The Seed Collectors Thread

the best yielder i've had so far was dr greenthumbs ghost cut, about 3 zips under a 250 hps along with a few other girls.. good yielder, and probably around my number 2 smoke or so thus far.. really good stuff, but i know a lot of peps knock on the good dr, but that shit was legit.. incredible smell and flavor, just an all around winner in my book..

cali con's pre98 has to be the worst of the lot followed closely behind by their larry.. both were nice smokes, i liked the bubba much more so, but damn did those fuckers not put out for me at all.. :(

Nice!! I have 11 of Doc's ghost OG gettin big in my veg room right now.
Those raskel fire og f2s any good or are they the fire og im hearing that are hermie monsters
That fire og from dhs freebies is fire!!!!!! I lOved it I rate that one of the best og behind Tahoe.

@ racer - Larry og wasn't a good yielder for you? I had no problem getting that thing to pull a oz with no. Veg from clone. When I did veg it I got a easy 2 zips with like 7 other plants under a 400 hps. I liked the Larry alot that I went and got another pack. Pre98 is a low yielder but the smoke is ko bye bye!;)

Im hoping next time I run the Larry I get some killer phenos.. I've seen some pretty good Larry's and the one I had was some fire that I had it for a year plus in my garden and made 3 crosses with it.
you can run up to around 25 in SOG under a 400, ive done it 4x4 ft tent, 5x5 pots...and pull 400grams or more. or 1 plant and 400 grams or more. or 6plants, or 15plants. doesn't really matter.

all about maximizing grow space, with whatever method you choose.
I'm so sorry to hear about your bubbas. Guess I'm glad I waited for reg bubbas that never dropped. Bubb is supposed to be hands down one of the best in the still a kush so won't yield like a skunk. -------------- if it makes you feel better I've killed and scoured the last of cali conn from my garden. 14 seeds and no female. Meanwhile I get 5/5 on plush x sour bubble reg seeds, 4/4 romulan, 1/1 jaffa cake female etc etc. And not even any of the males were that nice.
man are you ever gonna laugh at me gud... i had to go to the meth clinic today, so last night when i went to bed, i put two heat pads into my whizzinator and timed an hour, the amount of time it would take me after getting dressed and all to get to the clinic, to see what the temps would look like on it..
hour came and went, and it was no where near warm enough like that, so i moved the heating pads around some, and put the whole thing under my spare pillow to keep it warm.
woke up this morning, checked on it and it was super warm, so warm in fact that the heating pads had fucked up the piss bag and either melted it completely or just enough to fuck up the seams, and when i picked the damn thing up, i had fake piss all over me.. what a way to start my fucking day, lol...
then i was all nervous that i was going to be on the ua list today, would have been just my luck, lol.. stressed out all the way there, got there, and thank fucking god, i wasn't on the list today, lol.. man, i can't believe i got so lucky... gotta look at the thing when i get around to it and see if i can find and fix the leak or not, but just in case i can't, i just ordered a new one anyhoo's.....

just thought you'd all enjoy my tales of woo, lol.. :)
man are you ever gonna laugh at me gud... i had to go to the meth clinic today, so last night when i went to bed, i put two heat pads into my whizzinator and timed an hour, the amount of time it would take me after getting dressed and all to get to the clinic, to see what the temps would look like on it..
hour came and went, and it was no where near warm enough like that, so i moved the heating pads around some, and put the whole thing under my spare pillow to keep it warm.
woke up this morning, checked on it and it was super warm, so warm in fact that the heating pads had fucked up the piss bag and either melted it completely or just enough to fuck up the seams, and when i picked the damn thing up, i had fake piss all over me.. what a way to start my fucking day, lol...
then i was all nervous that i was going to be on the ua list today, would have been just my luck, lol.. stressed out all the way there, got there, and thank fucking god, i wasn't on the list today, lol.. man, i can't believe i got so lucky... gotta look at the thing when i get around to it and see if i can find and fix the leak or not, but just in case i can't, i just ordered a new one anyhoo's.....

just thought you'd all enjoy my tales of woo, lol.. :)

If you want you can prime it with some hot water....
Or let it soak in hot water before you leave...
Bsides that..

