Looking for advices for my 2nd grow... Mainly about nutes!



I am going to start my 2nd indoor grow and I am looking for some nutriments advices. I use Advanced Nutrients and would like to keep it that way. I posted my feeding schedule and would like to know if I could use something else to get more yield. I had a goal of 2 onces of dried buds per plant, and I think I'm looking at about half of that right now.

Other things are to be improved or changed, but these things I learned out of mistakes, like overcrowding my space, not trimming enough bottom branches, not using a microscope for deciding when to harvest, etc...

The biggest mistake I made, which is going to influence my next grow, is not marking my clones by genotype. I have 4 of WR x DT, 2 VK and 2 TD that caught on, but I don't know from which genotype and I do not have all of them. This is not good because one of my WR x DT was not as good, and one VK was not as good either and may have been a Hermie...

I ended up with some seeds in that plant and maybe in some others as well. All plants were females, 6 from feminized seeds and 3 from regular seeds... and I didn't see no indication of hermaphrodites so far so I am really confused and freaked out about this thing.

Anyhow, next grow I am taking clones from all the plants, and mark them by genotype. Hopefully I have a clone from my most performing plants. I got at least one WR x DT that grew very well, looked awesome and buzzed like hell. At least one VK turned out pretty good but yielded low. And like I said, one WR x DT was not very good. The rest I will find out later. I have some curing right now, I'm cutting some today and the TD's have a week or two to go still...

Here's my feeding schedule:feeding chart.jpg


I should clarify...

I want to keep using the AN products I currently have. Although I prefer suggestions about other AN products, either for substitutions or additions, I am willing to consider some non-AN products as additions to what I have!!!


beans davis

Well-Known Member
I was useing AN products for 4yrs and at the end i found i got best results from just useing the sensi grow & bloom.I was adding a booster i think it was bigbud and knowing what i know now its probably the reason i was getting yellow leaves in bloom,too much P not enough N.

I switched to Dyna-Gro on my last grow and i love it.My plants have never grown so big and fast with beautiful green leaves.ever!!!

Nirvana 0-0-1 & Organic-B 0-0-0.5 are nothing but water, why on earth would you waste your money on these?
If you understood plant function & N P K ratios you would'nt.


Well-Known Member
U use a lot just use a bloom and a enhancer IMO I have tried an and they suck IMO there just about marketing a bunch of shit that does the same thing almost .......I recently started with canna Tera Flores, pk 1314 ,and boost for flower and nothing for vedge


Well-Known Member
Another thing I do is add open sesame from fox farm week or two before I switch to flower and the onset of the buds are much larger


I was useing AN products for 4yrs and at the end i found i got best results from just useing the sensi grow & bloom.I was adding a booster i think it was bigbud and knowing what i know now its probably the reason i was getting yellow leaves in bloom,too much P not enough N.

I switched to Dyna-Gro on my last grow and i love it.My plants have never grown so big and fast with beautiful green leaves.ever!!!

Nirvana 0-0-1 & Organic-B 0-0-0.5 are nothing but water, why on earth would you waste your money on these?
If you understood plant function & N P K ratios you would'nt.
Maybe I don't understand plant functions & NPK rations very good, but if you could advise me instead of putting me down, I would understand it better. All I know is more N in Veg, and more P at the start of flower and more P and K during flower, with enough N all the way through to sustain a good green color.

As for the Nirvana, I can understand your POV, I was actually wondering if it was worth it, and couldn't see what it was adding more than a little more K in my mix. But the organic-B is mainly for B vitamin which I thought was one of the most essential thing after the basic NPK... Maybe I am mistaken...

