George W. Bush: The Food Stamp President

He fucking constantly plays the race card and whines about anti-semetism and then goes and makes a joke about an event in which our population went from 9 to 3 million...frankly it's sad really that a supposed politics mod is such a hypocrite.

And the reason I even brought it up was because he made a comment based on where I'm from just because he couldn't justify how Obama spent 787 billion dollars to supposedly save 3 million jobs (at a cost of over $260,000 per job) yet even with the endless borrowing the US isn't doing any better (and infact worse) than most other countries which are cutting spending to balance their budgets.

Obamas policies and inability to get Congress to agree on budget cutting measures also earned the US it's first ever credit rating drop.

All hail Saviour Obama! Bush may have been bad, but his idiocy is perpetuated by the current POTUS.

because ireland is doing so well! :clap:

you said the stimulus did "nothing" at first. then you changed your claim. then you changed it again. :dunce:

and you ignore that our president and the speaker had a deal that would have averted a credit rating downgrade, only to be rejected by the extremist elements of the gop that were all but rooting for a default (some of them actually were rooting for a default). as a partisan hack would do, you try to blame the president for the fact that the tea party rejected the best deal in favor of a crappier one.

you talk about our credit rating, your credit rating is "junk".

by the way, it is spelled "anti-semitism". no need to thank me, i'm here to help.
And wanting to reelect someone who in almost 4 years couldn't fix it is the solution?


do you ever stop lying? or are you too full of fried potatoes washed down with booze to notice what happens across the pond?

Good work, perpetuate your problems by reelecting the clueless suit in office.

that would involve doubling down on the failed conservative policies which led to our mess. and you never rebutted what i said about gas prices hinging on the economy, not the president.

normally, when you quote something, the point is to reply to it, not just to go off on a blindly partisan hackfest.

You ever heard of "logical choices" or are you so blindly Democrat that you'll just vote along party lines?

i think we have identified the blind partisan in the room.

by the way, soda bread sucks. it tastes like a combination of burnt testicle hair and bigfoot's dick.
I don't want to know how anyone knows what burnt testicle hair or bigfoot's dick tastes like, let alone a combination of the two.

j/k UB
I don't want to know how anyone knows what burnt testicle hair or bigfoot's dick tastes like, let alone a combination of the two.

j/k UB

i am adventurous, what can i say?

actually, i stole it from anchorman. i am unoriginal like that.

you have junk bonds. you sure you want to continue barking up this tree?
Has Dukeanthony hacked Unclebucks account? Give me the net number of jobs added, not the gross, statistics can be easily manipulated. Junk bond status means shit, we've a lower deficit, similar debt to GDP ratio and we've higher growth even tho there is a crisis in the Eurozone holding us back...and we already have what you'd call socialism.

Who should have Junk bond status given these facts? The Romans didn't see the decline of their empire coming either,stay clueless padawan, it suits you, at least you're consistently clueless ;) Go post about fucking turtles, it's the most political topic you seem
to understand.
Has Dukeanthony hacked Unclebucks account? Give me the net number of jobs added, not the gross, statistics can be easily manipulated. Junk bond status means shit, we've a lower deficit, similar debt to GDP ratio and we've higher growth even tho there is a crisis in the Eurozone holding us back...and we already have what you'd call socialism.

Who should have Junk bond status given these facts? The Romans didn't see the decline of their empire coming either,stay clueless padawan, it suits you, at least you're consistently clueless ;) Go post about fucking turtles, it's the most political topic you seem
to understand.

what a substantive rebuttal.


go grab some more bailouts to save your asses and procure your junk bond status.

ireland ROCKS.
what a substantive rebuttal.


go grab some more bailouts to save your asses and procure your junk bond status.

ireland ROCKS.
Bailout, Treasury Bonds held by the Federal there really a difference? Ironic that you sarcastically state my reply was in-substantive yet offer no rebuttal to what I say.

How exactly can I be partisan btw? We're not tied down by the ridiculous 2 party system, we have a number of political parties and you can vote for whoever you want (thats standing) with no "register Republican/Democrat" crap.

Go back to the Turtle Sanctury man, you do better there.
Bailout, Treasury Bonds held by the Federal there really a difference? Ironic that you sarcastically state my reply was in-substantive yet offer no rebuttal to what I say.

How exactly can I be partisan btw? We're not tied down by the ridiculous 2 party system, we have a number of political parties and you can vote for whoever you want (thats standing) with no "register Republican/Democrat" crap.

