Go Big or go Home...Multi-Strain Humboldt Nutrients Medical Grow


Active Member
Great grow and thread grandaddy P. All of your ladies are choice, but I think I'm head over heels for that white rhino in the veg. Can wait to see your yields, thanks for the education and encouragement. I start my first grow very soon.
:-P Welcome to the thread Shinobi & thank you for your kind words!!

My Rhino, Big Bud, & [probably] Mad Man Purp will go into flower in the next couple of days! I can't wait to see what this Rhino does either. I update every other day so be sure to check in often andd see how they're doing.

Congrats on deciding to become a grower of this amazing plant. Will you be in soil or hydro?

+Rep for ya. :peace:


Active Member
how much lemon juice do u use to lower it? The stuff zibra got me does have the beneficial microbes

I'm really not sure man, I use one of my nutes "Flavorful" to lower it so Iv've never used lemon juice (I think vinegar works also). I will try do a lil' experiment if I've got some lemon juice and see about what you would need.

What is your water pH out of the tap?
Do you have a liquid pH meter or just strips?

Also when all of the nutes are mixed up it usually balances out to the perfect range, unless your pH is just super high straight out of the tap...


New Member
OH MAN! THIS is where it gets gooood! *rubs his hands together*

Fuck yea man! Good job on taking care of these babies! :)



Well-Known Member
lol i hope im not freaking u out but everytime i see them there getting more sexy i woulnt fuck it for real lol a least its a ladie lol also everthing is looking good ur grape ape is lookinf really good i would ahve to say is my favor plant right now but that could change how long for the grape ape GDP! it looking rather ffrosty stay lite !-geturgrowon_:)


Active Member
Thanks Mid:-P

geturgrowon - Today is only Day33 Flower. I plan to flower for 60-70 days total, so they've got around another month. Want these bitches to get FAT & JUICY!! The Sweet Island might take a little longer because it's sativa dom.


Well-Known Member
for sure man oh yeah day 33 k well then for sure they need another month and oh for sur ethey will get nice and big under that 1000w u have and yeah i can tell the SIS is sative dom with thos thin long leafs anyway keep up the good work ill be watching


Active Member
Sounds good man :-P

I gotta get my BigBud, Mad Man Purp, and Rhino in the flower room too. Prolly in the next couple days. Might have to put up another one of these thousand-watters...


Active Member
Hey with growing in your basement and in CO, how do you find the humidity? Are you adding any humidity and just wondering what your temps are like.

The reason I ask as I'm about to go into round 2 and in a not completely dissimilar situation growing in a basement with colder temps outside.


Active Member
Hey with growing in your basement and in CO, how do you find the humidity? Are you adding any humidity and just wondering what your temps are like.

The reason I ask as I'm about to go into round 2 and in a not completely dissimilar situation growing in a basement with colder temps outside.

Hi ottawa, my humidity in the veg room is usually VERY low (15-25%), but in the flower room it's much higher (35-50%). I do not have a humidifier, if that's what you're asking.

My temps are usually 65-75 during light hours and 55-60 lights off.


Active Member
Thanks Scotia sounds good!!

This is a perpetual grow from here on out so it will definately be a "journey" lol. :lol::lol: Big Bud and White Rhino go into the flower room in a day or two and I've got a run of clones (SourD, DJ Short's Blueberry, Mandala #1, Shiva Skunk, & a couple others) that will be ready for flower in a few weeks.


Active Member
Hi ottawa, my humidity in the veg room is usually VERY low (15-25%), but in the flower room it's much higher (35-50%). I do not have a humidifier, if that's what you're asking.

My temps are usually 65-75 during light hours and 55-60 lights off.
Thanks.. That helps a lot, not sure why my flower room is so dry.. maybe I'm not watering enough? (its around 20% at the most) My temps are in roughly the same range is yours. So that makes me feel good.