

Well-Known Member
If you are getting an oz of any Purple Stickly Salvia products for $50 then it is probably just the leaf, not the extract. Good extract (anything over from 40x to 160x) costs between $25 and $100 for a little purple container containing only 40mg of extract laced salvia leaves. Personally, I think this stuff is worthless for the price considering that around here you can get an oz of decent mids for between $80-$120.


Well-Known Member
i can get it at the mall in my town ,the (10x)extract and pay 55$ 4 25grams.thanks 4 the salvia web site, i havent been there b4.

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
i have tried salvia only once, last week, i smoked it in a joint, nothing happened, but i think that may be because it was only 1x salvia?


Well-Known Member
well you have to get Salvia extremely hot to get the trippy shit happening.

I personally advise either eating a large amount or smoking it in a small waterpipe that you can clear super fast and light it with a butane lighter that can produce some high temps.

I like Salvia, I think it gets a bad wrap because people treat it like pot when they first try it. It isn't any sort of drug to take when you are in a busy environment as it will make you freak the fuck out.

Myself I advise to everyone who tries it.. First off have a watcher you can trust. Second off make sure the watcher understands if he must speak to you that they do it in an extremely soft tone. Also don't watch tv or listen to aggressive music while on Salvia, I find a lot of people have the worst trips because of them. Last off make sure you aren't standing when you use it, everyone I've seen use it drop like a sac of potatoes

Also don't think about having a bad trip, I looked at it as a new experience without anything else instead of "I hope I don't have a bad trip" and mine was awesome.

Old Happy

Active Member
I don't no cause when I tried it the trip was scary but after it all passed I thought about it and it was really cool. Like everything was sparkling but i didn't know what was going on so i got scared.


Well-Known Member
I don't no cause when I tried it the trip was scary but after it all passed I thought about it and it was really cool. Like everything was sparkling but i didn't know what was going on so i got scared.
thats kinda how i felt the first time ,but the next time i went all out.


Well-Known Member
I do think the mindset before doing it is very important... that is why I have not yet. I don't want to set myself up for a bad experience.

I have read both the good and the bad and the better experiences seem to happen when the mindset and the environment is "just right".

I know it will be illegal before long. Many states are already onto it and have made possession of extract illegal. So.... I bought some while it's still available. Just so I have it for when I am ready for the experience.
Not sure how much your mindset has to do with it..I had just walked in from work, everyone was sitting around laughing and shit and telling me..just try it, and like i said it came from the mall, how bad can it be.....well it was a scarey trip if ya ask me. So if ya do try it, be in a safe place to try it. With people you trust. it dosen't last the only good thing about it..that's just my opinion.

Orange kush

Well-Known Member
i had it before and i seriously thought i was flying through the air up in the sky. The effects lasted only a few minutes, They have 30x here in Orlando FL at purple ringer. Ive heard they have 100x online.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how much your mindset has to do with it..I had just walked in from work, everyone was sitting around laughing and shit and telling me..just try it, and like i said it came from the mall, how bad can it be.....well it was a scarey trip if ya ask me. So if ya do try it, be in a safe place to try it. With people you trust. it dosen't last the only good thing about it..that's just my opinion.

Mindset is everything with Salvia, it was originally used as something spiritual, a lot of people don't give it the respect it deserves. A lot of those people get to see what I'd call "the fangs of salvia" they can vary from a really bad trip to just not working the way it normally does.


Active Member
man salvia is crazy when i tried the 10x ooohhhh my goodness man my backyard turned into this 3d pic like i could just rip a tree out of the back ground,and then every thing got dark and i saw slot machines on each side of me with fruit jack pots going off next thing you know fruit was falling out of the sky man and it was hitting me in the gut the juice was splashing up in to my mouth and i could taste it. it really wasnt that funny but i could stop laughing. funny thing is i turned my head and saw my friend standing their but then i looked back up and it was still happening. he said it just looked like i was thrashing about kicking my legs out and swinging my arms like crazy and laughing. it was a great trip man never had a bad one either!!!!

salvia is so cool with me!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Personally I'll stick with sweet mary jane:) I'm not looking for something to make me hallucinate. i did shrooms once back in the 70's and it was a bad trip.


New Member
Man salvia is dope ur can trip hard as hell. I mean HARD. I usually take about 3 fat rips and im gone for 20 min. I see people posting that is only last 5. Try the 20x and smoke a lil more. Its like 5 grams of a boomers and ur whole trip is wrapped up in 20 min or less. The shit makes you feel like your falling fast through the sky.. So crazy . I personally cannot wrap my head around why this stuff was ever legal tho. Way stronger than any pot ive smoke. What gives?


Active Member
i've tried 10x three times. never had a bad trip.

the first time i just did a little cuz of what i heard (scary things) n it was fine i could think clearly but i've never laughed that hard in my life and couldnt stop for ~2min. awesome.:mrgreen:
tried more with friends and hallucinated a lil bit n it was fun as hell.

its DEFINITELY NOT a replacement for good ol' mary but its cool 2 do every once in a while. just start off slow if ur scared.
i heard its non-toxic like bud and nobodys been hurt directly from it. lemme no if im wrong.

btw- u have to burn it hot like in a bowl or bong n it is way stronger than bud, very fun, but not better than bud.
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