Cal Mag Problem Please Answer +rep


Well-Known Member
i use a reverse omnosis system and i have a 20 gallon reservoir and im using 85 ml of cal mag plus as of right now and there starting to lock out and get brown spot on the leafs should i add more or dont use as much ??????????
Well that's 4,25 ml per gallon... and while using RO you might need more, I use tap water and I've found myself using 10 ml/gallon at times... ditch that useless filter mate, save yourself some money as Weed actually likes and need the trace minerals of the city water, even chlorine in the right amount.
dude go buy yourself a cheap ppm/tds meter asap.and look up on how to use it.u should be using hydro if u dont have 1 or dont no wat/how much to add.
Simple answer: USE MORE CAL MAG. 4.25ml/g is the minimum dose when running an RO filter. So I'm assuming if you're seeing brown spots, and you've been making sure your ph is dialed in at 5.7, you have a deficiency. Go up to 15ml/G and see if that helps. Make sure your PH is dialed in at 5.7 to absorb the calcium or adding more is useless.
are u seriose.. so me using dynagro protekt.. and calmag.. is not good???? or do u need to mix in a certain order or wat..

I feed , water , feed.

I use protekt also...I use it on water days.

If you must use it in your nute mix, dilute it in a gallon or two of plain water and then add it to your rez.

I recently learned this and it really makes a difference. The cloud you see when you put in straight protekt, is your nutes locking up.

I found the info on a different forum. Somebody here knows what I am talking about I am sure...

Silica is a great add. Good luck getting it under control.
I have been using silica as a natural ph up every feeding for years and almost never have cal/mag issues. Can you please link to the original source where you heard this? I don't buy it.
I have been using silica as a natural ph up every feeding for years and almost never have cal/mag issues. Can you please link to the original source where you heard this? I don't buy it.

Google it homie...almost every MMJ board out there has discussed it at length...

I dont recall the original source I heard it from....
Simple answer: USE MORE CAL MAG. 4.25ml/g is the minimum dose when running an RO filter. So I'm assuming if you're seeing brown spots, and you've been making sure your ph is dialed in at 5.7, you have a deficiency. Go up to 15ml/G and see if that helps. Make sure your PH is dialed in at 5.7 to absorb the calcium or adding more is useless.

thank you i bumped it up to 200ml lets up it works