AZ Department of Health - FEEDBACK


New Member
Here is a place to express your opinion or give feedback Directly to the Department of Health Services.

The "25 Mile Rule" is being tossed out every time!!

Arizona Dept. of Health Services - Reponse
Each qualified patient will be notified upon their annual renewal if a dispensary is open within 25 miles of where they live. If you renew with a request to grow and there is not a dispensary open within 25 miles you will be able to continue to grow. The final rules for the dispensaries are still being developed so you will want to check back to our agency website for new developments. At this time we do not have a date for the completion of the final rules and no dates for when the Department will be able to license dispensaries.
The 25-mile rule was part of the Initiative passed by the voters, as such is set in law.


Active Member
Where is the media? I haven't heard one thing about the 25 mile rule on the news.
I think we all have an idea of what's going on. However, to play devil's advocate, maybe the 25 mile rule isn't a big story yet compared to dispensaries gearing up for business. Possibly, we aren't loud enough yet and when we get every once together to collectively call bullshit, then the media will hear and see the issue.


New Member
This issue needs to be addressed!

When will I be forced to go to Starbucks?

I like to brew my own pot of coffee!