Why the middle east hates us...

A noob thread yeah! So fuck the USA huh? Let's forget all the positive things that have been done, because its cool to hate the US now. Move out of moms basement and get a clue.
A noob thread yeah! So fuck the USA huh? Let's forget all the positive things that have been done, because its cool to hate the US now. Move out of moms basement and get a clue.

The evil republicans are preventing him from getting a job and recently kicked him out of his fabric home in downtown Oakland...
The evil republicans are preventing him from getting a job and recently kicked him out of his fabric home in downtown Oakland...
I see. Why is it cool to hate America now? You know the guys that give aid to everywhere? Keep people from starving, help with natural disasters all over the world, save countless lives. No one Bitches when their being helped though.
I see. Why is it cool to hate America now? You know the guys that give aid to everywhere? Keep people from starving, help with natural disasters all over the world, save countless lives. No one Bitches when their being helped though.

What have you done for me lately?

People have short memories.
I hear the same people saying these countries "don't like us"

and then complaining that they are in our pockets. Which is it?

For me, as long as they are playing a constructive role in the world, I don't give a crap about whether they "like" us or not.
A noob thread yeah! So fuck the USA huh? Let's forget all the positive things that have been done, because its cool to hate the US now. Move out of moms basement and get a clue.

Doesn't matter that America has done good things, the simple fact of the matter is huge portions of the world hates it, it's not hate against americans, just america. Unfortunately that is what happens with bullies, people end up not liking them other than the people who's interests the bully looks after.
Yeah, cause we are too busy trying to take care of everyone else.

Doesn't matter that America has done good things, the simple fact of the matter is huge portions of the world hates it, it's not hate against americans, just america. Unfortunately that is what happens with bullies, people end up not liking them other than the people who's interests the bully looks after.
I get that but bar the Iraq war what has America done to be a bully? I'll cede the point on Iraq we had no buissness there, but what have we done?
Pakistan is an ally, they signed a treaty with US. How can you say that. If Pakistan didn't like US there they would kill the deal. And yes they whine on the news but still have their hands out like crazy. Another case of we hate America even though without them we would be fucked
An ally, why are you killing off their women and children with drones if they're an ally? Or is that just incompetence? And being an ally has nothing to do with violating a countries sovereignty.

Remember, the government is not the people, jut because a Prime minister or such signs a treaty, that has nothing to do with how the rest of the country feels about it. Take England as an example, we're supposedly best of best of bestest friends, talk to an actual person on the street and you'll generally get a very different reaction.

Hey, cannabis is illegal because of a treaty america forced through, gotta hate America for that lone :p Gonna be a whole bunch of folk pissed off about that one :lol:
First off who did I kill? That's more of that retarded shit. And if it was so bad they would kill the treaty. That's how that works. Just because you don't like it means nothing. Obviously they don't mind, they still soak up aid like a sponge.
First off who did I kill? That's more of that retarded shit. And if it was so bad they would kill the treaty. That's how that works. Just because you don't like it means nothing. Obviously they don't mind, they still soak up aid like a sponge.

Sorry, replace "you" with "america". The people of the conutries would kill the treaties, they have no eral say oevr what their governemnt signs in the same way you have no real say over what your government signs.

I can't be bothered to debate it, it is as it is and folk don't like america.
I can dig that. But is it Americas fault or problem that their government doesn't follow the wishes of its people? That's what I don't get, why is it the united states fault that they can't stand up to their leaders