Why the middle east hates us...

lol beardo are you running a high temperature or are jsut trolling in a diff manner lol

It's all true- their is a plan, it is amazing and I figured it out and now I feel much better knowing that America is number 1 and our leaders are working hard to make sure it stays that way.
It's all true- their is a plan, it is amazing and I figured it out and now I feel much better knowing that America is number 1 and our leaders are working hard to make sure it stays that way.

homie you do understand you sound more like a blind follower saying that our debt is a good thing and that the plan is to drive the country into shambles?

i mean if thats what you think kshould happen yo i cant change that

ill just say this

sounds like your trolling for NWO people cause thats a great description of what people are whining about

meaning that the plan is to crash the system and start over with a whole new system

and if oyu can explain to me why its good and why i should agree with yah

hellyou might convince me

im all ears!
While correct how do we handle this, we cannot let them continue to attack us or our allies.

The how to is unclear, I'm not a foreign adviser and I haven't put that much thought into it. We would have to pull out but still stand our ground, saying were not pussies but we are sorry for having armed soldiers in your country for years on end and that it was not our role to govern the world. I'd bring the troops back to the homeland and form a strong National Guard to protect the people of the United States.
The how to is unclear, I'm not a foreign adviser and I haven't put that much thought into it. We would have to pull out but still stand our ground, saying were not pussies but we are sorry for having armed soldiers in your country for years on end and that it was not our role to govern the world. I'd bring the troops back to the homeland and form a strong National Guard to protect the people of the United States.

I agree with what your saying. My only fear is we will make the same mistake we made in WWll and wait until its almost to late when the next madman tries to take it over.
It's all true- their is a plan

Yeah a plan that was created hundreds of years ago. They know the dates when future bills will pass, they know exactly what the future bills will say, and they know who the next president will be. Everything is planned. Do you think all of the talk in congress about the debt and spending is real? No, they are just stalling and floating the country along to the date that they want to pass whatever or crash the economy. All of the back and forth bickering with the dems and repubs is just an act or a smokescreen to distract and make it seem like we have a choice. There is a plan to destroy the infrastructure of the world and replace it with something else, something that only they know. Oligarchy, New World Order, World Communism, Stateless socialism, whatever they want to call it. The "plan" is One World Government and Obama is driving the spike to secure the plan.

I hoped Paul would be different but then realized that "They" wouldn't let him become president if he was actually going to downsize the reach of the federal gov
^^^ as i stated before your trolling out the nwo'ers mate hahaha

if their is a honest plan to drive us all into the shitter

i wouldnt want to be a part of it

if it makes sense to you to crash what was worked so hard for and start anew then yah i could see why you agree

to be honnest a fresh start wouldnt hurt if the people in controll now would be the ones to not make the new system

cause if it is then were all fucked
There is definitely a plan at work , designed by exceptionally brilliant people . It is not a good one for folks like me , and the smokescreen in the media coverage that so many eat up like candy is the cover for darkness to come into power and take over everything .
I spent 2 years in the middle east and it seems to me so many people hate us because we kill their friends , neighbors , blow up their cities . Yeah sure we rebuild their stuff after but a lot just remember the bad things we do and there is plenty of that . Maybe some of it is jealousy but they dont all hate us cause were so nice and wonderful to them .
Other than Iraq what did they expect when there were all those people burning US flags on 9-12 I know they all didn't do it, but why wouldn't they step in and keep their peers in check? If you burned a flag and celebrated en masse the death of our civilians, they had to understand it would come back and nute them. I'm not saying its right its just what happened.
Other than Iraq what did they expect when there were all those people burning US flags on 9-12 I know they all didn't do it, but why wouldn't they step in and keep their peers in check? If you burned a flag and celebrated en masse the death of our civilians, they had to understand it would come back and nute them. I'm not saying its right its just what happened.
That shit pisses me off too but its to the point you cant tell who did what first anymore . That whole 9-11 thing ,I was there the next day and seen the ground 0 . Our gov lied their asses off so much I wouldnt put anything past them . If they werent such a gang of sneaky weasels we wouldnt have the kind of problems we do .
Other than Iraq what did they expect when there were all those people burning US flags on 9-12 I know they all didn't do it, but why wouldn't they step in and keep their peers in check? If you burned a flag and celebrated en masse the death of our civilians, they had to understand it would come back and nute them. I'm not saying its right its just what happened.
They must've ran out of Israeli flags in the market, that's their main-stay usually for lighting fires with, right?

What do you care Fenderburn? Sure arnt they all "dogs" and "monsters" to you anyways?
Other than Iraq what did they expect when there were all those people burning US flags on 9-12 I know they all didn't do it, but why wouldn't they step in and keep their peers in check? If you burned a flag and celebrated en masse the death of our civilians, they had to understand it would come back and nute them. I'm not saying its right its just what happened.

who gives a shit if someone burns your flag its a piece of cloth
who gives a shit if someone burns your flag its a piece of cloth

exactly my father fought for this country for what the flag represents

not the god damn flag it self

its a useless piece of shit

i hate when people their parent fought for the flag this fought for the flag that

well thats funny bought mines at a dollar store and its made in china wouldnt ya know

if burning a piece of cloth can goad you to believe that any one who does burn it is doing something wrong , your missing the point
Anywhere you go around the world, they will either hate on Americans and talk shit, or make fun of em. Maybe because we think we're #1 and we're trying to take over the world and tell other countries what to do. The reason why there is dictatorship is because of americans. People just like to assume the whole world is bad and little ol America is miss goody two shoe! Yeah right, we over there slaughtering women and children innocent people over natural resources because of two damn buildings that were destroyed by god damn Americans themselves. Oh well , we cant change any of that.