Hollywood is pissed.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I don't venture over here often, so be kind. I just wanted to put this somewhere where people seem to care about this stuff. It isn't often you see a direct threat to a politicians from a lobbyist out in the open.

Actually, Chris Dodd isn't a lobbyist yet, I think he has one more year left before he can do that. So right now he is CEO of MPAA

The whole article can be read here:


WASHINGTON -- Hell hath no fury like a lobbyist scorned. Former Democratic senator and current head of the Motion Picture Association of America Chris Dodd threatened to cut off campaign contributions from Hollywood to the reelection campaign of President Barack Obama.

In an interview with Fox News about the White House's recent statement on controversial anti-piracy legislation, Dodd said:
Candidly, those who count on quote 'Hollywood' for support need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who's going to stand up for them when their job is at stake ... Don't ask me to write a check for you when you think your job is at risk and then don't pay any attention to me when my job is at stake." ... I would caution people don't make the assumption that because the quote 'Hollywood community' has been historically supportive of Democrats, which they have, don't make the false assumptions this year that because we did it in years past, we will do it this year ... These issues before us -- this is the only issue that goes right to the heart of this industry."

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well the bill isn't all it's cracked up to be. My issue is once you let the Gov or "Hollywood" control the internet you are asking for BIG fucking trouble! Once you let the Gov remove stuff they consider copywrite infringment maybe they will start removing other shit they don't like! It is a slipery slope when it come to controling the internet! And don't give me that shit that downloading is ruining the movie industry! Look how much that last Twilight movie made! $596,383,267 worldwide as of 2 weeks ago and that isn't even DVD sales. Put out a good movie "Hollywood" and people will go to see it! And I have never even seen one of those movies but the kids love it!


Well-Known Member
Controlling the internet is just like controlling what you can speak about to someone else. Are they going to start throwing people in prison who act out their favorite movie scenes and sing Karaoke too?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Controlling the internet is just like controlling what you can speak about to someone else. Are they going to start throwing people in prison who act out their favorite movie scenes and sing Karaoke too?
If you control the media you control what the majority of most people in America think! You can control alot if you control where people get their news, and what is said on those news casts!


Well-Known Member
One of the problems with SOPA/PIPA was that you were presumed guilty. Now, this is great for the hollywood producers but sucks for the little guy who would then have to spend thousands of dollars proving he didnt violate the laws to get his website off of the banned list.


Well-Known Member
the problem with SOPA and all that shit is that it's not really needed. it's an unwarranted power grab.

the founder of Megaupload is in prison in New Zealand, waiting extradition to the US, his assets have been frozen, his life ruined, and we don't need the government blocking the internet to get results...

the industry is LYING through their teeth. they already have tools available to prosecute pirates, they just want the GOVERNMENT to do the work.... on these type of issues i am as conservative as they come... we already have laws dealing with intellectual property issues that work well...we don't need more...


Well-Known Member
So lets wait a minute here...

Hollywood keeps rehashing the same movies over and over, putting more product placement in films than a Jeff Gordon racing car and giving millions and millions to overpaid actors, and it turn wants to put bills into place to prevent free speech, so "maybe" they will sell more dvd's and blu-rays?

Rich want to keep on getting richer! While hard working families struggle to even buy a $15 dvd...fuck hollywood.


Well-Known Member
So lets wait a minute here...

Hollywood keeps rehashing the same movies over and over, putting more product placement in films than a Jeff Gordon racing car and giving millions and millions to overpaid actors, and it turn wants to put bills into place to prevent free speech, so "maybe" they will sell more dvd's and blu-rays?

Rich want to keep on getting richer! While hard working families struggle to even buy a $15 dvd...fuck hollywood.
yep yep yep yep yep


Well-Known Member
the trouble with our governments.

is that its not what is right and just that rules the day.

its whatever they who can afford it, want it to be.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I saw the first tv ad by Hollywood last night. It's a light bulb with an American flag inside it with a voice over. Looked pretty lame to me.

I think everyone will see right thru it.


Well-Known Member
LOL Hollywood...yes they are so strapped for cash...piracy is killing them...oh but they can afford to pump millions upon millions of dollars into lobbying and campaign contributions...lawl

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
What's really pitiful is I want to go to the movies. I enjoy going to the cinema, the big screen, the popcorn, the whole feeling of going to the movies is just fun for me. Hubby hates it.

I'll partake of the boycott. Damn just when there are movies I want to see.

Fuck Hollywood.


Well-Known Member
It's especially hilarious that they are all going on about how tough the economy is while driving a Lamborghini!

They all need to get fucked and get real, sure with the way it's going with the "reboot" model they're following there'll be no new movies in about 15 years, only remakes.

Like for example who the fuck remakes Robocop or The Thing, they're classics and perfect already, but they've to get their greasy claws into them, remake them for no reason then whinge when people download it...yeah cos we know what happens already maybe?!


Well-Known Member
So lets wait a minute here...

Hollywood keeps rehashing the same movies over and over, putting more product placement in films than a Jeff Gordon racing car and giving millions and millions to overpaid actors, and it turn wants to put bills into place to prevent free speech, so "maybe" they will sell more dvd's and blu-rays?

Rich want to keep on getting richer! While hard working families struggle to even buy a $15 dvd...fuck hollywood.
I agree but wanted to make one point. If you are struggling to make ends meet, you shouldn't be buying DVDs.