Club 600


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't lose her either. It ain't much, but you got us to spout at. Sometimes we even say something that helps. You may be alone in your place, but you aren't alone in the broader sense.

Fucking sucks. I'm sorry.


Well-Known Member
I think someone posted this pic a few months ago. Funny show. I dont watch tv much and forgot about it. Either that or it isnt on any more


Well-Known Member
Just got a call from my sister. Not sure why I'm posting on RUI, but need to tell something/someone. My sister went in for an MRI because of increased seizures (She's always been epileptic), and a "Growth" was found embedded in her anterior lobe on the right side. The doctor says come back in 6 months for a re-scan. Hopefully it's not growing.

FUCK! I have no Ginger Ale, no medicine, and I'm alone. (NO, I'm not a fucking idiot. I will NOT hang myself)

My perception has shifted due to emotional reactions caused by chemical reactions in my brain. It helps to type that. Such is life, but I hope I don't lose my Sister this early in life.
i can totally understand and relate buddy. totally. we are here for you. i'd bring you some ginger ale and meds if i were anywhere near :peace: those r 2 things this house is never without, mrs has a bad tummy and i need my meds ;-)


Well-Known Member
My single 1000 watt in my veg area isnt enough anymore, nor is my space!! I think I might run 2 400's or a 1000 and a 400 in there as well as some lower lighting cfl's and or flouro T8s or something. My plants grew way more than I expected, plus I just have way too much shit in there!! I want to have every strain that sounds interesting, but now have too many. The sad part is I still want What to do??


Well-Known Member
I've been struggling to just keep the plants alive in tent #2 the past week or so and hopefully I've got it licked. Ever since I stuck my 600 in there in place of the T8 and switched to 12/12 I've had problems. There was one plant that started to droop and wilt right away and another soon followed. I tried a couple of things to no avail so left the lights off for a couple of days and they all looked happy. I trimmed some stuff off that was damaged once they all looked good again, changed the res again, relocated it to outside the tent and started running the light again. Tonight three look great and the worst of them seems to be improving.

I think I was dealing with multiple problems which is why it was hard to nail down. I know the PH went pretty low so that probably contributed as well as the water getting too warm and the air temps getting into the 80s. I got an air thermometer/hygrometer that has memory and a water thermometer with memory. Last night the water never got over 66f and the air never got over 78f now that the res is outside the tent and I opened the walls separating the two tents for more volume. Hopefully she keeps improving over the next few days because I'd hate to lose a plant this size. She was a biggin' and still is a pretty good size BBK plant.

Good luck on the job Bill, I'll cross my fingers for you.

I doubt you have anything to worry about Jig, based on the quality of the DOG you brought over and knowing how much you yielded.

I'm sending good vibes your way afraw in hopes that things turn out for the best with your sister. Family is numero uno on the priority lost for me and I've lost some of mine. I wish her luck and hope it all works out.


Well-Known Member
My single 1000 watt in my veg area isnt enough anymore, nor is my space!! I think I might run 2 400's or a 1000 and a 400 in there as well as some lower lighting cfl's and or flouro T8s or something. My plants grew way more than I expected, plus I just have way too much shit in there!! I want to have every strain that sounds interesting, but now have too many. The sad part is I still want What to do??
I say you go ahead and expand! lol,, more more!
I've been struggling to just keep the plants alive in tent #2 the past week or so and hopefully I've got it licked. Ever since I stuck my 600 in there in place of the T8 and switched to 12/12 I've had problems. There was one plant that started to droop and wilt right away and another soon followed. I tried a couple of things to no avail so left the lights off for a couple of days and they all looked happy. I trimmed some stuff off that was damaged once they all looked good again, changed the res again, relocated it to outside the tent and started running the light again. Tonight three look great and the worst of them seems to be improving.

I think I was dealing with multiple problems which is why it was hard to nail down. I know the PH went pretty low so that probably contributed as well as the water getting too warm and the air temps getting into the 80s. I got an air thermometer/hygrometer that has memory and a water thermometer with memory. Last night the water never got over 66f and the air never got over 78f now that the res is outside the tent and I opened the walls separating the two tents for more volume. Hopefully she keeps improving over the next few days because I'd hate to lose a plant this size. She was a biggin' and still is a pretty good size BBK plant.

Good luck on the job Bill, I'll cross my fingers for you.

I doubt you have anything to worry about Jig, based on the quality of the DOG you brought over and knowing how much you yielded.

I'm sending good vibes your way afraw in hopes that things turn out for the best with your sister. Family is numero uno on the priority lost for me and I've lost some of mine. I wish her luck and hope it all works out.
Sorry to hear about the sad plants dez :-( hopefully the steps you took will improve things a bit. spoiled girls we raise I tell ya!