Panic attacks while high

im a pretty new cannabis smoker i only smoked some shity mids then i went on a trip to amsterdam i smoked some ak 47 super lemon haze the lemon haze got me trppin and so did the ak 47 but the lemon haze was crazy i chould barley breathe dizzy heart beating fast always had to put my hand on my mouth to feel that im breathing my whole body went numb. and now for the ak 47 i got really dizzy after i smoked a half pice of joint and went to lay on the bed got like a lightnig right trough me and i just screamed my phone and all my buddys went crazy looking for there phones and shit then i got really panicy and stuff and thingly in my whole body and i wass laughing hard. and i took some ak 47 home and i got the same feeling again and i only took a bong hit of it but the bong it was really milky and fat so yeah:peace: andif you guys got any stories like this fell free to tell them


Well-Known Member
yeah, happens to many people, myself included.

i don't get true 'panic attacks' due to smoking, but my paranoia level shoots way up. i'm not sure if it my mind responding to my body or vice versa, but cannabis will elevate your heart rate and it has been shown that changes in neurology lead to changes in your mind.


New Member
Super Lemon Haze is notoriously sativa not 100% but petty close. If you smoked properly grown SLH in the dam especially if you were at GHS coffee shop the THC is about 20% or higher. Much more of a head high, good for depression because it really has a very uppy feeling. I have anxiety issues and something like this does not do it for me. I get the sweats, paranoid, dizzy, and in general uncomortable. My last grow I had a clone that may have been SLH. It came from a clone and the guy I got it from could not remember if it was SLH or Barney's farm LSD. Luckily for me it turned out to be the LSD. Mostly an indica hybrid


Active Member
First time I smoked the really good stuff I was on my ass and also felt like I would stop breathing. I was so scared like I couldn't handle it. I thought I was dying and swore i would never smoke again. That lasted about a week.


Well-Known Member
First time I smoked the really good stuff...
same here. i never felt paranoid until i grew my own, and only once my own product was top notch did i start to feel the paranoid sensation.

i have heard others say the same as BKB about the SLH. for me, headband and blueberry are good strains for getting high without so much paranoia.


Active Member
I remember this one time.. Man it was bad, i don't know if it was laced or just karma but...

I was at my friends house and he was passed out drunk and his huge weed stash was laying there and I was pretty drunk too, so i was like fuck, ill just take some of this so i can smoke a little before bed or whatever to have better dreams, sleep calmer etc. and so i took some and then eventually i went home and made this huge bong out of a 2 liter Coca Cola bottle, this thing was massive in terms of holding smoke. So i took about like 4 HUGE hits, and then put it down and i was pretty fucking high.. not like overwhelmingly high, but pretty dandy if you catch my drift. So then I was like, fuck.. what can i do now? OH YEAH! obviously I'm gonna smoke more fucking weed!!
so i took another 2 huge fucking hits of this mammoth bong. seriously i felt like i was inhaling cumulonimbus clouds. And then I don't know what the fuck happened dude but i was tripping FUCK as if i was on like LSD or something. I was hallucinating and everything i thought about, I could see in front of me, and like I couldn't stay "there" for more than 5 seconds. Like i would try to focus on something and 5 seconds later id be flying through my fucking skull on a portable life raft with a leak in it. And i kept seeing this like tribal shaman guy in my wall, and he had this huge like sector, and he was like "peeling" away real life, and i saw like reality literally MELTING away , and through the melted cracks i could see this like destroyed world (like the matrix, almost exactly) and then our "reality" would like heal back like wolverine over this scary world. and I'm not shitting you, this is how much i was tripping balls dude, i was COMPLETELY fucking hallucinating and seeing this, and then i started getting so fucking scared that this guy was real so i started like running around my house and i called my girlfriend like, "oh my fucking god I'm in a crisis right now! s.o.s!!!!" or what ever, and she's like "try to stay with me" and I remember saying "i can't! I'm trying to stay here talking to you but i keep flying away!!" and this was me literally trying to fight to stay in reality. then i remember like i picked up a pair of scissors (which i had no recollection of doing by the way for the 5 seconds that i came back to reality) and I had it in my brain that i was going to like stab myself with them, and then i threw them like "wtf is going on here!!?!??" and i went up stairs and forced myself to sleep, having the most fucked up dreams ever, (that i can remember anyways)
and the next day i woke up, and i STILL felt fucking high dude!! like not like i was the day before, but i felt like i was still high, and i was like omg this is it, i fried my fucking brain, I'm gonna be like this forever!
so i went through the whole fucking day like still high as fuck, like we went to the cemetery and shit (bad place to go, by the way, when you think you've just fried your brain..) and then i went to bad that night, and i woke up, and guess what. yeah! still high! and i was like oh my god this is a nightmare! i felt like i was in that movie "1408" with john cuzak or how ever you spell it. so i started getting wicked desperate posting on yahoo answers and shit like what the fuck is happening to my cerebrum or whatever ahahaahahah
and my girl friend was like "i want my boyfriend back :/ i don't want a high one like this" and I'm like omg you fucking girl, thats the worst thing you can say to me right now, your making me more fucking scared jesus, like i have any fucking say in one it fucking happening to me right now!

