I've Smoked Weed for over 4 Decades; this is my First Attempt at Growing Anything.


Active Member
shotrocker i would suggest for your next run use cfl's for veg. they are relatively cheap, bright, long lasting and effective. plants absolutely love this wavelength.
go to home depot or your local wallie world and pick up some cfl's. if you goto home depot get the 65w 2700k and if u goto wallie world pick up some 42w 2700k cfl's from GE.

the 42w work really REALLY well.
I haven't personally tried the daylight 6500k bulbs for veg because i find the 2700k works damn good for both veg and flower.

grab you a roaster pan for ham/turkey w/e this will be your cheap hood.

then goto the small electrical isle and grab some "wall-socket to light-socket" adapters (buy one for each cfl)
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use appropriate gauge wire and wire them in parallel ( i use 10-12ga speaker wire in the automotive dept, cheap like 5 bucks for a roll)

7 - GE 42w 2700k CFL's
Used from Veg to Flower 12/12 from seed got 21g average per plant. I use cfl's for veg and hps for flower now and get 34g. I veg for 30days with the CFL's then flower for 60 under the hps.



Active Member
My transplant seemed to go well. I soaked the cups in the morning and transplanted in the afternoon. I was able to keep the "mold" intact while flipping into 3 gallon pots of Happy Frog. Plenty of white roots showing. After transplanting I soaked them with a gallon of water each. After they all dry out, I'll try my first fractional feeding. I also corrected some stretches and roughed up the buried stems a little with root gel. I think it went well_MG_6903.jpg_MG_6914.jpg_MG_6920.jpg_MG_6961.jpg_MG_6971.jpg_MG_6980.jpg.


Hey Shotrocker, thought I'd say hi to ya too, make ya feel like theres people on here same situation as you. I too live in a med state. Im now on my my 2nd grow. My first grow was in '86. (And yeah I remember back before that when "homegrown" was a bad word) Maybe I should have been growing all this time, but it was illegal--- and pressures of 50-60 hr work weeks, a family to raise etc wouldnt have allowed it anyway... So I paid the dealer man $50 a 1/4 or whatever. But I'm allowed to have 12 plants now that I have my card. Damn right I'm gonna grow.(aint it cool?) Im new here on RUI too. I like RUI, but as you've been told: carefully glean the info on here. Personally, I have gotten quite a bit out of Uncle Ben (he saved my ass recently), but to each his own. Welcome!


Active Member
As I've mentioned before, I've never done anything like this. Each new step feels rewarding. I have soil underneath my fingernails! probably only a matter of time before I'm walking around in coveralls. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looking good and you have the right attitude as well -- It is a learning process that you will get dialed in!
Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
You know what this is my fav point in the growth stage right there. Little plants in big pots. Satisfing ain't it?


Active Member
awesome bro.dark green leafs no stretching,you must spoil them eh? lol. well anyway Shot i was just wondering if your going to supercrop them badd girls?i have a feeling youd be able to get 3 oz. at the least per plant (not supercropping) so if you did super crop..oh boy:bigjoint:


Active Member
awesome bro.dark green leafs no stretching,you must spoil them eh? lol. well anyway Shot i was just wondering if your going to supercrop them badd girls?i have a feeling youd be able to get 3 oz. at the least per plant (not supercropping) so if you did super crop..oh boy:bigjoint:
Wow, thanks for the encouragement, cannabiscuit. I would, of course, be happy to learn any and all moves to increase yield. If you go back to the beginning of this thread you'll see I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and made a few big mistakes early on. I really don't know what to think about these tough survivors but I'm happy to see them growing. I hope you will jump in with advice whenever you feel like it. Especially about supercropping.


New Member
Sorry I missed out on so much, I have'nt kept an eye on this wonderful looking grow, good job!

You mentioned a couple of days ago you were gonna feed them. I suggest waiting a good 3 weeks in that medium. And then starting slowly. I have used FFHF for all my grows accept my current one. I have always found the soil feeds them well for at least 3 weeks. Just my experience and humble opinion. +REP!


Active Member
Sorry I missed out on so much, I have'nt kept an eye on this wonderful looking grow, good job!

You mentioned a couple of days ago you were gonna feed them. I suggest waiting a good 3 weeks in that medium. And then starting slowly. I have used FFHF for all my grows accept my current one. I have always found the soil feeds them well for at least 3 weeks. Just my experience and humble opinion. +REP!
Thanks, bkbbudz. I was going to feed them at next watering, but, they really do seem to be thriving in the Frog, so I think you're right. Lets see how they keep doing!


Active Member
I don't think I suffered much in the way of shock. They seemed to grow right away. Thinking of pulling the plug on the teeny chocolope in the upper right corner._MG_8144.jpg_MG_8147.jpg


New Member
As far as the chocolope goes, if it is still green it can still live. If it starts to show signs of disease, then dump it to prevent possible spread.


Active Member
what are the slim white things you have on your pots?

Looking good btw.. except for Laurel and Hardy :D

I read somewhere else that the chocolope strain can be a finicky more difficult strain and 1/2 is probably good.. As the poster above said.. if its still green see what she does.