The argument being made is not that Romney or any other "1%" is making to much money, and that other people are envious that it should be taken away and given to some one else. argument is that Romney benefited from many of the benefits that our government pays for. He drives on the same roads, breaths the same clean air, drinks the same water. Most importantly he was able to invest in this country because the government was able to create the infrastructural that allowed him to invest moderately safely.
How is not fair to ask someone who has benefited from the system to pay to same percentage back as every one else who enjoys the same things. Lest many people forget it is the government which allows roads to be built, schools to be funded, and most importantly the financial infrastructure that allows for investment (where Romney made his money), to be built and sustained.
What many people forget is that the government is not some mystical power the rules the land, it is the government of the people. And for it to work properly everyone must pay fair taxes. Yes I believe if you benefit more from a system, you should at the very least pay the same portion if not more then everyone else.
All always hear that people say that government should work more like a business, then fine. The government has invested money into infrastructure so that its people, a countries most important investment, may grow. Like any good business it expects its return on investment.
While you call the motivation for people like me saying this envy, how do you explain Warren Buffets motivation. What would draw a man who would pay in taxes then I would make in a lifetime, to tell you that the system is broken and the tax system must be fixed? I will give you a hint it is not envy.
Final point:
NO business hires people based on the taxes. They hire people based on how much their consumers are spending.
It doesn't matter if you cut taxes to zero, if no one is going to spend the money in your business, you don't hire.