Well-Known Member
He fucking constantly plays the race card and whines about anti-semetism and then goes and makes a joke about an event in which our population went from 9 to 3 million...frankly it's sad really that a supposed politics mod is such a hypocrite.
And the reason I even brought it up was because he made a comment based on where I'm from just because he couldn't justify how Obama spent 787 billion dollars to supposedly save 3 million jobs (at a cost of over $260,000 per job) yet even with the endless borrowing the US isn't doing any better (and infact worse) than most other countries which are cutting spending to balance their budgets.
Obamas policies and inability to get Congress to agree on budget cutting measures also earned the US it's first ever credit rating drop.
All hail Saviour Obama! Bush may have been bad, but his idiocy is perpetuated by the current POTUS.
because ireland is doing so well!

you said the stimulus did "nothing" at first. then you changed your claim. then you changed it again.

and you ignore that our president and the speaker had a deal that would have averted a credit rating downgrade, only to be rejected by the extremist elements of the gop that were all but rooting for a default (some of them actually were rooting for a default). as a partisan hack would do, you try to blame the president for the fact that the tea party rejected the best deal in favor of a crappier one.
you talk about our credit rating, your credit rating is "junk".
by the way, it is spelled "anti-semitism". no need to thank me, i'm here to help.