It'll be a while before I actually start growing. The last thing I wanted to do with this project was rush in and make mistakes. Granted, mistakes are part of the learning curve but I'd rather be armed with knowledge before getting my feet wet. I'm researching the hell out of this and my next step is to purchase some lumber (or possibly leech some off the old man; he's always working on some projects) and build my grow box. THEN I'll purchase the light fixture and the fan.
So now my next step is to get that grow box up and running!

I'm going to shoot to have it completed by mid-February. I'm on a bit of a monetary crunch right now. I'm starting a new job which starts on Monday so I won't get paid for a couple of weeks. One thing I've come to appreciate in my quest for growing my own weed is it's a costly endeavor
if you wish to do it right. I am not interested in cutting corners and posting "live and learn" types of messages later on (as a result of buying cheap/the wrong supplies). If I post a "live and learn" type of message, you'll know it wasn't because I cut corners but because I need more experience in growing.
I do have one more concern though and that is plugging in the light fixture and the fan. Won't that put too much of a load on the circuit breakers/fuse box? What are your suggestions in that respect?