What should i do (eye question)


New Member
So i went in to get my new license at dot. They gave me the vision test and i failed it bad according to the guy. Then he broke it down by eye and i did fine.

So that kind of worried me all the numbers on the first line were very blurry and they all looked like 5's. So i swear i can see fine but that test i guess i didnt do well. So what should i do? i dont want to drop money on a eye test if i dont need to
You did fine when testing each eye individually, but they still failed you? That sucks. Were you tired or anything?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Wait, how can you pass the eye test with each eye individually but fail when using both eyes? How does that even make sense?
Well if you feel you have a problem seeing, then you should probably get them checked out. You should have a pretty good idea of whether you can see well or not.


bud bootlegger
must places give free eye exams time so long as you get glasses from that place.. not sure how it would work out though if you don't need glasses after the free eye exam, but it sounds like you may need some glasses...
do you have problems reading things that are far away or up close?? i can read great from distances, but trying to read a book or the computer sometimes kills me.. i have the screen size on here bumped up to 125% just so i can read it ok... :)


Well-Known Member
So i went in to get my new license at dot. They gave me the vision test and i failed it bad according to the guy. Then he broke it down by eye and i did fine.

So that kind of worried me all the numbers on the first line were very blurry and they all looked like 5's. So i swear i can see fine but that test i guess i didnt do well. So what should i do? i dont want to drop money on a eye test if i dont need to
You don't want to neglect your eye sight dude, sounds like you could be short sited or long sited?

I guess you don't use glasses


Well-Known Member
well can you see when you're driving? like easily see road signs and shit?
i don't have glasses but i sure as hell need them, i can't read shit when i'm driving.. everything's a blur.


Moderatrix of Journals
most "free test with purchase" tests are only a vision test by an optician, and usually cost $70 without purchase; whereas it costs around $90 to see an optemetrist to get an actual eye health check along with a vision test. for the extra $20 you get an actual doctor to peek into your eyeball to see if there are any problems and/or potential problems; well worth in in the longrun, imo.

personally, if i could see fine out of each eye but the combined sum was blurry, i'd at least be somewhat concerned.


Well-Known Member
i always think im going to fail cause i go in sober after 3 days of no smoke so no one could ever say shit. then stoned reading sometimes becomes interesting. hmm dude stress? do you have calm days? or do your days seem to be full of im gunna beat the shit out of that guy?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you can see with individual eyes but not with both you probably have an issue with your depth perception.

it's pretty important to correct that. the test involves wearing these goofy glasses and looking at some cardboard thingy and pointing out which images seem to jump off the paper.

if depth perception problems progress you might find yourself in a dangerous situation down the line. imagine reaching out to grab something and missing it because you misjudged the distance. it can be dangerous if it gets bad enough.

eye tests are something you should have regularly anyway, especially if you drive.


Well-Known Member
yea, I wear glasses, I get my eyes tested every year or two when I get new glasses. Over here the vision test is 75 bucks, it only takes 5-10 minutes, and tell you exactly how your vision is. I recommend it, especially the story you told about the seeing out of one eye at a time.