The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member
im not karma, but i am his pimp.but I can respond cause I own my hoes. ;)
i wouldn't consider growing those. (maybe the grape god...) If the Sensi Big bud was regular, Id grow that instantly.

most everyone here will recommend buying regular seeds. they have much less problems and IMO: are 99% always better in regular.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Nope. And in my opinion since your asking poppin single beans is a waste. Pop a pack find a keeper. Turn her into a mama and rock that cabinet out with cuts. But I've told u this before. But then again most of what u say and do makes little sense to me.
U have so much exp helping with other peoples grows all up and down the west coast.
And yet u ask stupid ass questions all the time.
And your grow looks like a straight up first time grow anything opp
And u are all over the west coast and yet u buy seeds from overseas
And u are all over the west coast and yet u don't rock the west coast clone onlies.
These are most of the reasons I don't respond to your questions.
I do like that grow cab u have. I'd never ever buy one but its cool.


New Member
with my security cameras... id seen you comming up the street.
and if you cut the bundle outside trips an alarm inside.

you touch the door knob... but i already hit the gun safe.
then its ...zoom zoom bitches ...cause i stay unlocked & loaded.

no mercy to anybody in this city. which is super gritty & aweful nitty.

i'll eat every plant before you bleed out.

come through. i'll leave the door open & seedlings in the living room.



New Member
im totally down for that dynasty super silver haze , drizella , and critical

delta9 superstar.

gonna snatch them all sooner & not later.

wierd that prof p's SSH isnt noted a heavy yield.

anybody have access to an 8 to 10 week SSH?


running those 10 weekers in the lab from clone gets em cut in 9.

i love SOG.
really i do love it.

wait till y'all see my next run ! gonna make some eyeballs pop out.


e$ko picked up the e32 trainwreck cut for a mother. all we need is a daddy.

hopefully 30 seed will get the job done.


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a silencer id go with a Gun style taser...
If you fire a gun it might attract the police.. (although maybe not in your neigborhood...)
Not who you want when your choppin up would be theives, and Proliferating Dank....

im totally down for that dynasty super silver haze , drizella , and critical

gonna snatch them all sooner & not later.

e$ko picked up the e32 trainwreck cut for a mother. all we need is a daddy.

hopefully 30 seed will get the job done.
Unless ur name isnt gudkarma, two ppl are already biddin on them.....

nd the ssh f3's iz mine....


New Member
I coulda got the grape stomper cut from cali this week but i said fuck it. Im trying so hard to keep the garden mite free and healthy. I am regretting not ordering up TimeWreck. Maybe pop these Bodhi sourdiesel ibl crosses I have to spice things up a bit. They're a lil old. I really should grow the shit.


New Member
yeah. i already see seurbidz being a pain in my ass.

i hate bidding ...unless i can use esnipe or similar.
seur doesnt look to support that type of thing.

maybe i can score a few packs over time.
no biggie. i got bigger & better sour d type fish to grill.


i cant complain.

my recent pork chop grill session of spacequeen & the now heavy bearded spacedawg should enter the lab-is-sphere in a month or so.


Well-Known Member
yeah. i already see seurbidz being a pain in my ass.

i hate bidding ...unless i can use esnipe or similar.
seur doesnt look to support that type of thing.

maybe i can score a few packs over time.
no biggie. i got bigger & better sour d type fish to grill.


i cant complain.

my recent pork chop grill session of spacequeen & the now heavy bearded spacedawg should enter the lab-is-sphere in a month or so.
I dont like bidding either, they usually arent Bid type Auctions....

around 1/5 they threw up trainwreck Buy It nows with little blessings #2 for $60-...
when i originally grabbed them they were BIN's for $40-

Already got 30 in the stash so not really interested in any more....


Well-Known Member
for one nobody on the west coast buys seeds they buy clones. few people buy seeds, me for one buy them because you have no idea what generation clone you are getting and clones can carry pests, fungi and what not. buying seeds you know its going to be legit for the most part and what stupid ass questions do I ask? I think most of you think you know more than what you do and use this forum to up your egos. And my grow is going perfect if you didn't see the pics which i think you did and put a like on it. And fuck all these new unstable strains you all drool over, stick to the basics and you will know what im talking about. my friends don't go with these crazy ass unstable hybrids you all rave about because they know their shit. I've tried to be civil with you all but it doesn't seem to work. i thought we as a community would be more supportive in what we are doing and if you all are into collecting seeds so be it, I think its the dumbest shit ive heard of. talk the talk but can you walk the walk? show some pics of what you have grown and then speak to me and cut all the negative bullshit you all like high school kids in a click and its fuckin retarded.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Pics of what? Me smoking smoking beans? Like I said the truth hurts. And u asked my opinion so I gave it. If u don't like us high school retarded kids don't post here I'm sure we will all lose sleep over it.
I called it like I see it. U are a new grower trying to talk shit to exp growers. I have about ten yrs exp growing herb. It's very easy to spot your lack of knowledge. Right now I'm running 2k for the dome. Which is the smallest grow I've had in a long ass time. If I'm a high school kid ur in preschool.


Well-Known Member
lol god dam...i'm gone for a few hours and there is a few hundred posts to read.. are some shots of the querkle sample bud i cut today.


