Math and why I hate it.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The education system 10-15 years ago is not the same education system that is in place today...there are kids in high school who can't read for fucks sake...
We had that in school too. Most of the kids were fuck ups. People blamed the education system when really the onus fell square on the drop outs. They all could have read if they wanted to.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i know for a fact in southern louisiana they had paddles still 10-15 years ago. they use to threaten me with that shit EVERYTIME (an i was in there a lot) with that paddle. they even told us they had our parents sign papers sayin they could hit us....HAHA i know if they did my parents didnt sign it cause if they woulda i was gettin that paddle. then when we was older the male disciplinarian had one of the human shaped punchin bag and would be hittin it when you came in the office. lol


bud bootlegger
why all of the concern about math all of a sudden morgan?? trying to get ur ged or something?? or you just brushing up on your algebra??

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
The beauty of math is you are either right or wrong, no in between.

I didn't do well in math until college then straight 4.0. Too much partying in high school.

Find a good tutor if you have to.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i hate math, always have. polynomials gave me a bitch of a time in algebra 101. foil!

do you know how retarded one feels to be in math 099 and advanced english? i didn't even test into 101.

i only had 2 tutors in my entire life who were able to really teach me any math, and i was referred to one of them by a shrink lol.

i predict many advancements in the learning/teaching of math over the next 10 years or so. they're really starting to look at how some people process certain information and coming up with ways to teach people that used to be difficult or impossible to teach.

that probably won't help you in your current class but i'm looking forward to the day where i can do math as easily as i do other academic crap. it's a pain in the ass not being able to do math.


Well-Known Member
I hate math. Not just the really hard shitty math, but all math. Even 4+4 math.

I'll tell you why.

It's because I'm an idiot and numbers confuse me.

How am I supposed to figure out polynomials when I can't do basic math?!


Its like I've told all my kids when presented with math problems. The more you do....The better you get....the more you like it....until eventually your brain is now trained in the art of Math and any problem seems solveable all of a sudden.

Good luck and stay at it.


Well-Known Member
I hate having to do multiple calculations simultaneously, or complicated formulae because you basically have to trust someone else's equation and it's not often explained how whoever invented it got to that conclusions. I like trigonometry, but no one will tell you how anyone arrived at SIN COS and TAN, you just use them. I hate the assumed and theoretical side of mathematics and the fact you are handling intangible data. And what the fuck IS zero anyway? I struggled through basic math and my teachers thought I was faking being stupid because they think all autistic kids are supposed to be savants. Well, I needed a learning assistant to explain it to me in a different way, scribe for me, I had separate exercises, used coloured pencils and highlighters to create a coded system that I could understand the chunks of an equation in. After 2 months of hard work I went from Ds to straight A's. I wasn't stupid, I have a disability.