
Well, I ain't casting any stones, I am guilty of pushing some buttons. But I usually end up walking away after I realize how much of an idiot I look like argueing with a total stranger on an anonymous web-site. Now, I will also say that I do enjoy feeding trolls sometimes. I see it as a challenge that keeps me on my toes and helps me learn. If you don't know your shit when you are taking a troll to school, you look like the idiot. I think I did a pretty good job of troll stomping someone here lately with the help of some real kewl peeps! You know who you are!!!! LOL!
Yeah trolling is a good time. It's grand pissing someone off to the point of violence, and having them being unable to do a thing about it, which adds further to their anger. My latest trolling angle: hacking in online games. People sure take them games real seriously.
tjah, pissing off idiots is all good and dandy, but i wonder what happens to the other people of that house, particularily the smaller residents.
Yeah trolling is a good time. It's grand pissing someone off to the point of violence, and having them being unable to do a thing about it, which adds further to their anger. My latest trolling angle: hacking in online games. People sure take them games real seriously.

same reason why i like my 360 soo much lol i get to talk shit an make others soo angry its awesome haha
i don't understand why people get a kick out of being assholes to others ...i mean come on...guess anyone can act how ever they like behind a screen, but what do you accomplish by purposely hating others? isn't there enough hate in this world already!