George W. Bush: The Food Stamp President

No country has EVER spent its way out of a recession

Well that's just not true. The US did it in the great depression. Also Reagan did it via tax cuts in the 1980s.

but adding to the National Debt whilst spending it on war and foreign aid is clearly not the way to revive the economy.

Tell that to FDR. How was the American economy after the new deal and WW2?
Well that's just not true. The US did it in the great depression. Also Reagan did it via tax cuts in the 1980s.

Tell that to FDR. How was the American economy after the new deal and WW2?

Regardless of what your liberal history teachers are saying, the new deal was not the solution to the depression. Tariffs are what originally caused the crash of the stock market. the repealing of these tariffs is what recovered the economy.

Wiki said:
U.S. imports decreased 66% from US$4.4 billion (1929) to US$1.5 billion (1933), and exports decreased 61% from US$5.4 billion to US$2.1 billion, both decreases much more than the 50% decrease of the GDP.

The end of world war 2 gave the economy a boost, especially in the housing sector, because of all the troops returning home. Ron Paul advocates this today.

  • The end of world war 2 gave the economy a boost, especially in the housing sector, because of all the troops returning home.​

The troops will be returning home with no jobs. How are they supposed to pay the mortgages on these new homes?
Regardless of what your liberal history teachers are saying, the new deal was not the solution to the depression.

The new deal + ww2 spending ended the great depression. I'm not sure how you can dispute that. Smoot-Hawley was repealed in 1934, the second dip of the recession didn't happen until 1937.

Under no circumstances is it reasonable to say the repeal of Smoot-Hawley ended the great depression.

The end of world war 2 gave the economy a boost, especially in the housing sector, because of all the troops returning home. Ron Paul advocates this today.

Actually it was primarily the spending involved in ww2 and the new deal that boosted the economy. The economy had fully recovered and exceeded pre-great depression levels years before the end of ww 2 and the housing boom that followed.
Regardless of what your liberal history teachers are saying, the new deal was not the solution to the depression. Tariffs are what originally caused the crash of the stock market. the repealing of these tariffs is what recovered the economy.

The end of world war 2 gave the economy a boost, especially in the housing sector, because of all the troops returning home. Ron Paul advocates this today.

So Im gonna assume w/ your avatar and your endless quoting of Ron Paul your a Paul supporter.
I have 1 very important question for you and all other Paul supporters that are posting in this thread. Why are you so quick to blame Obama?

Arent you guys and your icon supposed to be all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? From the Libertarian "logic" arent those poor people responsible for themselves? If self sufficiency is the be all end all and governmnt isnt the answer to anything then how can you blame the government for someones economic status?

Cant have it both ways guys, if personal responsibility is so damned important then it should be in this topic as well.
With libertarian magic dust.

Or...............we could sell them interest only mortgages w/ no down-payment or income verification backed by the idea that home values never drop. Then when we realize its all gonna collapse becuase the foundation we built was made of bullshit, we can just bundle all those lame mortgages and sell them off.

Oh wait, thats been tried already :-)
The fact is they all lie to us constantly, regardless of political stripe. It's disgusting, not only that they lie, but that they insult our collective intelligence expecting us to buy their garbage.

Here is a man on the side of the people. When more of us wake up and realize that it is we the people against the bankers who have bribed almost all the pols in the swamp for decades.

We should not be fighting with each other right now. It is what they want. We have to hang together or we will hang seperatly. The sad news is that we will not stop the libs - cons battle long enough to fight the real enemy.

Bummer especially when people are paid money to stir up trouble on the internets
The troops will be returning home with no jobs. How are they supposed to pay the mortgages on these new homes?

Common sense is not allowed in here. Never forget, this is a pothead forum.
I think they will be kept pretty busy if the feds had common sense or actually desired to do their job and protect our Country from invaders.

Have them clean up the mess that has spilled over into our southern border. Heads missing their bodies are popping up everywhere, thatnks to the feds failed war on drugs.

