Don't trust that combination lock - hack a lock.


Well-Known Member
if theirs a shim point theirs a easy pick

if theirs a re used pin theirs a easy pick

even dead bolts can be picked if you have the tools

edit ps

some locks will even alow you to change the key on the lock with a simple shim

theirs a reset point in the back of a barrel

enter original pin set enter shim hit the reset in back of barrel

take out picks and enter new key turn lock

viola you have the key to the door now and the person with the original key cant get in


Well-Known Member
Are my house locks safe?

Locks only keep honest people out....get a dog and an alarm if you're worried. I've heard of some people just getting those yard signs that say the name of an alarm company.....I know I'd pick another house that didnt have one of those, especially if there was a dog too.

It would be kinda funny if someone tried to break into the side door thats on the woods side.....we keep our bags of recycling cans right next to it. It would walke up the entire neighborhood LOL!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
thats true...if someone wants to get in a house they will .. a dog is usually a good deterent tho, then again my neighbors dog got stolen along with all their shit last summer LOL

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Bob, my old dog was 110 lbs. of mean looking, but a friendly French Beauceron. A French version of a search and rescue dog. His nose never stopped and he could pull an adult man off his feet (I witnessed it). He saw a deer and jerked my husband to his knees, then his stomach and then he continued down the trail pulling my husband head long in thru the long weeds. lol. Pulled him about 20 feet. LMAO.


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
those are kewl dogs, dont see alot of em....i had a shep x rottie that looked like one of those...he was pretty badass to but smaller than yurs..i used to chain him up next to my bike in the summer thing was he wouldnt bark until someone was in 3-4 feet from him, so he made alota people piss themselves at night lol RIP bud

the dog that got stolen was one of those doodle somethings , jus a lil uselass dog ... i felt bad as fuck for em...who steals someones dog ffs


Ursus marijanus
Wow ... that looks like an all-terrain Doberman.

A week ago, at this weird little store in a corner of Rednekabad ... the store owner had this black dog tied up outside. She was a full-tilt pit, but she had the sweetest disposition. Now I am not much of a dog person, but I rubbed her behind the ears because she made this absolutely pathetic "somebody love me please!" sound. I gave her twenty seconds of doggie heaven before I had to go. Pits have weird-shaped heads, but I really liked this dog's air of mellow. cn

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
unles you train a pitbull to be an asswipe, thier bred to be human freindly from gota be able to pick up your dog when its full of adrenaline and possibly geneticly thier prolly one of the most man friendly dog breeds...most breeders cull man biters. Best house dog and with kids....but i hate when people try to make em gaurd dogs or people eaters, its just not in thier dna so they get unhappy. But yeah they got so much confidence their usually pretty brezzy kewl about life :)

im not advocating dog fighting here, jus giving out soem 411 lol


Well-Known Member
Not a dog person? :whines:

Wolves are cool, right? :3

I was about to say that looks like a rottweiler x alsatian...

"Pit bull" s a type, so there is alot of variation in appearance... I think they're all cute.

Rottweilers are crappy guard dogs though, if I can jump someone's fence and play with them.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
One of my friends had 3 pits. The female was incredible, I swear she babysat the children. No one and I mean, no one got near the kids. But she seemed to know who was a threat and who wasn't.
unles you train a pitbull to be an asswipe, thier bred to be human freindly from gota be able to pick up your dog when its full of adrenaline and possibly geneticly thier prolly one of the most man friendly dog breeds...most breeders cull man biters. Best house dog and with kids....but i hate when people try to make em gaurd dogs or people eaters, its just not in thier dna so they get unhappy. But yeah they got so much confidence their usually pretty brezzy kewl about life :)

im not advocating dog fighting here, jus giving out soem 411 lol


Ursus marijanus
Wolves totally rock. My favorite breeds are very lupine in appearance. In college this chick I knew had a shepherd (alsatian)/ husky mix. That dog was dumber than a bucket of mud ... but he was gorgeous.

He had this shape

but colors closer to this.

And enough shlurp to irrigate Libya. Ew. cn

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Not a dog person? :whines:

Wolves are cool, right? :3

I was about to say that looks like a rottweiler x alsatian...

"Pit bull" s a type, so there is alot of variation in appearance... I think they're all cute.

Rottweilers are crappy guard dogs though, if I can jump someone's fence and play with them.
hey you know yur dogs , pretty kickass :) they are a type you can say, and deff alota variations between lines

i disagree on the rotties tho....all the ones here are pretty legit , my buddy has one at his car yard that i wont even go around , im pretty sure he would eat someone if they let him haha

One of my friends had 3 pits. The female was incredible, I swear she babysat the children. No one and I mean, no one got near the kids. But she seemed to know who was a threat and who wasn't.
thats a good dog, thats how they should be in Ireland they call em Nanny dogs..all the ones i had were better than people around brothers kid used to follow my male around and flik his nutts lol he was 3 ...the dog used to walk around all bewildered like "when is this kid goin home" but he always took the punishment liek a champ..i always had pitbulls in my house...the shep/rottie was jus a yard/gaurd dog

the only people my pitbulls were scary around were the people i didnt like, nobody ever got bit, but they woudl make sure you knew they didnt liek you by staring at you liek a steak dinner .... used to make people sweat like bikers in church lol those big heads and small red eyes are a good deterent


Well-Known Member
Indeed, I know my dogs, which is why I jump in and educate people on every 'Anyone got Pitbulls' thread that pops up here lol

I like wolfy dogs too, like the Shikoku dog, Czechoslovakian wolfdog (it cheated, they have wolf in them), Utonagan and some malamutes, though their markings often give them away. Yo can tell a wolf by coat pattern, chest breadth, leg length, shape of the skull and how the eyes are set at first glance.