Battle For the Net! DOJ, Megaupload & Anonymous

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member

Read the whole story here:,2817,2399116,00.asp

Jan. 19, 2012

The Justice Department has indicted seven individuals and two companies behind the popular file sharing website which has been touted by stars, Kim Kardashian and Puff Daddy.

The indictment alleges that the website and a shell company associated with the website, Vestor Limited, caused an estimated half-billion dollars in copyright losses and made an estimated $175 million in proceeds. The website was established in 2005 and at one point ranked as the 13th most visited website on the Internet.

from PC Mag

Read more:,2817,2399116,00.asp

Anonymous was quick to target the Justice Department, Universal Music, the RIAA, and MPAA in the wake of this afternoon's Megaupload announcement, with the Web sites for all four organizations succumbing to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. and went offline around 430pm Eastern and have been largely unresponsive for the past 1.5 hours. and are also unresponsive.

"Recording Industry Association of America—Department of Justice—Universal Music—all TT, all TANGO DOWN," Anonymous tweeted this evening with the #OpMegaUpload hashtag.
Earlier today, the DOJ announced the shutdown of file-sharing site Megaupload. Seven individuals and two corporations were indicted for copyright infringement and could face up to 50 years in prison. Megaupload earned approximately $750 million for its exploits and incurred about $1 billion in damages, the agency alleged.
they honestly do not know what their doing

the people at megaupload are certainly not gonna give up their place with out a fight

i wander how this is gonna pan out

could be VERY interesting
WTF!!! They were arrested in New Zealand! When did New Zealand became USA's lackey?

Plus, this stuff:

A federal court in Virginia ordered that 18 domain names associated with the Hong Kong-based firm be seized.

The Justice Department said that more than 20 search warrants had been executed in nine countries, and that approximately $50m in assets had been seized.
now a day... for every one "megaupload" shut down a few others will take it's place, they can't stop the P2P sites, it's impossible...
"It begs the question that if you can find and arrest people who are suspected to be involved in piracy using existing laws, then why introduce further regulations which are US-only and potentially damaging." Industry watcher, BBC
"It begs the question that if you can find and arrest people who are suspected to be involved in piracy using existing laws, then why introduce further regulations which are US-only and potentially damaging." Industry watcher, BBC

The answer to that question is they want the power to black sites out from USA visitors without actually taking them down fully.
obviously the only ones who know of megaupload, are probably the ones who don't pay for their music anymore :cuss:

This is true. How much money are these companies really losing? One could argue that internet "piracy" helps make companies, artists, etc. more popular because more people own it , see it, or listen to it.
Wiki isn't done! These numbers are astounding. Why do we have to find this out from the foreign press?

After a 24-hour blackout, Wikipedia has returned to full working order but declared: "We're not done yet."

The site had blocked its content for 24 hours in protest at proposed anti-piracy legislation in the US.

The encyclopaedia said the site had been viewed 162 million times, with eight million people following instructions to contact politicians.
"alleges" tell me with these download sites what we we supposed to do? clarification please. the sites are there to provide content right? how is anyone downloading breaking the law? im still missing a bigger picture. is this really all over the fact that an already over paid artist is pissing about he didnt get paid from a site when he makes 9 figures already?
obviously the only ones who know of megaupload, are probably the ones who don't pay for their music anymore :cuss:

actually i make it a fact to download acouple songs of a album before hand so i know for sure im buying something i want

same with games

i toirrent the game play it decide ifi ts good then go out and buy it

if your smart you torrent before you buy then you buy to support them

am i the only person that checks the content before buying it ?