When was the last time the feds in DC won a war? Other then bombing defensless nations from 30,000 feet with depleted uranium of course.
Well that's just not true. The US did it in the great depression. Also Reagan did it via tax cuts in the 1980s.

Tell that to FDR. How was the American economy after the new deal and WW2?
That is total rubbish, the reason the US became the powerhouse it WAS (up until about 11ish years ago) after WW2 was war-time spending coupled with the fact the US was the only large, developed nation that wasn't left bombed three ways from Sunday!

Infrastructure, large scale manufacturing, etc was absent in any real sense worldwide except the US.

Trying to spend your way out of a recession and adding to public debt the way Obama is doing is like having a bomb that'll go off in your hands (recession), so you wind the clock to give yourself more time (spend spend spend, add to debt) but then hand the bomb to your kids and say "deal with that" (your children's enheritence of your debt).

"Trickle down economics", suck my left nut.
Right now we see a big culture war between the have and have nots. The occupy movement, tea party, a huge divide in our society.

As bad as that is, and it is about as bad as I have ever seen it in my nearly 60 years, it is nothing compared to how bad things will get when a majority of under-30s begin to realize what we've done to them. Lucky for us, a large majority are still clueless. That won't last, and when they wake up in large numbers, that's the demographic that is going to demand and effect real change. It won't be pretty either.
Right now we see a big culture war between the have and have nots. The occupy movement, tea party, a huge divide in our society.

As bad as that is, and it is about as bad as I have ever seen it in my nearly 60 years, it is nothing compared to how bad things will get when a majority of under-30s begin to realize what we've done to them. Lucky for us, a large majority are still clueless. That won't last, and when they wake up in large numbers, that's the demographic that is going to demand and effect real change. It won't be pretty either.

This is what will happen if the internet keeps educating the schooled.


They who own means of production (the only real wealth) will try to protect what they have.
Or...............we could sell them interest only mortgages w/ no down-payment or income verification backed by the idea that home values never drop. Then when we realize its all gonna collapse becuase the foundation we built was made of bullshit, we can just bundle all those lame mortgages and sell them off.

Oh wait, thats been tried already :-)

lol. well done
That is total rubbish, the reason the US became the powerhouse it WAS (up until about 11ish years ago) after WW2 was war-time spending coupled with the fact the US was the only large, developed nation that wasn't left bombed three ways from Sunday!

Infrastructure, large scale manufacturing, etc was absent in any real sense worldwide except the US.

Infrastructure, yes, good point. That is helpful to an economy isn't it? I agree that we should spend more on infrastructure.

As far as the manufacturing base, we build that up do to government spending during ww2.

Trying to spend your way out of a recession and adding to public debt the way Obama is doing is like having a bomb that'll go off in your hands (recession),

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the recession wasn't started during the Obama administration. The economy didn't crash because Wall St became psychic in 2007 and new Obama was going to be president and he would spend.

Every single president in our modern history has used deficit spending to end a recession. Even Reagan.

No president since 1937 has cut spending during a recession. And when attempted in 1937 it ended the economic recovery and sent us into a double dip recession, extending the great depression several years.

"Trickle down economics", suck my left nut.

That's not what trickle down economics means. Trickle down economics refers to supply side economics, what we had since Reagan. It's where you shower the upper class with enough riches and hope that makes them happen enough to give everyone jobs for some reason. And yes, it can suck my left nut.
What you say about manufacturing and buid up for WWII is true, but not the whole story. We've always been an industrious manufacturing country. That is, until the third world got smart enough to run machinery and labor was just too cheap to pass up. Once plants started moving, it snowballed because you couldn't compete otherwise.
Then the third world got even smarter, and started doing programming and other technical jobs, so those went too. Actually some of those same countries are facing the same loss of manufacturing that we did.
Infrastructure, yes, good point. That is helpful to an economy isn't it? I agree that we should spend more on infrastructure.

