Has anyone ever made a real life friend on RIU?


Well-Known Member
Ive talked to 3 people here on the phone..and there all cool ..would love to smoke some weed with them....


Active Member
I make friends here where I reside ...I smoke in public all the time....I don't care who's around!!!! Making friends on a forum feels like online dating to me


Well-Known Member
She's with matt rize and crypt right now and they're having a huge hardcore threesome.

Now you know!


Well-Known Member
I've met 2 dudes from RIU, and sold seeds to one of them.
It was all good.

I also feel like I've made some "real" friends on RIU.

I have also referred a bunch of people to this site


Well-Known Member
Ya lets hang out illl show you my setup.Next day your getting jacked or raided.Get a fucking clue.


Well-Known Member
If I was in a friendlier place and not clear on the other side of the planet there'd be several people on here I'd invite over and shoot the shit with. But to answer the question...negative.