep it warm? hot packs. sounds really akward, what if it slipped and fell through your pants? lol. i guess just shove it in your underware and hope they dont see a stange buldge? lol

thats a really sweet little knive. quick release no doubt. i have a new Bear Grylls knive thats pretty sweet. I love switchblades. I have a really really cool knife with brass knuckles on it with a cool shiney rainbow metallic flare. and some others. . Im going to dedicate my next photo shoot to ya silly , in your honor with all my weapons. lol.
weed so strong it'll bust your nose :shock: nice work ambs! where the vid at hun?
i dont know what happend to the video and that post. here it is again.. this pineapple is wickely strong. lol
Hope you aren't getting slammed by the snow....be safe out there.
yeah im getting slammed right now. thanks kindness, i will be careful.
awesome sig pic BKB
yeah that is really sweet, i wonder if bkb and billcollector made that down in so cally.
Hi sunshine, i hope your well. yeah , ive heard of doing that. do you just use a foley catheter bag and stap it to your leg? lol . how do you keep it warm? hot packs. sounds really akward, what if it slipped and fell through your pants? lol. i guess just shove it in your underware and hope they dont see a stange buldge? lol

thats a really sweet little knive. quick release no doubt. i have a new Bear Grylls knive thats pretty sweet. I love switchblades. I have a really really cool knife with brass knuckles on it with a cool shiney rainbow metallic flare. and some others. . Im going to dedicate my next photo shoot to ya silly , in your honor with all my weapons. lol.

i dont know what happend to the video and that post. here it is again.. this pineapple is wickely strong. lol

yeah im getting slammed right now. thanks kindness, i will be careful.

yeah that is really sweet, i wonder if bkb and billcollector made that down in so cally.

Very Cool Doc, I enjoy your videos!!!! Rockin!
alright if you insist..lol... im thinkin dark alley way street scene, possible bank robbery, panty hose, ski mask, my glock, some skin, ,my various knife collection, some hard core metal music, bullets, wads of cash, suitcase,
please feel free to continue the brainstorm of ideas. lol
alright if you insist..lol... im thinkin dark alley way street scene, possible bank robbery, panty hose, ski mask, my glock, some skin, ,my various knife collection, some hard core metal music, bullets, wads of cash, suitcase,
please feel free to continue the brainstorm of ideas. lol
LOL, no sounds like you got all the bases covered.LOL.. I'll will be watching for the next installment.
Have a wonderful night Doctor.
alrighty then, goodnite. im just suffering here watching the clock for another half hour.. bored out of my fuckin mind.. go ahead and leave me to suffer all by myself. lol.