harvest expectancy


There's treachery afoot
You would be performing a miracle if you could even get a half pound off of a two foot plant.


Well-Known Member
yep, none..... you should be happy to get about 2 ounces. and even that would be a sweet harvest in my mind. but it depends on the strain.


There's treachery afoot
There is no way to even figure that one out as the strain, lights, nutes and methods all play a part in the yield. I have friends who grew plants roughly 10 ft outdoors and got over a pound but they were some mighty big plants.


Well-Known Member
to get a pound, it's gotta be pretty big, but it also depends on the method you do it.


Well-Known Member
There is no way to even figure that one out as the strain, lights, nutes and methods all play a part in the yield. I have friends who grew plants roughly 10 ft outdoors and got over a pound but they were some mighty big plants.
there you go.... I was waiting for someone that has had a LB plant to answer.


Well-Known Member
Why would you guys lie to this kid and tell him only a couple ounces, thats so ignorant. Especially you Orecal..........


Well-Known Member
Why would you guys lie to this kid and tell him only a couple ounces, thats so ignorant. Especially you Orecal..........

i no i no..... I just can't help myself sometimes.... i like to fuck with the noobs, it's in my blood. LOL


Well-Known Member
I mean, has anyone else noticed this goofus has a bunch of posts throught riu, and all come back to 1 thing "how many pounds..blah blah blah" obviously a kid with no clue, and to lazy to read anything as to what it takes to produce lb's, and I"M willing to guess he thinks he can just plop some seeds down and walk out with a few pounds in 8-9 weeks to sell to his little homies.


Active Member
Aww...be nice. Maybe we should refer him to the newbie thread group?

I'd say between 1-2oz for a 2 foot plant would be fine. More with more experience.


Well-Known Member
worry less about yield and more about providing the best possible environment for your plants and learn all you can about growing. big yields will follow.


Well-Known Member
I mean, has anyone else noticed this goofus has a bunch of posts throught riu, and all come back to 1 thing "how many pounds..blah blah blah" obviously a kid with no clue, and to lazy to read anything as to what it takes to produce lb's, and I"M willing to guess he thinks he can just plop some seeds down and walk out with a few pounds in 8-9 weeks to sell to his little homies.
yeah i noticed, and called him out in one of the other threads, obviously a youngin with no idea.


Well-Known Member
worry less about yield and more about providing the best possible environment for your plants and learn all you can about growing. big yields will follow.
Thats it right there. Read, Learn, Do, repeat, over and over and over. In time it comes.:joint::hump: