Jock Horror and bagseed, Second grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, here we go. Here's a rundown of my equipment:

400w MH
150w HPS (Not used until flowering)
Grow medium: Shultz Perlite 1/3 - Shultz Peat Moss 1/3 - Scotts Topsoil 1/3
Tap Water left out for 24h with small aquarium pump, pumping air into it.
Rapidtest Soil Moister Meter
Ph and Nute gauge
One tower Fan
One round fan
Cool mist humidifier


10 Nirvana Jock Horror
One bagseed already 10 days old (neptune)

Day 1 3/23/08
Almost all the Jock Horror's germinated, im giving them 5 more hours before planting. Neptune is growing wonderfully. I watered her today.

(btw if your wondering what those plants are in the background, their watermelons)



Well-Known Member
Nothing really to update today, no sprouts yet.

The other 3 seeds did germinate though, which means my Nirvana seed germination rate was 100%. I recommend them.

So that gives me a total of 11 possibly plants.

Neptune is growing her third set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, Ill be watching yours again. Interested in seeing how your soil combination works as it is the same peat moss and perlite I am using and that is my last idea for what I am doing wrong. Its quite aggravating why I am still having so many problems.


Well-Known Member
Ok So all the seeds I planted sprouted. So that means I had a 100% success rate with Nirvana Jock Horror.

Neptune is yet again growing more and more each day, on her third set of leaves. I gave her a good watering last night with distilled water and i'll wait 3 more days to water her again. (She's almost 2 weeks old!)

I figured I would just upload one pic of the sprouts since they all look the same.

Last night for some reason my temp got to 91 which makes no sense. When I sit inside the room where the plants are, it feels nice and breezy. Going to have to install exhast real soon.

Last two pics are Neptune, first one is a Jock Horror Sprout.



Well-Known Member
All of the sprouts are growing taller and stronger each day! I can already tell their a sativa by the fact that they are already taller than Neptune.

Neptune is working on her new set of leaves and seems to be doing fine. She's two weeks old today!

No plants get water today, I may give the sprouts a little bit tomorrow. and I might spray Neptune's leaves tonight.



Well-Known Member
All is not well. I have no idea why my plants are beginning to look like hell but they are. I watered the sprouts for the first time last night since they are a week old. All the sprouts look dark green and tall. SOme look good, some look funky.

Neptune looks very strange. Her bottom leaves are firm, middle leaves are exremely droopy, and her new set that she's growing look extremely healthy! Im not sure what's up here.

As soon as I find my camera i'll post pictures!


Well-Known Member
Soo everything bounced back!
I gave Neptune her first nutes, and within a couple hours she was bright green and standing tall again!
All the sprouts are doing well. I guess time heals all.

I believe Neptune is 2 and a half weeks old.

The Sprouts are 11 days.



Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that things are going good :)

I wish I could figure my problem out.... My clone is starting to look horrible, arghhhhh


Well-Known Member
Subscribed..just ordered jock today wit some blue mystic, plan on crossin the 2. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
I hear mystic blue jock... :)

will, glad to see everything going good here. I got a few sprouts that I'm considering using some MILD nutes on... they're starting to get dry and one's new growth is yellowing...


Well-Known Member
I decided to transplant Neptune today. I moved her into a 12'' airbasket.

My only problem was during the transplant I may of torn a couple of roots, son of a bitch!

We will see in the next few days if I did any damage, I sure hope not.

