1ST grow! Seedling ????question????


so this is my first grow and all my seeds are on their way! i decided to put them all in a togo container but now im thinking the container is not very deep (1.75in)...so im wondering if i will have any trouble with the roots? how long do they get? would they get tangled if thy dnt grow straight down? theres 11 seeds so its a little crowded i think. is it too soon to transplant them? oh ya also found alot of mixed answers whether fox farm ocean forest would be too hot for the seeds so i tried it and thats what mine are in (FFOF) with just tap water that had sat out, then when they started coming out i sprayed them with a really diluted technaflora thrive alive b-1 green, and so far they appear to be ok from what else ive seen around the internet, but like i said i dont know i might just be fucking them all up some of them have little dark spots on the curl under the shell like a purpleish color you can see in the first and last pic
any feed back is much appreciated guys thanks


Well-Known Member
Those look as they should. When I grew in soil I used to put seedlings in small plastic cups, then transplanted them in their permanent home after they had 2-3 nodes. 2" is kinda short for the taproot.


Active Member
Silly. Don't worry about b vitamin spray now. IMO that is more for sick plants and can cause node stretching if used in excess. Your problem is what you planted in. Tap roots grow straight down first and most of the growth will be underground for the start of the seedlings life. In a week your plants may only be 3 inches tall but the roots will have traveled at least 4 times that. Roots grow straight down and then circle around and back up once they have reached the bottom. With such a shallow dish your roots will be tangled up in a matter of days. try and separate and place in party cups for about 10 days before moving up to a pot. So get that done. and stop worrying so much and spraying. Less is more with marijuana. Your plants will live longer on their own then they will with you trying to fix everything all the time. Don't over water and your soil should be fine. just a teaspoon a day each plant will be enough to keep it alive but I just water when the pot or cup they are in seems light. Take note of how light the pot is before you water every time you transplant. Even if they do get burned it will grow out of it soon.


Well-Known Member
Silly. Don't worry about b vitamin spray now. IMO that is more for sick plants and can cause node stretching if used in excess. Your problem is what you planted in. Tap roots grow straight down first and most of the growth will be underground for the start of the seedlings life. In a week your plants may only be 3 inches tall but the roots will have traveled at least 4 times that. Roots grow straight down and then circle around and back up once they have reached the bottom. With such a shallow dish your roots will be tangled up in a matter of days. try and separate and place in party cups for about 10 days before moving up to a pot. So get that done. and stop worrying so much and spraying. Less is more with marijuana. Your plants will live longer on their own then they will with you trying to fix everything all the time. Don't over water and your soil should be fine. just a teaspoon a day each plant will be enough to keep it alive but I just water when the pot or cup they are in seems light. Take note of how light the pot is before you water every time you transplant. Even if they do get burned it will grow out of it soon.
i agree except the burned part, ocean forest is to strong for seedlings, get some light warrior its made for them anyways so why not use it, replant each seed in a seperate container, its small dont drown it .


Ill prob just stick to the ffof since so far thyre doin good...ill def transplant them tonight though thanks As far as the b-1 stuff thts wht the feeding chart for the technoflora starter kit I have said But i hvent been going crazy It was a one time thing and i cut technofloras mix ratios down by half