The 12-12 From Seed Thread

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
hey serial violator, i believe the deadly mix was molassas and ph down ONLY. that was her last feed. she looked fine prior to that. no nutes were added with the molassas and ph down..... he was doing a flush with molassas and for some reason thought to add ph down . Ihave never heard of anyone doing that before. and now i no why . I would highly recommend NEVER EVER adding ph down with molassas.. its the only thing i can think of that cause this toxic problem. I had fed her her regualr food 2 days earlier and i know that feed did not do this.
I was so upset i did not take any photos of the damage, it was heartbreaking. all i wanted to cut it all out as soon as possible to pretend like it didnt happen.
peace bro..
Cheers for the info Dr, i think you are right with the mix of up,down and molasses because ive used ph down everytime ive fed them with molasses and never got the problems you were talking about


Well-Known Member
Come on Scott, that cotton candy melting your brain. If your pulling 5oz of a bad yielding pheno 12/12, why not just do more of the same with a proven big yielder. No????
Because it wiz too big n out of control. Where as if i had topped that n had a screen a could hve easily weaved it in from seed to budding. A dnt hve the space to veg, n clones 12/12 from rooted dnt grow very big. Also if it is the aquafarm that makes.them grow so big then i tjink a 12/12 scrog.would b possible, no? Uv seen the pics n u saw it in the flesh


Well-Known Member
Because it wiz too big n out of control. Where as if i had topped that n had a screen a could hve easily weaved it in from seed to budding. A dnt hve the space to veg, n clones 12/12 from rooted dnt grow very big. Also if it is the aquafarm that makes.them grow so big then i tjink a 12/12 scrog.would b possible, no? Uv seen the pics n u saw it in the flesh
Dunno Scott. Mibby get a 100% indica like Big Bud. I don't fucking know. Im just thinking some phenos show sex a little as 2 weeks from seed??? Dont think you would fill a screen. Grow another monster. Woof Woof


Well-Known Member
Dunno Scott. Mibby get a 100% indica like Big Bud. I don't fucking know. Im just thinking some phenos show sex a little as 2 weeks from seed??? Dont think you would fill a screen. Grow another monster. Woof Woof
C now got u thinking, my little brains been doin overtime for dys. If a could scrog it and they come to do ma windows, with a little help the whole thing could be lifted and put in my cupboard because the size would be controlled, these kinda thots r doin my head in Arrrrrgh!!!!

Plus a cant really afford the lecky on 18/6 :-(


Well-Known Member
Dunno if this helps at all. But I've been thinking about trying a screen on my 12.12 but like billy says I think it would be a struggle to fill the screen.. So instead I'm just gonna try some low level stress training instead.. Just to try and keep the canopy a bit more even. The last lot I did I had one tall Pheno and one short.. Eventually I propped the short one up but even then I had to tilt the reflector slightly cos the tall one was getting to close to the bulb and I couldn't raise it anymore.. By that time it was a bit late to tie down.. Wasn't too bad though just annoying


Well-Known Member
A tried to tie the cotton dwn but grew huge. A think with the growth rate in the aquafarm u could easily fill a 0.5m2,thats all a was plannin to fill with veg. Av jst never seen it do a small plant 12/12 or with a few wks 18/6


Well-Known Member
Dunno if this helps at all. But I've been thinking about trying a screen on my 12.12 but like billy says I think it would be a struggle to fill the screen.. So instead I'm just gonna try some low level stress training instead.. Just to try and keep the canopy a bit more even. The last lot I did I had one tall Pheno and one short.. Eventually I propped the short one up but even then I had to tilt the reflector slightly cos the tall one was getting to close to the bulb and I couldn't raise it anymore.. By that time it was a bit late to tie down.. Wasn't too bad though just annoying
if you tie the top over it makes em pretty shapes too..........:leaf:

