The UK Growers Thread!

yeah i walked out there well happy...if remember right that was one of the first 3d film? (Modern Day 3d anyway) There plan worked on me i went and watched about 9 more so called 3d films after that lol and thay was not 3d for what i could see anyway.... them smart film company bastards got my money lol
yeah i walked out there well happy...if remember right that was one of the first 3d film? (Modern Day 3d anyway) There plan worked on me i went and watched about 9 more so called 3d films after that lol and thay was not 3d for what i could see anyway.... them smart film company bastards got my money lol

like i said u gotta spend money on the GOOD stuf like cheds buying a 3k tv :) that will be quality
Thats ma first attempt at anything, used to jst get rid of everything, glad I joined RIU lol.. What kinda a weed you get? A cant wait till mine's dry to get a proper taste of it lol
Had to go see a mate who lives in one of those fucked up english villages where you scratch the surface & realise everyones a fucking wreckhead.
Anyway all I got out of him was "cheese mate" - it could well be the sinkiest bud I've ever had so maybe it is. Anyways its lovely, shame it'll last about 48 hrs lol
Been to see 2 or 3 3D films at the cinema & thought it was total shite. Basically no better than the old red & green glasses you got on the back of cornflakes in the 80s.

...but then I didnt watch avatar
At least it was worth the drive. Av lost coint the amoint of times av drove 30 mile for shit. Major bummer when that happens.

There's no been any tasty cheese or blue cheese around ma way for a long time,kinda miss it,ma.kinda smoke lol
depends what type of 3d it is ther analgraph and another load ther all diffrent but if you download a 3d film i do belive it wont work becuse they have to be on b/r disks ar they may have found a patch for it

in my opinion if ur gunna go 3d at home do it rite the first tome SPEND THE MONEY on a good one and decide from that wiki post wich is most conveniant for you

This is nothing todo with home qualityor anything like that. this is to do with it being a gimmick. I just watched a film designed to be 3d, no, i watched it in normal mode, but it was plane to see that scenes were setup purely so that some in you face 3d effect took place, it was all very noticeable and well, no need. Like with many things, until it is the accepted standard and it's built around it from te ground up, it's just added as a gimmick so that they can retain their profits from regular viewers.
This is nothing todo with home qualityor anything like that. this is to do with it being a gimmick. I just watched a film designed to be 3d, no, i watched it in normal mode, but it was plane to see that scenes were setup purely so that some in you face 3d effect took place, it was all very noticeable and well, no need. Like with many things, until it is the accepted standard and it's built around it from te ground up, it's just added as a gimmick so that they can retain their profits from regular viewers.

aww ttt u blag my head everytime pff ur one of those guys whos got a answer to everythinig and invariably ther are rite,
yes in normal mode u can tell wen the 3d parts are like shark cuming towards screen or a ball been thrown shit like that
so yes u are correct it is a gimmik they chage exorbanate prices for tvxs that really are a bag on wank il stik with my 50 inch plasma she wats a 70 fuk that
how are u T anyways buddy u been in a cheez coma?
Watched the Masters golf in 3d ... Looked incredible on my tv...

suppose its like anything its your won personal prefrence wat u like,dont like or as ttt says its a gimmik they do charge heavy prces tho for made inchina tv

they will be delivered to ures 2-3 days prolly weds or tues since ive orderd now :)

night all :)
Has anyone ever seen a 3D film where the 3D was actually anything worth watching? I can't understand the logic in spending more money either on cinema tickets or tv sets etc when all your paying for is to see some shards of glass fly towards you etc? What a joke.

Took the brat and its sidekick to the cinema a coupla weeks ago, me totally mesmerized by the trailer for 3D Star Wars - until I learned the price. Bad enough paying four quid for a few kernels of exploded corn. Yeah 3D is fun but a bit superfluous (not to mention confusing for brats), and I actually like not having shards of glass fly into my face - must be a girl thing. I reckon 3D would be perfect for interactive stuff like gaming or flight simulation though.