Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

funny thing is i keep hearing on how good the tahoe is an i keep missin her

last time we were slow dancin i thought i was home free i sliddowninto her pants thout i was gon feel wet an gooey
she had a d_ ckbiggern mine
i i killed da maufuka an dumped its azz in a dumpster
like whodunit movie
still chasin the elusive tahoe

im gona catch dat hoe one day
im gona make he azz pay

enjoy yours im not a hater
Hey D have you ever seen the guy who skydived from space???



nahh you got me there

never did see dat till now

actually enjoyed the vid
just choped off at end left me hangin

Not sure if your ever watch Discovery Science but they had a 1 hour special on him, it was real good and its even better when your smoking a spliff....

Like the avi bro, king status!!!


not da king just a cool cat

im glad i went postal yesterday and got nutin to do today

we getin a couple inches of snow

gota walk the dog in it soon then just do bowls and watch it

til it stops then get out and do cleanup
Eyup D nice avi bro!........i like lions but i think leopards are the best, the smallest of the four big cats but pound for pound the toughest, im into wildlife an shit! lol

did not know about leopards

they do look nice have seen sum nice patterns on their coats

i have seen sum patterns on people in NYC

shame we hmans kill animals for their coats

but they do that in the hood to people

i guess we should be more like the animals
did not know about leopards

they do look nice have seen sum nice patterns on their coats

i have seen sum patterns on people in NYC

shame we hmans kill animals for their coats

but they do that in the hood to people

i guess we should be more like the animals

Yeah there coat is beautiful mate!
the pattern is in fashion over hear at the min, girls got leopard print everythin lol
just glad its fake print, im against real fur!
They have been nown to carry dead prey 2-3 times there body weight up trees
now that is strength!

yes lots fake but we do kill animals for there coats if it looks good on them

sam when the expensive down and leather stuff comes out in the hard core hood

mankind has along way to go
if the plant just gets astblished like 2 weeks
they are so easy to kill during that period

but after that they morf into super plant
bend in half will re up itself brek apiece off will make a new plant
female gets scared will grow male prts to gurantee survival
it will survive a seed cold prolly germ after a hundred years if kept properly
the ultimate survivor in the plant life
lot of other pretty tough ones -the tomatto pretty tough survivor -
will grow in my compost pile the next season after snow
Yeh i seen big old tomato plants growin at the serwage plant, from seeds outta peoples shit lol!!!...........all weeds are pretty tough