My personal thoughts on Humas and this planet.

god damned! this is some funny stuff, fdd, SCORE!, certainun, hahahahahahaha :D so it's the people who HAVN'T read the bible that don't believe in jesus.

forgive me for saying, but i see tah from the other side of the fence. all these epople thoughroughly reading the bibler, they belive in god, the people that dont, dont, meaning, that techincally, it's only really the people being influenced and conned into the bible that are having "god times" while lying in bed at night, and surprise surprise, the ones who don't know specifically about it, they never had that meeting with god in their head, spoooooky :P well when jesus comes down for a second time, everyone will know, and do you know jsut how quickly some rag will take a gun to him? pretty fast! i'd be on the road heading his way moment i heard he was back. :D


You read the bible and shrugged God off, good for you. I just wish the morals would of stuck with you.

i also read the bible, and i also shrugged god off as a total hoax, my choice, and you know what? i had the morals before i read it, and i have them after it read it. the morals are not "the christians" or whatnot, that's just life, my high set of morals is because of who i am not who i'm trying to impress or who i've been told to act like.

nanananana :)
This sounds trashy, couldn't you of said this without cursing? :roll: Go to school kid.
Wtf?You're probably one of these guys that goes to church on sunday and act like a role model,but when you're not in church i bet you the first one cursing and judging people.People like you are worst than non-believer (so hypocritical).I have read the bible,any idiot with common sense can tell it's a bunch of shit written by men and yes i just cursed and i don't give a fuck!Btw if you are so religious,then what are you doing on a weed forum,that goes against everthing you learn in church.Get your shit together:roll:
You guys are very misinformed. You guys are so oblivious to the fact that when he does come back NOBODY will dare pull a gun. You guys are all cowards and self centered. Yeah I knew I would get this response from you guys I dare you to go to a christian forum and tell them that. Though weed is considered mind altering in negative ways it's all about how you use it.
Not only did you back up my feelings for you, but you have failed to provide adequate proof of how Jesus isn't real. Provide me with the evidence that supports the notion of him being a pseudo character in a "fictional novel". You can't, you won't, that might actually just lead you to Jesus.
You guys are very misinformed. You guys are so oblivious to the fact that when he does come back NOBODY will dare pull a gun. You guys are all cowards and self centered. Yeah I knew I would get this response from you guys I dare you to go to a christian forum and tell them that. Though weed is considered mind altering in negative ways it's all about how you use it.

how about one better?

i live with vicar parents, so i'm not ignorant, and as to a forum, not quite, but how about was a week of camping, was actually a seminar campsite for christians, you can bet damned well i told them what i will tell you. we started talking about the da vinci code "oh, i had to stop reading halfway through, i was so offended, and i can't believe some people are reading this and thinking it's true"

ahaaaa, i countered that, if you're so offended, how shoddy are the foundations upon which your faith is built, and the da vinci code is a book, the bible is a book, it's nothing more than stories passed down over a LONG time, oh, and made up, kinda like any book. so like you, THERE IS PROOF!! IT'S FACT!! THEY CARBON DATED BITS OF IT AND CRAP!

so you carbon date a document, and find it's 2K years old, and as a result, that therefore makes the contents of the document legitimate? errrr, HA
You dare us to go to a christian forum? Oh no, what are they going to do?

When I was about 17, I hacked into a christian website called "Revival school"and took over the webmaster's forum account. I made all kinds of false accusations that I (The webmaster) was the one true god. Those idiots started praying and shouting halleluja oh jolly day all that bullshit, then I made up a story that I had to go for a while because I had to beat the snot out of my 11 year old nephew for stealing my klondike bar and that he was possesed. The general community put up a hundred responses something along the lines of
"Öur prayers are with the child, do whatever it is you must to bring god back to the boy"
THAT was a fun day.
Not buying it. If so what forum do you speak of? I'm sure there are some old timers there that would remember it so whats the URL? And sources from yourself? Really what have you studied exactly to be able to speak about such things?
Not buying it. If so what forum do you speak of? I'm sure there are some old timers there that would remember it so whats the URL? And sources from yourself? Really what have you studied exactly to be able to speak about such things?

what the fuck are you talking about...

how do i need to study to speak of a personal experience you prat...
This is a statement "ahaaaa, i countered that, if you're so offended, how shoddy are the foundations upon which your faith is built, and the da vinci code is a book, the bible is a book, it's nothing more than stories passed down over a LONG time, oh, and made up, kinda like any book. so like you, THERE IS PROOF!! IT'S FACT!! THEY CARBON DATED BITS OF IT AND CRAP!

so you carbon date a document, and find it's 2K years old, and as a result, that therefore makes the contents of the document legitimate? errrr, HA"

That is a statement and I want sources to it. If you cant provide then stay out and let the big kids talk, okay?
you havn't given a resource for anything you've said, haha, you told us all the bible was fact then ranted on about nonsense.

the bible was not written when jesus was born, the bible was written hundred of years afterwards, when they could write, until then it was all stories passed on down the line by word of mouth, ever heard of chinese whispers? are you telling me that as god was crafting the world, someone was sat on the bench keeping a log if it all? no, someone "heard a voice that told them what happened" or whatever it might have been, and they wrote a hell of a long book or two, it was either a. he was sat on the bench, which is not true, or b. which means it's a completely invalid document, there is no fact, proof, evidence, other than it was in his head miraculously, and that it's just true, nuff said? or is it that so many people had exactly the same vision of creation, that they took a majority and that was how the earth was made.

give me one piece of proof that the bible is fact, true, not made up, what was prophesised that came true, who wrote it, when was it written etc etc. just answer one of those correctly like you havn't when you've been asked etc.

we've got absolutely nothing to prove, you've got everything, you spent your whole life living by someones book, so you're the one that's got to try and proove the bible correct, not us incorrect, it has no bearing on our life whatsoever, you've got everything you ever lived and dreamed for on the line i guess :P

"my music is too loud right now!"

that is also a statement, so you're not gonna believe me if i say that unless i have some proven 3rd party on webcam telling you that it is true..

i thought christianity and such was about trust and faith and such?..