My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?


i got my clone about a week ago and 3 leafs have died the rest looks good to me this is my first time also id really like someone to tell me if my plant is dying or its just taking root?

daniel cardenas

Active Member
i would add some perlite to the soil it will make it easier for root development and drainage, if it has roots you can get rid of the make shift dome.


Your over watering it that's why the leaves look like that. Lay off the water for 48 hours maybe more if needed.


Well-Known Member
If your clone was already rooted then it must be suffering moisture stress from being potted that way.. don't be cheap and lift the plant. Get some perlite.


i havnt watered in like 2 days already and its my first time even growing trying it out hopin it works i have 1, 42 watt cfl in there and a 15 watt is that goood or too much or not enough and like i sayed its my first time so what do you mean lift it like take it out of the pot or just put perlitefrom the looks of it does it look like it has rooted?


Active Member
Is it in rockwool? Coco is also a good method for improving soil. Go easy on nutes, water a lil bit less, try foliar feeding for a while. Good luck


i havnt watered in like 2 days already and its my first time even growing trying it out hopin it works i have 1, 42 watt cfl in there and a 15 watt is that goood or too much or not enough and like i sayed its my first time so what do you mean lift it like take it out of the pot or just put perlitefrom the looks of it does it look like it has rooted?
Ok next time you water, water a bit less then. Also everything above defo get some perlite


no i think my buddy just put it straight into the soil after using rooting gel im not too sure i just payed 20 for it and got it and trying it out i will ease off the water wait till the top of soil is crusty and dry thats wat im supposed to do right


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say it's dying. It may be moisture stress though, my plant had that because I put my rockwool cube into the soil absolutely saturated with water, once I took it out, drained it, and repotted, my plant is coming back to life. I'm not saying to do that with yours because I am not fully convinced your plant has the same problem, I just want to illustrate that these plants are tough and can take a lot. Focus on how the new growth looks, while it's important to pay attention to Fan Leaves as well, if your new growth is coming in at a good rate and looks pretty good I wouldn't stress too much


I'm not a expert but im not sure thats the right way think you need to put the clone into rockwool first? What soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
I am pretty new at this myself but my clones always do this...right when I think they are dying they get roots...


I'm not a expert but im not sure thats the right way think you need to put the clone into rockwool first? What soil are you using?
like i sayed just got it off a friend he sayed i should be good for about 2 weeks no nutes and to keep that cup on it till it grew abit and so far i havnt seen any new growth i have it on 18/6 lighting aswell should i have it on 20/4?


Active Member
I would never have a clone in plain soil, too hard... Yes i would water when the top few mills are dry. And btw, rockwool clones are great because once there ready to be potted there is already a nice root system in a moist, nutritious environment. But overall, u need better medium/drainage. Good luck


Well-Known Member
What a bad friend you have.. to give you an unrooted clone, lol I should do that prank.. if only I could tell real people :(


Well-Known Member
I would definitely not pay for a rooted clone...although does it wilt over if you leave the dome off? Or does she keep standing straight? If she stands straight then she has roots, just not enough, and if she wilts she doesn't yet...and needs the dome. It it has roots beginning then this is normal...