Monkeys or Aliens?

I would for sure pick aliens over monkeys if I was not a Bible believer.
I have a real hard time swallowing our sorry asses evolved from pond scum to monkeys to man.

A Creator of the Universe made us or aliens did but no way we "evolved"
Order out of chaos? What about the second law of law of theromodynamics (that entropy is always increasing)?.
I would for sure pick aliens over monkeys if I was not a Bible believer.
I have a real hard time swallowing our sorry asses evolved from pond scum to monkeys to man.

A Creator of the Universe made us or aliens did but no way we "evolved"
Order out of chaos? What about the second law of law of theromodynamics (that entropy is always increasing)?.

The second law applies only to closed systems. cn
Denouncing evoloution and thinking about genetic alteration is 2 different things!There seems to be alot of ancient stories about gods coming from the sky anyone have any views on that?
It's ignorant to denounce evolution. or

Dats Ignit

lol, if you say so. I have studied enough to be dangerous and the five senses are astounding. Take sight or hearing or touch, smell and taste. Each one of those is a miracle unto itself. It is unbelievable to me that even one of those would intricate operations could have evolved, let alone all five and we have not even touched on reproduction, another miracle.

You have bought into a 100 year old theory that is a lie with no fossil record to back it up
lol, if you say so. I have studied enough to be dangerous and the five senses are astounding. Take sight or hearing or touch, smell and taste. Each one of those is a miracle unto itself. It is unbelievable to me that even one of those would intricate operations could have evolved, let alone all five and we have not even touched on reproduction, another miracle.

You have bought into a 100 year old theory that is a lie with no fossil record to back it up

lol love it

evolution and spirituality can work together

but its obvious evolution and religion cant
I find it very odd, If we evolved from monkeys, as to why we would have lost all of our body hair. Hair is what keeps warmth, our early ancestors would have died in the cold if we did not start to wear fur clothing. If its about survival of the fittest and I think that body hair would have stayed in our genes in order to keep us warm. Many animals still have a full body of hair. It could be possible aliens aliens are responsible for our hairless bodies through cross breeding into society a long time ago. Think about it, If you saw a hairless monkey running around, you would think its extremely peculiar. :bigjoint:
white-back-hair.jpgheres some hairy dood maybe we was monkeys or sumat:eyesmoke:
So when did you become a scientologist Finn? Option number two is almost word for word the condensed version of that screwy religion/cult. Still it can't be much worse than a belief that there is a little man in the sky who watches and judges everything you do...

I'm for option number one, it's just those little things that make me believe in evolution like the mountains of scientifically observed data we have collected as a species.
lol, if you say so. I have studied enough to be dangerous and the five senses are astounding. Take sight or hearing or touch, smell and taste. Each one of those is a miracle unto itself. It is unbelievable to me that even one of those would intricate operations could have evolved, let alone all five and we have not even touched on reproduction, another miracle.

You have bought into a 100 year old theory that is a lie with no fossil record to back it up

What you just said was miraculous and astounding.
I think it is much harder to believe a thing we call god created us eh seems like some folk tale like santa clause flying to each house. I cant say i wouldnt love for it to be true that there is a god but it just seems like someone was dreaming to me.