Fully Budding But Threw Out A Coupla Bananas With Pollen


She is packing on bud but a very small amount of male flowers appeared.Is this plant trying to self pollinate?Im sure its not a true hermie.The buds are developing well,with blackstrap mollases.Will she still smoke ok.Or be a bit bitter.


Well-Known Member
well it all depends on how far along they are into flower....if you about to cut with in the next week i wouldnt worry about it....but if they are still early into flower they will continue to throw bananas and you will have more seeds than bud....Bitter i have never heard of that be a cause from it being hermi maybe have some seeds.....i would cut it and toss it if its still early in flower but if its almost done try to manage the bananas so other plants dont get fertile in ur cab by removing them with tweasers.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if it has male and female parts...she's an it....
It's not trying to polinate itself..it has....

I want to say....it's going to be bitter...but it would be mean...

A pic might help...



thanks mate i've been pinchin those nuts out when i see them.She is right next to an afghan landrace strain.The one with a few nuts is very fast though an unknown hybrid with white buds.The afghan is a bit slow at budding though.The both look as different as chalk and cheese.I wont be surprized if the afghan has been fertilised,the offspring might be ok.Might be fast vegging and budding with a couchlock indica stone.I need a fast Indica cross.


Well-Known Member
She is packing on bud but a very small amount of male flowers appeared.Is this plant trying to self pollinate?Im sure its not a true hermie.The buds are developing well,with blackstrap mollases.Will she still smoke ok.Or be a bit bitter.
it might not be a true hermie but it deffinatly is A hermie , could of gone hermie due to heat or stress , light leak etc theres loads of reasons , as long as you keep on top of it and pinch the nannas as n when you see em you will be fine , you might get a few seeds in ya buds but shouldnt be loads and at least there gonna be fems just might have a hermie trait , but then again they might not lol ;)