The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member
crystal throttle x chem 91

that sounds very very interesting.


man if i didnt come across an asshole here that was supposed to keep a bunch of my strains safe.

looser nearly lost everything & then got mites.

add to it he's an untrustworthy liar.

a receipe for disaster.


hoooooooooooooooooooooo wu tang

sick beatz & skillfull originality.

RIP ==> ol dirty dirt & j dilla !!!!



Well-Known Member
militarty! lol!!!! no you arent!!! you are a 15 year old kid who talks a lot of shit. or mentally disabled. neither of those = military. a and you also wear a butt plug all time.

also, they didnt let openly gay people in the military. and you are clearly openly a faggot.
I can post a picture of my DD214 saying I served for 12 years, how many medals I have, that I was in both wars, and have an honorable dischage. I'm 36 you idiot.


Well-Known Member
a real band ...a day to remember

fuck all that rap music :)



Well-Known Member
Okay everybody calm down..Personal attacks are not allowed and can lead t something other than a warning..
for real man...i dont get why people, the regulars here included, have to start shit with other people. things can always be settled without name calling and dick measuring...

just do what i did, tell him good luck and then dont read his posts any more...that simple.


New Member
I can post a picture of my DD214 saying I served for 12 years, how many medals I have, that I was in both wars, and have an honorable dischage. I'm 36 you idiot.
damn. well your a 36 year old. with the brain capacity of a 10 year old. the vagina of a 80year old, and an asshole as loose as a ukrainian hooker.

i really hate this guy. ive been tyring to myself get banned for the last 24hours. id doesnt seem to work. but for the sake of the thread. i wont respond one more time.


Well-Known Member
you come here just to tell us fuck you...and we're the ones with the problem?

outbursts like that was what i was referring to in my earlier post.

although i have been nice to you, like i am to all new-comers to this thread, i dont understand why i get a fuck you too...but i dont think i'll lose any sleep over it. good luck with your ventures buddy.
I wasn't talking about every one on here, the ones know who they are.


Well-Known Member
ya thats all fine and dandy,butthe keeps poping in and starting shit and it gets old.
But whatever the mod god has spoken(and that means no disrespect to the mod either)

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
You're an idiot, I was in search in rescue in the military for 12 years and have been to iraq and afghanistan and seen my fair share of combat and would stomp u like a grape you iron maiden fag.
really? what unit? what base? 12 years huh? how long did you serve before you qualified for CSAR?

unless you served in the fuckin Malaysian army im callin bullshit here ! there is no way the army would select a fucktard like you for CSAR....i bet you dotn even knwo what CSAR means .... go ahead and google it and come back with a gay ass relpy


New Member
you come here just to tell us fuck you...and we're the ones with the problem?

outbursts like that was what i was referring to in my earlier post.

although i have been nice to you, like i am to all new-comers to this thread, i dont understand why i get a fuck you too...but i dont think i'll lose any sleep over it. good luck with you ventures buddy.
I agree & I've completely ignored the guy. It is a shame some people get kicks outta stuff like this and can't keep the content relative. I mean I can see if some of the regulars were bullshitting with each other how it's okay but someone new to just come in and post stupid questions that google could have answered in like 3 seconds is pretty lame. That person by now should understand this as far as I can tell is a thread dedicated to people who have experience working with multiple genetics and sharing experiences working with different strains. Kinda what a seed junkie would do or be into. Not posting pics of their setup looking for praise or of the handful of shitty greenhouse or ch9 packs and asking if they're any good. There's a whole Newbie section on this forum dedicated to teach or show the ropes and plenty of helpful people around those threads that I'm sure actually enjoy schooling Newbs.

MDJenks you're simply beyond the point that anyone here is going to want to help you now and I think you're not accomplishing anything but creating flames. If you wanna feel the banhammer keep it up. I'm sure it's not going to be long before someone here has had enough.


Well-Known Member
Me personally I would like to see everyone get back to talking about and posting photos of all there awesome strains(that's what I'm here hiding in the shadows for anyway) and just drop the BS like it never happened.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't talking about every one on here, the ones know who they are.
either way you showed a big are other people in here. gotta give it to get it.

and i promise you we/they are big enough to put it in the past and start over...its happened quite a few times in here...

my little cousin was in iraq and afghanistan...he was an MP though, so you'd probably hate him lol. thanks for your service bro.


bud bootlegger



Well-Known Member
Dizzle Frost I was in 66th Rescue Squadron out of Nellis AFB in Vegas. Combat Search and rescue, you happy. I qualified when I was 20, got out for four years joined again in 2007 and got out again in 2011. And I was in the Air Force, Army doesnt have search and rescue dumb ass.

some pics while in afghanistan, not going to tell which guy I am though


You must have googled CSAR not me. SERE school for the air force is at fairchild AFB in spokane washington and is three weeks long, desert survival is in fallan nevada, jungle is in georgia, arctic survival is in alaska at elmendorf and water survival is at the pensecola naval air station in florida.


New Member
sorry cmt i love all kinds of music. from jeff buckly & nick drake to death & slayer to salsa & latin hip hop to you name it... classic rock, jazz, trance, sinatra...

that band sucks!


but i still LOVE you & the hillybilly beanery & your boys that drive around farm country high on rolls.

producer extraordinary.
his music (especially his personal stuff) is incredible.



Well-Known Member
this is a little more like it....i pretty much hate rap except for eminem...never liked old school rap...i like the mid 90's stuff..people like lil wayne, petey pablo, and lil jon destroyed rap music.

oh i was readin thru i saw someone said 101.1 is a rock station...its a rock station here too, The WRIF.



Well-Known Member
so let it all go and lets start this shit over, I think it went a little overboard and got really immature and I apologize for my part of seeing as how I am never like that. One of you must have pushed the right button. The VA hospital tries to push klonopin for PTSD all the time on me but I show them my rec and say nah Im good I have better safer medicine. Thanks cmt1984