Why the middle east hates us...

I always figured that if China came to the USA and dropped bombs on us for 20 straight years and killed millions of Americans, I figure we might grow to dislike them, just my opinion.
I always figured that if China came to the USA and dropped bombs on us for 20 straight years and killed millions of Americans, I figure we might grow to dislike them, just my opinion.
Then it would be on us as citizens to make our government cut ties. And where has the US been dropping bombs for twenty years?
Its not the country itself but the ones running it that i despise.The lot we have in office are useless and have done nothing but make things worse for everyone.The government pulls their strings allover, strings being other countries that have already become in debted to the government in some fashion and when uncle sam goes a knockin guess what its the U.N. pulling troops to an oil caucus because the pipelines need expanding through a potentialy nefarious region.But of course this is done in a guise of battling terrorism or supplying food, anything but what is really going on.So u have the westerners invading another country for oil basicaly,thats where the money is and thats where the fatcats pointing there greasy fingers all it takes is just a little conversation with the people in the cabinet of administers and blamo of to oil war!All the while the people are saying oh wtf?It isnt hard to see why they would hate on us.
What oil? We don't get shit out of Iraq and I'm not positive but Afghanistan doesn't have oil. It sounds good but its just not adding up.
What oil? We don't get shit out of Iraq and I'm not positive but Afghanistan doesn't have oil. It sounds good but its just not adding up.

Yeah, I keep waiting for all this free oil that the wars have been about for the last 20+ years....
Go to any country, tell them you are from Canada and they will automatically say, "That's great! I thought you were an American there for a second."
Yeah, I keep waiting for all this free oil that the wars have been about for the last 20+ years....
Who said it would be free? Why would the Oil Companies after spending money to lobby for war, give away the product of their venture?

And for the record, the price of petrol/"gasoline" in the US is way lower than most of the rest of the world.
Any business man will tell you buy low sell high just because its oil does not mean it does'nt apply.
Also look at any video of John Perkins or Michael Scheuer. Its not rocket science.
of course it dosent add up,its congress the opposite of progress,I mean hell they will tax u until your blue in the face,then turn around and spend all that money on pet projects that dont mean shit to the rest of the world,but hey its your dollars right?.What oil u say?....ok surely you are joking.Do a little more research,and read between the lines i really shouldnt have to elaborate on this one.Why are the superpowers of the world so focused on the middle east region?,it isnt because its known for being the Holy land thats for sure.Oil depots man,great big oil depots.We may have pulled our forces from Iraq,but did we actualy see what troops were pulled out of there in first person,no of course not and the guberment knows that.Think again its all about cover story's when it comes to wealth money being made.
Religious beliefs is why. Which is the demise of mankind and thats really unfortunate for us non believers.
Religious beliefs is why. Which is the demise of mankind and thats really unfortunate for us non believers.

Lol more like its that type of mentality that is the down fall to non-believers. They have said it countless times its because of occupation, sanctions, bombings, overthrowing governments, propping up brutal dictators/monarchs. but everyone just seems to blame religion even though the Qu'ran tells them to leave non-believers in peace unless they attack/oppress you.
Lol more like its that type of mentality that is the down fall to non-believers. They have said it countless times its because of occupation, sanctions, bombings, overthrowing governments, propping up brutal dictators/monarchs. but everyone just seems to blame religion even though the Qu'ran tells them to leave non-believers in peace unless they attack/oppress you.
Not according to this.
Who said it would be free? Why would the Oil Companies after spending money to lobby for war, give away the product of their venture?

And for the record, the price of petrol/"gasoline" in the US is way lower than most of the rest of the world.

And for the record the reason gas is so much cheaper is because your governments rape you on the taxes on it....