Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Im a bit slow with this so ill ask it differently.
Is aquafina distilled un mineralized?

It is neither. It is simply filtered, probably not a lot different than your tap water (depending on where you live of course). You can get distilled water at Walmart probably.
I'm interested to see what happens when you use a regular plant rather than a femmed one in the first place,not really a fair experiment until then.
I'm interested to see what happens when you use a regular plant rather than a femmed one in the first place,not really a fair experiment until then.

Not sure I follow what you mean. Are you saying a clone from a plant that one is sure did not come from a feminized seed? I don't think it matters..a female plant is a female plant. Now, if you are saying that the resulting seeds might not be feminized if you start with such a plant, I have to disagree. The feminization occurs based on some pretty straightforward science. The same reasons that I consider this a method, a practice, not an experiment.
I dunno..maybe, probably. I am pretty sure that a wide range of concentrations will work, as all of us here who have done our own end up with differences. I have to wonder why you would spend close to $50 for it though, because it really is EASY to make and very inexpensive. Five to fifteen bucks at a jewelry supply can get you pure silver wire that will last forever, everybody has old pwr supplies laying around, and distilled water is a couple bucks a gallon. Done :)
I dunno..maybe, probably. I am pretty sure that a wide range of concentrations will work, as all of us here who have done our own end up with differences. I have to wonder why you would spend close to $50 for it though, because it really is EASY to make and very inexpensive. Five to fifteen bucks at a jewelry supply can get you pure silver wire that will last forever, everybody has old pwr supplies laying around, and distilled water is a couple bucks a gallon. Done :)

I agree with what your saying, but i live in a rural area on a farm, the nearest city to me is about an hour away and i doubt they would have a jewelry shop, not even a i might try ebay. I put the values in an online calculator that convers mg to ppm and 50mg is equal to 50ppm.
I agree with what your saying, but i live in a rural area on a farm, the nearest city to me is about an hour away and i doubt they would have a jewelry shop, not even a i might try ebay. I put the values in an online calculator that convers mg to ppm and 50mg is equal to 50ppm.

I got mine here, it works great!

I am not soliciting either. The wire is much easier to clean. I called 10 jewelry shops in my area and NONE of them had any .999 pure silver for repair. I spent over 20 to get free shipping, which was really a waste. But it is silver and while its not worth much it is a precious metal and will always hold value. Unlike paper! Thats just an extra incentive to buy more, but you can get what you need for $15 for 1 foot of 14 gauge, or $8 for 1 foot of 18 gauge! Ebay has it too, probably cheaper!
2 questions

Can i take a cutting and spray it before it has roots, basically take a cutting and put it straight into 12/12 and start spraying it from day 1?
Can you spray the silver on a plant thats already a few weeks into flowering?
2 questions

Can i take a cutting and spray it before it has roots, basically take a cutting and put it straight into 12/12 and start spraying it from day 1?
Can you spray the silver on a plant thats already a few weeks into flowering?

Well, I have never tried either but I am going to guess no on both questions.

Taking a cutting and putting it directly into 12/12 wouldn't be very productive for any plant imo, nevermind the CS process. With no roots at all, the plant doesn't have the structure necessary for survival does it? Try it with a plain cutting first and see if that works.

Fairly early in the thread is an explanation of how/why CS works. If you wait a few weeks you may be a little late, as the CS blocks copper availability in the plant, which in turn is used to produce ethylene. Ethylene is necessary for ripening and producing female buds. I am guessing that by a few weeks into flower that process is well under way.

These are definitely not expert opinions.
Well, I have never tried either but I am going to guess no on both questions.

Taking a cutting and putting it directly into 12/12 wouldn't be very productive for any plant imo, nevermind the CS process. With no roots at all, the plant doesn't have the structure necessary for survival does it? Try it with a plain cutting first and see if that works.

Fairly early in the thread is an explanation of how/why CS works. If you wait a few weeks you may be a little late, as the CS blocks copper availability in the plant, which in turn is used to produce ethylene. Ethylene is necessary for ripening and producing female buds. I am guessing that by a few weeks into flower that process is well under way.

These are definitely not expert opinions.

hey mate thanx for your reply.

I usually put my cutting striaght into 12/12 when im sexy my plants, which im doing now. So i thought i might as well hit some of them with the silver to see what happens, ill let u no how it turns out, Ive got some female clones on 20/4 but im abit inpatient waiting for them to root.

the plant i have 3 weeks into flower i really wanted fem seeds out of caz its my fav strain. I might take a clone and re veg it, but form what ive heard, taking a cutting 3 weeks in takes for ever to clone. ill let u no how everything turns out
just sprayed my first girl last night using 50ppm of the silver. ill put her into 12/12 2moro. hope it all goes well.
Can do that if you want Leeroy but if you aren't in a hurry I'd spray for 3-4 days, switch lights, spray for 7 more days. Worked great for me got macho real quick. I was just too naive to recognized it right away (if you read my posts back then). Good luck.
So if there is no chance of the seeds going hermie, why do i hear alot of seed companies selling unstable strains that hermie alot, why don they use this method?
Who said there is no chance of a seed going hermie? Seeds don't go hermie anyway, plants do. Now some seeds may be more prone to it such as those produced by a plant that itself has hermied to produce the seeds.
This is just opinion and based on what I have read and what others more knowledgeable that me have said. I am not an expert that's for sure.
yea sorry i mean plant go hermie, just from what i read i thought this method produced fem seeds that dont go hermie as they flower, as apposed to making a plant go hermie from irregular light cycle and pollenating this way.
Right..a seed produced from a stress-induced hermie is likely more prone to be affected by such stress and hermie again. I think the point is that the CS process is different. It does not cause the plant to hermie like strresses such as improper light, old age etc. Instead it is a fairly well understood process of providing a chemical instruction to the plant. Therefore the seeds produced do not have the same liklihood to hermie. Any plant can hermie from stress however.
As I understand it lol
Remember, the hermie is a trait that all plants have. It is the desire to reproduce and survive if there is an immanent doom approaching. Most plants can be forced to hermie by making them go past their "ripeness/harvest" window. This is nicknamed rhodelization because if the plant can go past full ripeness without hermie, or being forced into survival mode by some mechanism be it human or naturally presented to them, then it has proven to be stable. So growers, small and large, use this method to produce fem seeds.

But when human or natural dangers present, i.e. a hurricane blows through in september and drops a ton of hail or a grower screws up and sets the light timer to alternate 12/12 one day to 24/0 the next day every other day, then the plant may try to survive early. These plants are considered undesirable, but 50/50 (a number I have read thrown around so heresay it is) of the seeds may not carry on this undesirable trait. Plus seeds are very good for you by human consumption so there are benefits to seed making buds. We small growers may not find this desirable, but outdoor growers, or larger scale may not mind.

CS from what I understand causes a chemical inbalance preventing the female flowering from proceeding normally and induces male flowers. I do not think of this as the plant forcing the hermie trait. But the trait is there already if it is, encoded in the genetics, just as you and I but on somewhat different of a level.

Thats my understanding and 2 cents, enjoy!