Advice on shipping bud to the east coast


Well-Known Member
Ok so of course I would never be stupid enough to do this,

But let's say I knew someone that moved to college on the east coast and he can get rid of bud for more than double what I'm selling it for in Cali.

How would I go about shipping it to him.

Definetly needs to be double vacuum packed

And advice or tips

Hes lives on campus so should I send it to a p.o. Box or have him just pick it up at the post office or what?

Once again this is all theoretical so any theoretical help would be awesome.
I used to know my dealer that got large amounts of bud threw the mail. It was compressed and vacuum sealed, sent regular mail, ground. They did this for a long time, eventually they got busted for dealing, but never sure if they figured out the shipping methods.
you know there is such a thing called conspiracy if you dont know what that is maybe you should read and really you cant figure this out on ur own come on man ur lame give it up
your gettin to funny area man

but hypothetically its possible but highly risky as any fake names /addys are red flags for the postal service

as well when its going across state lines its a even bigger risk

but that beings said ive mailed a eight cross state lines sucessfully for a birthday present for my brother

but it was crushed thin as paper and vaccuum sealed then put into a birthday card

made it there fine but i mightve been lucky
Ya I know somebody that's doing it right now sending insane amounts an he has been doing it for the past 5 years.

He won't tell me how he does it through lol
double vacuum pack small bags...bleach everything like no fucking tomorrow...let it all dry from the bleaching so the bleach smell is gone...pack in candy/cookies/ a flat rate priority box...legible handwriting on addresses...use real names...dont tape the box severely, just normally...

The biggest thing with the post office is just make sure it doesn't smell at all so no drug dogs can pick it up...keep the packaging normal...keep everything looking normal as millions of packages look...act normal when delivering it to the post office...make it look like every other box is honestly the biggest thing...if it looks normal, USPS won't give a shit and it will fly right through...if you are sketchy about sending it and put it in a weird box taped up like mad, they will give a shit...

Another thing you can do is put a buy it now auction up on ebay for like a penny...have him pay for it...print the shipping labels from ebay so it just looks like another ebay sale :D
And just to let u guys know this is not a debate or a question about the legalities of this I know what is at risk I just want to know if anyone has done it with success and has any advice on how to do it
I've done it, from Florida to the Midwest when I had to take a commercial flight and didn't want to be out of bud. Before 911 you could just throw it in your checked in luggage on domestic flights, not anymore. All I did was wrap it tight in multiple freezer bags. Then I wrapped that in dryer sheets, and boxed it with a bunch of clothing. It arrived before I did.
double vacuum pack small bags...bleach everything like no fucking tomorrow...let it all dry from the bleaching so the bleach smell is gone...pack in candy/cookies/ a flat rate priority box...legible handwriting on addresses...use real names...dont tape the box severely, just normally...

The biggest thing with the post office is just make sure it doesn't smell at all so no drug dogs can pick it up...keep the packaging normal...keep everything looking normal as millions of packages look...act normal when delivering it to the post office...make it look like every other box is honestly the biggest thing...if it looks normal, USPS won't give a shit and it will fly right through...if you are sketchy about sending it and put it in a weird box taped up like mad, they will give a shit...

Another thing you can do is put a buy it now auction up on ebay for like a penny...have him pay for it...print the shipping labels from ebay so it just looks like another ebay sale :D

What about when it's gonna be picked up should I send it to a address or just have it be picked up at the post office.
of coarse its been done with success u think cali smokes all that shit outdoor hell no they send that shit to other states or u can b a real man and get ur ass up on that interstate an get paid
of coarse its been done with success u think cali smokes all that shit outdoor hell no they send that shit to other states or u can b a real man and get ur ass up on that interstate an get paid

Dont got time to go there my self, like a "real man" I gotta work 40 hrs a week
i use to get 10 lb shipments from Cali,for my dealer,and it was packaged exactly how Massah described a few posts above.the method truly works, had one of the shipments delayed because someone else didnt package there shit right and the drug dogs sniffed them out but not ours,they ended up getting busted with pills,coke in their shipment though.UPS,is better they are much more consistent with the delivery times than USPS.But be the most inconspicuous with your packaging as well,blend in as one of the many boxes,and the chances of a pop will be minimal in any case.
Kid's get care packages all the time from family and friends man ;)

yes but in the same sense alot of the times the care packages get scanned dependent on the campus rules its like the wild west their they can do lots of stuff

you couldnt normaly do under the guise of campus safety