anyways, to cut to the chase, over the course of a day of researching on the internet i found out that i was having a wicked bad anxiety attack for basically 2 fucking days, and my anxiety was making me feel like i was in a dream and shit and the fact of me worrying that i was never gonna get back to normal again was making me worry more and more, in turn, making me more "out of it". so as luck would have it, I woke up the next day fine after a 3 day mother fucking nightmare, and Ill never steal weed again

THE END (10000% true story by the way)


Active Member
Scary stuff!!

Once, way back in the day, I got so high I ended up stuck in the framework of a wall. Couldn't move. Was seeing bugs everywhere. Was horrible for about 3 hours. Thank God someone rescued me (haha!) and sat me on a couch so I could watch "The Breakfast Club." I thought it was Emilio Estevez that rescued me, but I am sad to report that it was not. LOL!! Doesn't sound as scary as the post above, but was a total nightmare.

Brick Top

New Member
Like with anyone, there are certain strains that have, or yet will, made me 'edgier' than others, but I have never had a more intense type, where's the phone because I can't deal with this and need to dial 9-H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T, type moment.

But I have seen a handful of others have very extreme, and different, reactions to getting high the first time.

The most extreme I saw was around 1973. One of my friends who always acted like he got high, but never did, one day decided he wanted to and asked if he could hang out with me. I of course said sure. It was a Saturday night without a party so a couple friends and I were just going to cruise around and get high and listen to tunes, so I figured one more person won't hurt.

I picked him up around 7:00 PM, and the other two not all that many minutes later. We drove around and got high and even though we'd all eaten, several of us, amazingly, wanted to go to McDonalds, so that's where I went.

Even before getting there my buddy, the first timer, seemed nervous. Before we got there he asked if it was a smart idea. In that era a lot of guys raced each other and McDonalds was where you'd go if you wanted to find a race. So on Friday and Saturday nights the place was really busy and there was always at least one, but usually two, local cops walking around. My friend thought it unwise for us to go that near cops. We said it was cool, sooner or later you end up doing that sort of thing all the time, so it was no big deal, don't even think about it.

I park, he won't get out of the car and doesn't want me to bring him anything because one more order would just keep us there that much longer. I said, OK.

My other friends and I are walking back to my car and my car almost looked like it had two or three people in it. My friend was moving from window to window, sides and back, so much that it seemed like there was more than just one person in the car, with a face in each window and seemingly a body almost anywhere in the car at almost any time.

My friend's and I wanted to enjoy our food but my friend really insisted that we leave, that we eat while we drive or we stop somewhere else to eat. Before I had a chance to pull out of McDonalds my friend is already coughing and telling me he doesn't feel well, that he thinks he's going to be sick.

