Battle For the Net! DOJ, Megaupload & Anonymous

"alleges" tell me with these download sites what we we supposed to do? Clarification please. The sites are there to provide content right? How is anyone downloading breaking the law? Im still missing a bigger picture. Is this really all over the fact that an already over paid artist is pissing about he didnt get paid from a site when he makes 9 figures already?
this is just the gov taking up for the big guys.....
i hope you meant fox as in attractive, and not fox news... that can be taken as a really bad insult :P

this is just the start of it... it's a way of life now that can't be reversed... can anyone of you see us go back to a time without cell phones, or fax machines, computers... anything like that... the idea of stopping us from getting information or visiting any site we please, within seconds, cannot be stopped... we have made it a day-to-day way of life now

well glory to god for having this happen!!!! im loving all this net chaos, hey does anyone even remember what its like to be in 2001 again? fuck the big guys. they are rich as fuck, how many times have you downloaded and listened to music or watched movies and accidentally had your pod or device wiped clean? glad i didnt pay for allot of it. ive lost countless amount of cd's and mp3 over the years from legal sources of these bands saying here have it.
actually i make it a fact to download acouple songs of a album before hand so i know for sure im buying something i want

same with games

i toirrent the game play it decide ifi ts good then go out and buy it

if your smart you torrent before you buy then you buy to support them

am i the only person that checks the content before buying it ?

youtube pretty much has every new album to listen to so i always check it out there before i buy it. i buy everything on itunes though.
i hope you meant fox as in attractive, and not fox news... that can be taken as a really bad insult :P

this is just the start of it... it's a way of life now that can't be reversed... can anyone of you see us go back to a time without cell phones, or fax machines, computers... anything like that... the idea of stopping us from getting information or visiting any site we please, within seconds, cannot be stopped... we have made it a day-to-day way of life now

Is why I quote-marked that word separately ... I wanted to keep the pun but minus political spin. I like WW and her posts. cn
This is true. How much money are these companies really losing? One could argue that internet "piracy" helps make companies, artists, etc. more popular because more people own it , see it, or listen to it.

*Nods* When I get a recommendation of new music/films etc I've been given links and burned CDs. If I really like, I will buy a hard copy of the album and have it around in case I want to use it in the car or my CD player even though I have an iPod/Iphone. I tend to download if I only want a few tracks but will buy if it's a whole album, simply because I feel in myself that I am taking the piss and it's not fair on the artist (even though I know about the record label profit margins and such) My conscience helps me decide how much content I take off the internet. I'll download if I can't find a copy in a store near me, but I don't think everyone thinks that way. Things are fine with existing laws catching out people being extortionate and making a profit with copyrighted material, but leaving people unaffected who just download a track or two here and there. Piracy is a good and a bad thing. Maybe they can let these sites and their users alone if there is just some sort of cap or limit on downloadable content. If I downloaded 3 tracks off of an album and the site/whoever's regulating the site said 'come on now, stop being a tight bitch and buy the damn album', I think I would if I wanted it enough and it was reasonably priced.

And yep, I like the fact 10-minute mixes of a full album are often posted to Youtube by the distributor so I can decide if I want to go and buy it. But charity/secondhand stores are also great for finding music. I just got Ministry of SOund's Addicted to Bass Classics (63 tracks) + 4 discs of Bob Marley for just over $10, which is great because my mama can borrow it and play them in the car.
This is true. How much money are these companies really losing? One could argue that internet "piracy" helps make companies, artists, etc. more popular because more people own it , see it, or listen to it.

Well, if you consider you might buy a new dvd for say 10 bucks, and Megaupload has 1 million people download said movie, then everyone involved in that movie is losing 10 million collectively. Now multiply that by the endless amount of music and movies being pirated, and you got a billion dollar business.

If you download one movie a week for a year, you're basically not spending 520 bucks, and there's millions of people on the planet that do it. So yea, companies are LOSING OUT BIG. The only artists that benefit from free downloads are the ones that tour a lot. If you don't tour, and someone takes your cd's, you got no money.

I don't think half of you here have any common sense. It's either that, or you just don't give a fuck and rather take ownership of something you never bought. In other words, steal it. Bunch of bums.
"alleges" tell me with these download sites what we we supposed to do? clarification please. the sites are there to provide content right? how is anyone downloading breaking the law? im still missing a bigger picture. is this really all over the fact that an already over paid artist is pissing about he didnt get paid from a site when he makes 9 figures already?

It is against US copyright law to redistribute copyrighted material without the copyright owners consent...even though megaupload itself didn't put the content up there...the US govt under pressure from the RIAA and MPAA have decided to try and follow through with their "laws" and are going to say megaupload knowingly allowed copyrighted material to be shared from their services...I don't see how any court can find them guilty of copyright infrindgment if it was up to the users to supply the content...its like suing RIU for posting some copyrighted image on the site...its not RIU's fault...its the users fault :)
Im the worlds worst about downloading last count i have over 300 movies and didnt pay for none.hell im running windows 7 ultimate i got off of pirate not paying for shit....
Im the worlds worst about downloading last count i have over 300 movies and didnt pay for none.hell im running windows 7 ultimate i got off of pirate not paying for shit....

*holds head in shame*

i stole creative suite
if the government is gonna take megaupload down, they have to arrest every singe person who ever uploaded a file and shared it... wether it be a song, movie, mag, game, anyone else's work...

hope you have a lot of fuc*ing handcuffs, johnny law
It is against US copyright law to redistribute copyrighted material without the copyright owners consent...even though megaupload itself didn't put the content up there...the US govt under pressure from the RIAA and MPAA have decided to try and follow through with their "laws" and are going to say megaupload knowingly allowed copyrighted material to be shared from their services...I don't see how any court can find them guilty of copyright infrindgment if it was up to the users to supply the content...its like suing RIU for posting some copyrighted image on the site...its not RIU's fault...its the users fault :)

Megaupload was always pretty good at removing copyrighted content once it was brought to their attention or flagged, so this is surprising to me. What about sites like Pirate Bay who blatantly break copyright laws and don't give a fuck what USA has to say about it?
torrents are just as bad as P2P's... i mean it is a lot easier to download off of a site than it is to wait for people to seed it... regardless, a torrent is an endusers direct involvement in sharing, when a P2P is like having someone share the work for you
This is some bullshit.I just tried to get on it and it says its loading but nothings coming up.I hope it can get back up and running.