you havn't given a resource for anything you've said, haha, you told us all the bible was fact then ranted on about nonsense.
the bible was not written when jesus was born, the bible was written hundred of years afterwards, when they could write, until then it was all stories passed on down the line by word of mouth, ever heard of chinese whispers? are you telling me that as god was crafting the world, someone was sat on the bench keeping a log if it all? no, someone "heard a voice that told them what happened" or whatever it might have been, and they wrote a hell of a long book or two, it was either a. he was sat on the bench, which is not true, or b. which means it's a completely invalid document, there is no fact, proof, evidence, other than it was in his head miraculously, and that it's just true, nuff said? or is it that so many people had exactly the same vision of creation, that they took a majority and that was how the earth was made.
give me one piece of proof that the bible is fact, true, not made up, what was prophesised that came true, who wrote it, when was it written etc etc. just answer one of those correctly like you havn't when you've been asked etc.
we've got absolutely nothing to prove, you've got everything, you spent your whole life living by someones book, so you're the one that's got to try and proove the bible correct, not us incorrect, it has no bearing on our life whatsoever, you've got everything you ever lived and dreamed for on the line i guess
"my music is too loud right now!"
that is also a statement, so you're not gonna believe me if i say that unless i have some proven 3rd party on webcam telling you that it is true..
i thought christianity and such was about trust and faith and such?..