I pulled out and then quickly pulled into a large parking lot and my buddy started spewing like Old Faithful. It seems the combination of sheer paranoia combined with the odor of burgers, it must have put him over the edge because he hadn't gotten any food, but he left his dinner in that parking lot.

In a bit I headed out again, but my friend was almost like he had been heavily drugged. He was a big rag doll that threw up. My other friend's asked me to drop them off somewhere, which I did, and then I took my friend somewhere he could relax and if not enjoy it some, at least not be almost catatonic, and sick, from fear, or some odd allergy I never heard of.

I can't set the time all that exact, but I picked him up around 7:00 PM, we were likely high by 7:40 PM, McDonalds by about 8:00PM or shortly after, dropped off my other two friends around 8:30 PM or shortly after ....... and at midnight I am wondering if just by chance while the rest of us were in McDonalds that this guy had a blood vessel break in his head, or something, because until about then he literally could walk without help and he was about as limp-bodied as if he drank a fifth or bourbon.

Once it started it only took about a half hour before he 'regained full, or near full, motor control' over himself ..... but then he was still really paranoid and would still do the dry heave thing now and then.

Friend or not, I had pretty much reached my limit, so I said I was going home, so I would drop him off at home on the way. He almost shit himself. He was positive that the instant he walked in the house his father would take one look at him and know, and he'd be in trouble. I said how it was about 12:30 AM by then and he'd be asleep so don't worry about it.

It took about 20 minutes to get to his house, and he hardly once shut up about his old man, but when we got there the house was all dark. I said everyone's asleep, walk in quietly and do what you have to as quickly and quietly as possible, and then go to bed ... and said go ... so he went.

About two years later he moved to Colorado and until he moved I never knew of him ever getting high again. He never asked me, I knew some people who offered and he turned down the offer so I'm sure for at least that long he didn't give it another try. And it's second hand, but another friend who ended up at the same college with the paranoid-pal said it's not like he really watched him and paid all that close of attention to, but he hung out with him a lot and he couldn't remember ever seeing him get high.

I really never understood what happened, but I do think that it was my friend's one and only, and absolutely miserable, time getting high.

For a few hours he was such a mess that if I had seen him at some party and I asked someone, what's up with that guy, and they said, he did a few quaaludes and then had a few shots, and some beers ......... it would have sounded completely plausible.

That might or might not seem like all that much to some, but it's the most extreme reaction I have ever seen from anyone, plus it was the guy's first time. I think it's enough to deserve a place among what would be called a rare occurrence.

For anyone thinking, era and reaction = sativa ... they'd have hit the nail on the head. We had Colombian Gold in the area a while but we got a long wave of absolutely golden, in every way, Colombian Gold (I saved and later grew a number of plants from that stuff). I am pretty sure that is what we were smoking that night.

Regardless of what it was, it didn't sit all that well with my friend. For a while he was like some guy in a cheap 'plague' movie who's 'out of it' for a few hours, and then becomes a zombie, but without the zombie changing part, just the really pathetically helpless guy that should have felt lucky that he even retained bowel and bladder control, because he lost about everything else there is to lose ... and then he came around, slowly, and to a bit, instead of the undead brain eating sort of stuff being any part of it ...... that I can remember anyway.


Well-Known Member
I honestly do not get overly paranoid, yes, somewhat at times, but not overly - usually anyway.

Except this one time I ate 4 grams of hash (spurt of the moment idea in high school) and went to the movies. I thought I was going to die and that I wasn't breathing. Made it through the movie (A Thin Red Line, which considering the depth of my experience was probably appropriately fucked up to be watching in this state) only to get green by the time midnight rolled around. Felt a bit ill. Unsure if it was because it was impurities (possible) or just a side effect of too many cannabinoids (also possible I suspect).

Fell asleep not long after and slept about 12 hours.