man are you ever gonna laugh at me gud... i had to go to the meth clinic today, so last night when i went to bed, i put two heat pads into my whizzinator and timed an hour, the amount of time it would take me after getting dressed and all to get to the clinic, to see what the temps would look like on it..
hour came and went, and it was no where near warm enough like that, so i moved the heating pads around some, and put the whole thing under my spare pillow to keep it warm.
woke up this morning, checked on it and it was super warm, so warm in fact that the heating pads had fucked up the piss bag and either melted it completely or just enough to fuck up the seams, and when i picked the damn thing up, i had fake piss all over me.. what a way to start my fucking day, lol...
then i was all nervous that i was going to be on the ua list today, would have been just my luck, lol.. stressed out all the way there, got there, and thank fucking god, i wasn't on the list today, lol.. man, i can't believe i got so lucky... gotta look at the thing when i get around to it and see if i can find and fix the leak or not, but just in case i can't, i just ordered a new one anyhoo's.....

just thought you'd all enjoy my tales of woo, lol.. :)


fuck 9:30 and i just spit coffee all over my laptop.



if i had the power, i'd stand before congress right now & relate your story as another reason why herb needs off the schedule 1 list?

good ladies & gentlemen of the US congress,

is it just ? is it standard course of action? is it rational? ...for a man to sleep with a fake dick only to wake up covered in synthetic urnine?

why (dramatic pause) must good citizens all over the USA hide their plastic "junk" under their pillows only to continue to live in thc shame?

is justice a piss in a cup away?
is a plastic penis good for anything other than foiling a robbery?

can hand warmers & piss co-exist equally without reservation in todays political climate?

these tough questions i ask before congress tonight in hope that people like racerboy can live a life free from urine persecution.

good day.
i ever mention the time my boy did two bong hits back to back & suck down a ballon of nitrous immediately after ... and then shit himself on the spot?

or was that me ;-)


see there's more embarassing shit (punn intended) to go round.
i was living with this other recovering addict and his like idk 13 year old or so nephew who wasn't the brightest spoon in the drawer so to speak..

so one day all bored i came up with this.. i told him this...

you know it's physically impossible to piss yourself if you try right?? yah, your mind won't let you do it.. see, and i stood up and pretended to try and piss myself.. of course i didn't...
dude then stood up and tried it believing watt i had told him.. all of a sudden his pants got all went and i see a puddle forming on the floor.. i've never laughed harder in my life that i can remember..
fucking classic.
i was living with this other recovering addict and his like idk 13 year old or so nephew who wasn't the brightest spoon in the drawer so to speak..

so one day all bored i came up with this.. i told him this...

you know it's physically impossible to piss yourself if you try right?? yah, your mind won't let you do it.. see, and i stood up and pretended to try and piss myself.. of course i didn't...
dude then stood up and tried it believing watt i had told him.. all of a sudden his pants got all went and i see a puddle forming on the floor.. i've never laughed harder in my life that i can remember..
fucking classic.

lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a friend i think i could do that to, cant wait to see him lol.
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a friend i think i could do that to, cant wait to see him lol.

lol, i knew the kid wasn't really the smartest thing out there, but i never thought that he would fall for that line of horse shit that i fed him, lol.. it was hard for me even not to piss myself on purpose showing him it couldn't be done, lol..
but yah, dude bought it hook line and sinker, really was fucking funny, and i'm sure he felt like a real tool bag when he did indeed piss himself..

yah, yah, i know, i'm evil, but that shit was fucking funny...
two bong hits back to back & suck down a ballon of nitrous immediately after

That's actually a pretty fun combo right there! Back when I was just out of high school I believe I had this friend and the bank was stupid enough to send her a box of checks. Well with money she didn't have we'd all pile into my car and go to this pompous culinary store downtown. She's go in there and buy boxes, I mean like $100 worth at a time of those ISI cartridges. I had a really nice whipped cream dispenser and we'd load that bitch up and go for broke. Puffin on some dank and doing the nitrous sent you up to the stratosphere for a minute.
Some of you guys sure do have some nice genetics :D
lol yeah my buddy is the most gullible fucker around...and since i'm so sick, and in and out of hospitals and shit all the time he knows i know my shit about human anatomy and shit like i'm pretty confident he'll believe me lol.

nothin evil about that racer, its pure funny lol.
lol yeah my buddy is the most gullible fucker around...and since i'm so sick, and in and out of hospitals and shit all the time he knows i know my shit about human anatomy and shit like i'm pretty confident he'll believe me lol.

nothin evil about that racer, its pure funny lol.

if you do it cmt, you've got to tape that shit.. i did it back in like 2000 or so when cell phones were just really coming around, and not everyone had a video camera in their pocket, otherwise that shit would have been plastered all over youtube, lol.. :)