Too much venting in a small grow box?


Active Member
So i just finished this grow box, its pretty small, maybe 10 inches x 12 inches or so. and i put a thermometer in there and locked it up and it stayed steady at 84F degrees. then i added a pc fan in there, but its so powerful that i can like feel the cold air pushing out even from the cracks. Considering this is such a small grow box i had concerns about whether or not this is too much wind and if the plant is even capable of growing in a climate like this. Also to note, that the box stays completely steady at 74F degrees , i assume this is a good temperature in which to grow, but my concern was about the wind. Or maybe its too cold..?


Well-Known Member
Im still trying to figure ou what you think is going to grow in a shoe box?? lol you growing a chia pet?


Active Member
Im still trying to figure ou what you think is going to grow in a shoe box?? lol you growing a chia pet?
hahaah, well this is just an experiment grow, so I'm thinking if i like start it out in 12/12 lighting and just LST it like theres no tomorrow, do you think that would work?


Active Member
Here, I'm going to show you a pic of this box. Go easy on me! its my first box so its hard to part with it! I think i should at least try this thing out at least once, don't you?View attachment 2013664 theres an axe deodorant on the right hand side so you can get an idea for sizing.


Well-Known Member
you need to use an exhaust fan. use the computer fan and have the intake be passive. Do not use tin foil if thats whats covering your walls. get flat white paint or mylar, neither is that expensive. You should get a y splitter so you can 1. add another bulb and 2. because if you keep it hanging vertically like it is your going to waste the majority of your light as its the side of the bulb that puts out the majority of the light. gonna need to do some pretty extreme lsting and even then its gonna be hard to pull off space wise. it can be done though.


Active Member
noted. I'm going to try to get a Y-splitter.. but as for this mylar, i don't even know where to get it, think i can find it at home depot?


Well-Known Member
lol dont go buy its a shoebox grow your lack of reflection wont make a damn difference.......what ever you do dont go spending money on things you would normaly buy for a real grow.....that is not a grow that is a fun little experiment NOT a your money leave the tin foil up or take it down but dont buy anything from a grow store to put in that box..... thats like spending money on sea monkeys in a glass jar lol just run it how it is and then when your ready to grow for real then spend your money.......hate to see people waste money on something that will yield you less then 50 dollars worth of


Active Member
footclan is right, you don't need mylar for a small box like that. what you want to do is hang your bulb horizontally, it will rob less vertical space in your box and optimize usable light from the bulb. try to put at least one more bulb in there, if not 2. the aluminum foil is fine, use the non shiny side as it's equally as reflective but diffuses light better. move the pc fan to the top of the box, either blowing straight up or out the side but still located near the top. you need a hole near the bottom of the box to allow air to passively enter the box. with that setup your temps should stay fine in there, though i would advise finding a larger container. styrofoam coolers are easy to cut into and are already white and very reflective, as well as waterproof. cheap at walmart.