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
First things first! Make sure you get rid of any hint of males Hermies or not. If you have seeds you have a problem. We all dream of huge yields and that will come with knowledge (I'm learning that myself and there is always more). An ounce a plant is pretty good to average for your first grow. Obviously, strain, nutes and your own vigilance will determine how good and how much you will get. Clones are the best unless you want something specific in a seed but you have to watch seeds and make sure it is not Male. I lost one of my very first crops because of males and learned a big lesson. Now to your actual question! I use Fox Farm products (the whole suit of 6) with great results. There are so many and alot are good to great. I use molasses in conjunction with it. Nutes? what ever works for you. Oh yea it makes such a big difference to label strains so you know what's being cloned. In regards to Nitrogen (NPK) etc if your using a group of nutrients Fox farm or any other if you follow their schedule you should get the right proportion of each. Ask questions its worth it! GOOD LUCK!

beans davis

Well-Known Member
Maybe I don't understand plant functions & NPK rations very good, but if you could advise me instead of putting me down, I would understand it better. All I know is more N in Veg, and more P at the start of flower and more P and K during flower, with enough N all the way through to sustain a good green color.

As for the Nirvana, I can understand your POV, I was actually wondering if it was worth it, and couldn't see what it was adding more than a little more K in my mix. But the organic-B is mainly for B vitamin which I thought was one of the most essential thing after the basic NPK... Maybe I am mistaken...
Sorry about that my friend, go read the thread by Uncle Ben "snake oils and other horticulture myths" and you will understand.
Read this thread also "Uncle Bens gardening tweaks and pointers"

Good luck with your grow,didn't mean to be rude,hit me up if i can help in any way.

After you read UBs thread read this one "Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics(dumpster grow)" by Homebrewer.

I recomend useing complete nutes like Dyna-GRO or GH Flora Nova.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
If i had your nutes i would use them like this.

WKS 3 & 4 2ML VEG & 2ML BLM
WKS 5 & 6 1ML VEG & 3ML BLM
I would use the big bud & nirvana 1/2 strength
I would not use bud blood
You can use the carboload & sensi zym

If you like to flush i would cut back nutes 1/2 during last week & water last 2dys.
If not run your nutes full till chop.

This is how i would use these nutes if i had them and adjust from here if needed.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
i run Moon dust in veg and start switching in dynagro bloom when flower starts. i feel like if i go straight dyna gro bloom during flower all my leaves yellow really early. moon dust has alot of N feel like its pretty under rated for the price.


With Dyna- Gro in bloom i mix gro with bloom to some dregee except for the last 2wks this keeps my plants healthy & leaves green.
Check out Homebrewers thread i run my nutes the same as him.

This thread is a must read "Uncle Bens gardening tweaks and pointers"


If i had your nutes i would use them like this.

WKS 3 & 4 2ML VEG & 2ML BLM
WKS 5 & 6 1ML VEG & 3ML BLM
I would use the big bud & nirvana 1/2 strength
I would not use bud blood
You can use the carboload & sensi zym

If you like to flush i would cut back nutes 1/2 during last week & water last 2dys.
If not run your nutes full till chop.

This is how i would use these nutes if i had them and adjust from here if needed.
That's quite interesting. I like the slow transition from grow to bloom....

I can see big bud at 1/2 strenght, but why Nirvana? If it's water like you said before (I'm not trying to be smart ass), or at leas not strong at all, why should I go half strenght?

Carboload, sensizym and Voodoo juice I do believe in... I use them as per instructed, same for F-1 and H-2.

I feed only water every 5th feed constantly during growth and flower. I usually flush for the last week or so... Cutting back to 1/2 nutes before flushing seems like a good idea!

Thanks for the input...


Bean, I found most of the threads you suggested, except for "snake oils and other horticulture myths"

Very interesting... Got a question though...

If I were to switch to Dyna-Grow... what would you recommend for veg nutes?


Well-Known Member
i refuse to read anything by UB and his holier than thou self. I have no time for his attitude, its childish. Homebrewer on the other had has been a great help and i would agree people should take notes and he wont mind answering questions.

i run Moon dust in veg and start switching in dynagro bloom when flower starts. i feel like if i go straight dyna gro bloom during flower all my leaves yellow really early. moon dust has alot of N feel like its pretty under rated for the price.


With Dyna- Gro in bloom i mix gro with bloom to some dregee except for the last 2wks this keeps my plants healthy & leaves green.
Check out Homebrewers thread i run my nutes the same as him.

This thread is a must read "Uncle Bens gardening tweaks and pointers"