it is good to buffer you soil but you should still ph water to keep a balance the goal is to keep ph balanced (6.8-7.2) in moist soil with microbes. as far as natural lemon juice and baking soda there isnt much to it but that is it for water(plenty of organic options doesnt matter lemon juice has vitamin c, sugars, micro nutes and acidic if some one tells you this is bad they are dumb and baking soda isnt the greatest but it works). for soil you gonna have to use dolomite lime and wood ash a thick mixture poured slowly and evenly but if your soil has ph problemsyou will prbably not be able to fix it if it has a plant in it. so you have to prepare in advence. 1lb of dolomite lime per bale of peatmoss(hell i even use promix and it already has dolomite lime in it)