Overall I experienced pretty intense auditory hallucinations with minor visual. Low level hallucinogenic experience all around with intense mind racing.


Active Member
scary stuff!!

Once, way back in the day, i got so high i ended up stuck in the framework of a wall. Couldn't move. Was seeing bugs everywhere. Was horrible for about 3 hours. Thank god someone rescued me (haha!) and sat me on a couch so i could watch "the breakfast club." i thought it was emilio estevez that rescued me, but i am sad to report that it was not. Lol!! Doesn't sound as scary as the post above, but was a total nightmare.


Well-Known Member
I see a pattern of people scaring themselves with too much good sativa. Know yourself and research strains before touching them, I say.

As said before I am familiar with severe panic attacks not just a little bit of dizziness and a racing heart. I mean blackouts, uncontrolled self harming, fitting etc, but never from weed. I I feel my hear rate elevating a bit like the beginning of an anxiety episode coming on I remind myself it's only weed and won't kill me. Funny that, because I never seem to be able to rationalise the situation and calm myself down when I have panic attacks day to day. I smoke lot partially because my anxiety attacks lessen.

Maybe we all just react differently?

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
when i was younger i got so high i panic'd and went home from school, thought i was gon die...... i lmao n get picked about it..... i told the teacher i was high and left..... b4 i did he gave me a lesson on gettin stoned.... everything that takes place on the body....... i was like that is koo


Active Member
I love ecstasy and someone suggested I try a candy flip (LSD and Ecstasy) said it was super fun--so I did and had a horrible dark dive into the rabbit hole. For about 8 hours I alternated between freaked out pacing, the fetal position and moving all blankets and pillows in the house to my backyard. The whole time i felt like I was focusing on staying out of this hole in my head that if I entered I would never come back. But what REALLY sucked is that when I recovered a couple days later and smoked some weed I had a huge flashback right to the hole-- I tried again in a couple of weeks-- same thing-- I gave it a couple of months--same thing. I ended up not being able to smoke for over a year.


Well-Known Member
Not so much paranoid, but I went to a neighbor to see if they had any extra weed they might be willing to sell and they said no, but we are sitting down to smoke this blunt and you are welcome to smoke with us...and I was like me and my ex-brother-in-law went in and sat down and started smoking with these was like 5 people sharing 2 blunts, and in about 15 mins I realized all I could hear was my own heartbeat, like when I looked around the room everyone looked like they were talking or laughing but all I could hear was dudum dudum I stood up real quick and was like I gotta go and ran out the door..I was only like 2 lots down from my house and this whole neighborhood was on a straight line pretty within sight of any other I'm walking down the road back to my house and every few minutes I would just feel lost...and I would look up and it's like alright, keep took me forever to get home, and by then I just felt sick...dudum dudum dudum....I only had a weed induced panic attack once so far...this time I felt my heartbeat all through my when you shut your hand in a door and it throbs...but it was my whole body...dudum dudum I don't really feel a lot of anything when I smoke now, I find I don't get as "high" when the weed is used in a non social situation...It is probably because I don't smoke as much when by myself...but when you start smoking and talking to someone else that is smoking you just kinda keep on smoking and talking, and then before you know it you are both super baked....I need a friend that smokes....lonely smoking alone all the time.


Well-Known Member
I love ecstasy and someone suggested I try a candy flip (LSD and Ecstasy) said it was super fun--so I did and had a horrible dark dive into the rabbit hole. For about 8 hours I alternated between freaked out pacing, the fetal position and moving all blankets and pillows in the house to my backyard. The whole time i felt like I was focusing on staying out of this hole in my head that if I entered I would never come back. But what REALLY sucked is that when I recovered a couple days later and smoked some weed I had a huge flashback right to the hole-- I tried again in a couple of weeks-- same thing-- I gave it a couple of months--same thing. I ended up not being able to smoke for over a year.
ego loss can be alittle startling for some

and a complete bliss others :D