As far as the manufacturing base, we build that up do to government spending during ww2.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the recession wasn't started during the Obama administration. The economy didn't crash because Wall St became psychic in 2007 and new Obama was going to be president and he would spend.

Every single president in our modern history has used deficit spending to end a recession. Even Reagan.

No president since 1937 has cut spending during a recession. And when attempted in 1937 it ended the economic recovery and sent us into a double dip recession, extending the great depression several years.

That's not what trickle down economics means. Trickle down economics refers to supply side economics, what we had since Reagan. It's where you shower the upper class with enough riches and hope that makes them happen enough to give everyone jobs for some reason. And yes, it can suck my left nut.
I know what trickle down economics are, and as I said they can suck my left nut cos its the tit Obama continues to suck at.

Every president since 37 has used deficit spending, this I am aware, however the cycle keeps going, so as I said its not a cure, just a band-aid.

US debt is over 100% of GDP, it's basically unpayable and other similar countries have junk bond status yet you continue to worship that idiot in The White House.

It beggars belief that some people don't see the medium term collapse of the US unless something is done about the debt/deficit.

How long until the dollar isn't held as a reserve currency anymore?

The writings are all there on the wall.
Every president since 37 has used deficit spending, this I am aware, however the cycle keeps going, so as I said its not a cure, just a band-aid.

TBH every president we've had in that time period has been terrible and the congress has been worse.

It's complete irresponsibility and not even how the economic theories they are working from are suppose to operate. They absolutely should spend more in recessions, but in order to have that be a sustainable economic system it needs to be followed up with spending cuts/tax raises/deficit reduction when the economy is strong. Reagan failed badly at doing so and so has every president since. Even Clinton who came the closest still failed at that. It's not enough to balance a budget during a strong economy, you have to actually pay off debt.

America did that for half a century very successfully, but Reagan through that play book out the window. Now it's spend during a bad economy, spend during a good economy.

But what you don't do is cut spending during a recession. That's insane. That will only put the country deeper into a recession, reducing revenue, making even more cuts necessary, which will make a worse recession, and the cycle continues. It's no more sustainable than out of control spending.

Why you guys completely ignore that fact is beyond me.

US debt is over 100% of GDP, it's basically unpayable and other similar countries have junk bond status yet you continue to worship that idiot in The White House.

No one worships Obama. You sound very out of touch with reality when you say that. Obama has been universally disappointing. The fact that the other options we've been given are even worse doesn't = Obama worship. That is cheap faux news rhetoric.
TBH every president we've had in that time period has been terrible and the congress has been worse.

It's complete irresponsibility and not even how the economic theories they are working from are suppose to operate. They absolutely should spend more in recessions, but in order to have that be a sustainable economic system it needs to be followed up with spending cuts/tax raises/deficit reduction when the economy is strong. Reagan failed badly at doing so and so has every president since. Even Clinton who came the closest still failed at that. It's not enough to balance a budget during a strong economy, you have to actually pay off debt.

America did that for half a century very successfully, but Reagan through that play book out the window. Now it's spend during a bad economy, spend during a good economy.

But what you don't do is cut spending during a recession. That's insane. That will only put the country deeper into a recession, reducing revenue, making even more cuts necessary, which will make a worse recession, and the cycle continues. It's no more sustainable than out of control spending.

Why you guys completely ignore that fact is beyond me.

No one worships Obama. You sound very out of touch with reality when you say that. Obama has been universally disappointing. The fact that the other options we've been given are even worse doesn't = Obama worship. That is cheap faux news rhetoric.
Why is the US doing only as well (if a little less than) countries that are cutting spending?

The stimulus packages did nothing but add to the debt and give inefficient businesses more time till closure.
The stimulus packages had benefits that can never be really known or measured. I am talking about jobs not lost, businesses not closed.