Lace and Frills <3

I let people jack it do they don't complain it's boring while I don't post pictures. But April is talking to the menfolk now, so I will watch.

Not only men like to creep on u my sweet , I'm sure we have a few ladies that are just as pervy and meet the specs i mentioned ;)
How has kuroi been?
OK so tell me you ladies don't like going fast, bull shit, lace and HP go together, meet some of the best ladies at the races, never had a lady say go slower.... just saying, and don't get me started on motercycles, good old Milwaukee Vibrator please, just once more around the block, please, please
Lol. I'll take your word for it, I know women are especially critical of eachother.

Kuroi is still 'in limbo' health wise, with family and school but I'm getting g ssome interesting commissions at the moment. My music video shoots often come with free booze, weed and munches so that is nice. My uncle may be getting out of jail soon and I hope he manages to get off the crack for good. Yourself?

And guys, a truly ugly car is the FIAT multipla

Lol. I'll take your word for it, I know women are especially critical of eachother.

Kuroi is still 'in limbo' health wise, with family and school but I'm getting g ssome interesting commissions at the moment. My music video shoots often come with free booze, weed and munches so that is nice. My uncle may be getting out of jail soon and I hope he manages to get off the crack for good. Yourself?

And guys, a truly ugly car is the FIAT multipla


I'd take that thing over the Godforsaken Chrysler 300 in a hot heartbeat. Some things are so ugly they're cool ... that thing looks like Spiderbear. cn

Lol. I'll take your word for it, I know women are especially critical of eachother.

Kuroi is still 'in limbo' health wise, with family and school but I'm getting g ssome interesting commissions at the moment. My music video shoots often come with free booze, weed and munches so that is nice. My uncle may be getting out of jail soon and I hope he manages to get off the crack for good. Yourself?

And guys, a truly ugly car is the FIAT multipla


Sounds kind of like living with the Munsters, the uncle in jail, krazy people, nice people and weard people, I think it's called life Eh! Dam there is so much crap gping on in everyones life and your own. Kind of makes it even more important to sort the important from the noise. I kind of lose sight of that some times and it gets tough when everyone depends on you. Some times I wonder just how much the human sprit can take, and just when you you think that's all you can take Pow more shit coming at you. Funny thing is most people think they are alone but your not there are lots of people with the same issues and worse. My youngest son in his early 20's is addicted to Oxys after getting them 6 months ago for a work injury, what a mess. Figgered it out 20 days ago and took him to a rehab clinic and were working on it. Can't fucking trust a drug addict at all, anyway, suck it up and do the right thing just don't forget to go outside at night and howl at the star's, they will listen to anything.

That is truly an ugly car
Lol. I'll take your word for it, I know women are especially critical of eachother.

Kuroi is still 'in limbo' health wise, with family and school but I'm getting g ssome interesting commissions at the moment. My music video shoots often come with free booze, weed and munches so that is nice. My uncle may be getting out of jail soon and I hope he manages to get off the crack for good. Yourself?

And guys, a truly ugly car is the FIAT multipla

I'm sorry, but the wording of that sentence was enough to make me choke on my orange. I had to claim it.
Now I am going to have to research the erotic application of knives. :shock: Makes me think of the Star Trek TNG scene where Worf snarls "this IS sex!!" cn