Too good to be true??

I am a noob and trying to find the best soil for a shoestring budget.

There is a person on ebay selling 100% organic soil and he says that there is no extra fertilizer needed. Is this possible?

This is what he says it contains.

The base mix is FoxFarm Ocean Forest, Coco Coir, Worm Castings, Mushroom Compost and Perlite.
Plus a whole host of things such as Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Kelp Meal, Dolomite Lime, Mollasses, Epsom Salts, Gypsum, Sulphur, Hydrolyzed Feather Meal, Pausterized Poultry Manure, Cocoa Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Greensand, Humates, Sulfate of Potash, Beneficial bacteria and endo and ectomycorrizal fungi along with Trichoderma.

He says because its 100% organic so it wont burn your plants.

He also recommends the add 2 tsp Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses with each watering.

I may try it and post the results here.


Well-Known Member
well it sounds like an imitation super soil

You can make your own soil for much cheaper than that guy's soil

Look up Subcool's Supersoil

You are supposed to be able to go the whole grow without adding any nutes


Well-Known Member
sulfuric acid is organic..........chicken shit is organic.........urine......all will burn your plants if not given correctly. super-soil is advanced growing, imo. i would go with a home made
peat, perlite, compost, with some amending. go lean on the mix, and learn how to nourish cannabis with nutes. that would be a better skill-building plan. you can make your own nutes with worm and bat poop in teas, to save money, and to help you understand the cycle of nute-bacteria-plant.


Active Member
I would stay right away from this and make up your own soil mix.
Who knows what is in there except the seller.... Could be filled with all sort of nasty bugs among other things.
Its used soil..... Period


Well-Known Member
Subcool's Super Mix

The mix is placed in the bottom ¼ to ½ of the container and blended with base soil. This allows the plants to grow into the strongly concentrated soil and, in the right size container, they need nothing else but water throughout the full growing cycle. With strains requiring high levels of nutrients like Cheese and Space Queen and other high energy demand strains, we go as strong as ¾ of the container with Super Soil but this is only with a small percentage of strains.

Here are the amounts we have found that produce the best tasting buds and strongest medicines:

*** If using an RO system add in 1/2 cup powdered Cal/mag

8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil with coco and Mycorrhizae
25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
5 lbs. of Blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs. Bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
¾ cup Epsom salt
1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
½ cup Azomite ( Trace element)
2 Tbs. powdered Humic acid

1/2 Batch:

4 bags Organic Base Soil
12.5-25 lbs. Worm Castings
2.5 lbs Fish Bone Meal
2.5 lbs Bat Guano
2.5 lbs Blood Meal
3/8 cup (1/4 cup + 1/8 cup) Epsom Salts
1/2 cup Sweet (dolomite) Lime
1/4 cup Azomite
1 Tbs Powdered Humic Acid

1/3 Batch:

2.7 bags Organic Base Soil
8-16 lbs Worm Castings
1.7 lbs Fish Bone Meal
1.7 lbs Bat Guano
1.7 lbs Blood Meal
1/4 cup Epsom Salts
1/3 cup Sweet (dolomite) Lime
2.5 Tbs Azomite
2 tsp. powdered Humic Acid


Well-Known Member
This is my budget mix if you want to keep i super simple, it'll also keep you from having to purchase all the different amendments separately

1 bag BlackGold (1.5 CF) $12
1 Cup Dolomite $6
1/2 CF of Big Chunky Perlite $3
Fox Farms Tomato Veg for Veg (follow the directions on the bag) $6
Organicare Pure Bloom Granules for Flower,(follow the directions on the bag) $6


Well-Known Member
This is my budget mix if you want to keep i super simple, it'll also keep you from having to purchase all the different amendments separately

1 bag BlackGold (1.5 CF) $12
1 Cup Dolomite $6
1/2 CF of Big Chunky Perlite $3
Fox Farms Tomato Veg for Veg (follow the directions on the bag) $6
Organicare Pure Bloom Granules for Flower,(follow the directions on the bag) $6

The only thing I could add would be Espoma 'tone' products at Lowes or HD if you can't source the FF or Organicare locally.



Keep it simple... good info. It would be nice to just mix the soil and only have to water, but all the ammendments are expensive for begginers.


Well-Known Member

I love the Espoma "Plant' Tone for veg, but out here in Hawaii we can't get the Espoma "Bulb" tone. From my experince Espoma is good stuff, i just wish our HD/Lowes out here carried the complete line, i'd use it over products i mentioned above


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What's up doc?

Umm, it says "used" in my screen shot where I circled the word "used" in orange followed by 2 question marks.

I circled my last circling with red this time. I'm pretty sure it is a typo, but with people selling iPod boxes on Ebay for $500 with clever wording, you can't be too careful, and "used soil" even if accidental, I'd at least check it out before paying for it.

Where does it say he is selling "used soil"? I think he is saying this soil can be amended and re-used again and again, and just keeps getting better. I could be wrong though. You never know what you're buying off of the internet. IMO, it would be WAY cheaper to make youre own super soil mix.;-)


Well-Known Member
What's up doc?

Umm, it says "used" in my screen shot where I circled the word "used" in orange followed by 2 question marks.

I circled my last circling with red this time. I'm pretty sure it is a typo, but with people selling iPod boxes on Ebay for $500 with clever wording, you can't be too careful, and "used soil" even if accidental, I'd at least check it out before paying for it.

lol! My bad, I completely missed that!
I'm not too bad, how are you?8)


Well-Known Member
To be honest I think it might have to be marked as used because it is not a official product if you know what I mean. Ive seen other websites categorize homemade items as used simply because it is not a company backed product.