Go back to the Turtle Sanctury man, you do better there.


again, no need to thank me. i am here to help.

there was nothing to respond to. you tried to call me dukeanthony, you brought up some tangent about rome and turtle sanctuaries, blame the eurozone, downplay the significance of your junk does one respond to "waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!"

should i hand you a bottle full of warm milk? would you prefer whiskey instead?

again, no need to thank me. i am here to help.

there was nothing to respond to. you tried to call me dukeanthony, you brought up some tangent about rome and turtle sanctuaries, blame the eurozone, downplay the significance of your junk does one respond to "waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!"

should i hand you a bottle full of warm milk? would you prefer whiskey instead?
A bit of debate instead of pointless trolling would be great, but one should never turn down the offer of a whiskey.

Btw the spelling mistakes are Apples fault, they mustve hired a "special needs" person to programme their iPhone autocorrect.
wanna go back to debating how the stimulus did "nothing"?

i don't debate with liars and hacks. i make sport of them.

again, no need to thank me. i am here to help.

there was nothing to respond to. you tried to call me dukeanthony, you brought up some tangent about rome and turtle sanctuaries, blame the eurozone, downplay the significance of your junk does one respond to "waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!"

should i hand you a bottle full of warm milk? would you prefer whiskey instead?
A bit of debate instead of pointless trolling would be great, but one should never turn down the offer of a whiskey.

Btw the spelling mistakes are Apples fault, they mustve hired a "special needs" person to programme their iPhone autocorrect.
... a cost of approx 262,333 dollars per "job saved" ...

let's look at this if you want to talk about something.

your calculation assumes all of the stimulus went to creating jobs. it did not. a ton of the stimulus went to tax breaks, and even more went to turning the DOE into essentially an enormous venture capital fund.

but suppose your calculation is still spot on, despite these factors which you neglect to discuss or are completely ignorant of. for that price, we not only put someone to work for 2-3 years, we also got lasting infrastructure improvements out of it as well.

how much do you think a construction worker works for? potatoes and whiskey? no. the answer is they work for $60-$80k a year. ya know, a livable wage.
Whatever man, your weak-sauce debate style is starting to get boring. Come back to me when you dont have to borrow trillions of dollars from China to pay for your Government ;)
Whatever man, your weak-sauce debate style is starting to get boring. Come back to me when you dont have to borrow trillions of dollars from China to pay for your Government ;)

says the guy whose country was bailed out by other countries.


you asked for a debate, i gave a topic based on your own words, and you turn it down and choose to take a swipe at our nation and me personally instead.

and yet I'M the troll.

you are mistaking the fact that i make sport of hacks and liars and are calling it trolling instead.
The Republicans finally figuring out that Neocons are liberal? The Grand Old Party ceased to exist long ago, what I call GOP is nothing but neoconservatives. Neoconservatives love the welfare state as much as any liberal.
says the guy whose country was bailed out by other countries.


you asked for a debate, i gave a topic based on your own words, and you turn it down and choose to take a swipe at our nation and me personally instead.

and yet I'M the troll.

you are mistaking the fact that i make sport of hacks and liars and are calling it trolling instead.
Since you're once again clueless, the reason we had to accept a bailout was because at the insistence of our European masters all banks had to be guaranteed and our banks were WAY overexposed to the housing bubble, which added their huge debts to our sovereign debt.

You didn't answer the question tho, what will the US do in approximately 11-14 months when it's broke and needs another debt ceiling increase? Are you going to ask China for even more money?
Since you're once again clueless, the reason we had to accept a bailout was because at the insistence of our European masters all banks had to be guaranteed and our banks were WAY overexposed to the housing bubble, which added their huge debts to our sovereign debt.

You didn't answer the question tho, what will the US do in approximately 11-14 months when it's broke and needs another debt ceiling increase? Are you going to ask China for even more money?

China only holds about 1 trillion of our debt. Currently we are printing money on one hand and IOU's on the other.
China only holds about 1 trillion of our debt. Currently we are printing money on one hand and IOU's on the other.
China holds more than that, officially they own about 1.1 trillion, but they also bought treasuries via a UK investment firm so officially speaking it didn't look like it was China who bought them. Look it up man, it's out there.
China holds more than that, officially they own about 1.1 trillion, but they also bought treasuries via a UK investment firm so officially speaking it didn't look like it was China who bought them. Look it up man, it's out there.

What is your point?

Mine was that China holds maybe 8-10% of our debt. You made it sound like it was all owned by them.

And again... The Fed is issuing Bonds that the treasury is printing money to cover. We are monetizing our debt... Extremely bad for the future.