Did Spider Mites do This, or Did I?


Well-Known Member
Hey Gang, I have been fighting the spider mites on my first grow and I need some input from folks who know what they are doing, please. I have been spraying with Azamax. A few days ago while spraying I noticed this bud covered in a web, little bastard running all around. I cut the stem off, dosed it with azamax and hung it to dry for research. I was surprised to see what appeared to be the mites eating all of the bud's leaves while it was drying. Now, the little nugs feel like a wire brush. Thick, brittle hairs with no real leaf, it's worse than the pics. Am I right about the mites or is this from something else? I still have many buds I'd like to save. Thanks!!!!! 5th week flower, unknown strain.

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Well-Known Member
I am hoping I just overdried it. I let it hang upside down for a few days in a dark cabinet. I put them in a mason jar but they be too far gone. Anything I can do to hydrate them a little?


Well-Known Member
I am hoping I just overdryed it. I let it hang upside down for a few days in a dark cabinet. I put them in a mason jar but they be too far gone. Anything I can do to hydrate them a little?
Yeah wet a papertowel and stick it up in the cap of the mason jar and leave it for a day...buds will be nice and soft :)


Well-Known Member
No, nothing can be done to hydrate the core. The buds are like that because the plant ain't ripen, it wasn't ready. Get a miticide like AVID and apply ounce every 5 days (to your current flowering plants).. or just some neem oil until harvest and then a pesticide/ozone bomb.


Well-Known Member
No, nothing can be done to hydrate them. The buds are like that because the plant ain't ripen, it wasn't ready. Get a miticide like AVID and apply ounce every 5 weeks.. or just some neem oil until harvest and then a pesticide/ozone bomb.
I've re-hydrated weed on several occasions ;)


Well-Known Member
I've re-hydrated weed on several occasions ;)
That's what you think you were doing.. but ounce the moist of the core is gone all the usable water available for curing is gone as well. You can of course bath them.. but that wont make a difference.


Well-Known Member
That's what you think you were doing.. but ounce the moist of the core is gone all the usable water available for curing is gone as well. You can of course bath them.. but that wont make a difference.
It makes a big difference in smokeability to me rehydrating superdried weed...burns much slower :)


Well-Known Member
The mites didnt harvest too early ,you did. Also dont treat a harvested plant with miticides nutes etc ,it affects the taste of the smoke, crap.


Well-Known Member
Yeah wet a papertowel and stick it up in the cap of the mason jar and leave it for a day...buds will be nice and soft :)

Paper towel worked like a champ. The red hairs are soft as a baby's bottom, leaves swelled up a bit. Thanks, +rep


Well-Known Member
u should have rocked that shit in an h2o2 bath right after u cut. would have cleaned ur buds off a bit. too late now.